I remember early last year when LilChico was going hard with the pennies
, I guess he's playing with more stable stocks now that he probably has good capital to sit on.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo guys. you gotta check out how to make money in stocks by william j o neil. im reading the third edition and im gonna buy the fourth edition now. this is an amazing book!

Now I know I have to buy this book
.. Ran into an old friend of minewho caught me reading a book for beginner investors, and he immediately told me to return the book I was holding back to the Library and pick up William JO'Neil's book, and he said it didnt matter what edition !!! I'll probably buy the 4th edition today ...

Lets keep this thread moving, was a lot of useful information in here ...

Question, the same person who advised me on which boosk to get also stated, and I quote, "Penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason, and no REALinvestor gambles on any stock under $15 bucks!" ... But I see you guys deal w/ the penny stocks ... why would he say this, and why do you guys like pennystocks?
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo guys. you gotta check out how to make money in stocks by william j o neil. im reading the third edition and im gonna buy the fourth edition now. this is an amazing book!

Now I know I have to buy this book
.. Ran into an old friend of mine who caught me reading a book for beginner investors, and he immediately told me to return the book I was holding back to the Library and pick up William J O'Neil's book, and he said it didnt matter what edition !!! I'll probably buy the 4th edition today ...

Lets keep this thread moving, was a lot of useful information in here ...

Question, the same person who advised me on which boosk to get also stated, and I quote, "Penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason, and no REAL investor gambles on any stock under $15 bucks!" ... But I see you guys deal w/ the penny stocks ... why would he say this, and why do you guys like penny stocks?
the same reason jordancollecta said in the previous page, basically the adrenaline rush that comes with it.
freakydestroyer wrote:
akuratl02 wrote:
andycrazn wrote:
yo guys. you gotta check out how to make money in stocks by william j o neil. im reading the third edition and im gonna buy the fourth edition now. this is an amazing book!

Now I know I have to buy this book
.. Ran into an old friend of mine who caught me reading a book for beginner investors, and he immediately told me to return the book I was holding back to the Library and pick up William J O'Neil's book, and he said it didnt matter what edition !!! I'll probably buy the 4th edition today ...

Lets keep this thread moving, was a lot of useful information in here ...

Question, the same person who advised me on which boosk to get also stated, and I quote, "Penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason, and no REAL investor gambles on any stock under $15 bucks!" ... But I see you guys deal w/ the penny stocks ... why would he say this, and why do you guys like penny stocks?
the same reason jordancollecta said in the previous page, basically the adrenaline rush that comes with it.

to me pennies are funner (?) to play because there are huge gains and huge losses coming from a very little amount of money invested. With me, my Scottradeaccount was funded with PLAY MONEY, meaning i dont need that money in my account to pay rent, car note, insurance etc.. I went into this knowing full wellthat i could lose this money. So far, I have done very well...started with $2300 and now my account is worth around $25,000 (given ups and downs I have takentoday).

What your guy said about pennies is true, penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason. BUT, if you can pick a company that goes from .01-.05, say you put $1kinto it @ .01, you would be sitting on a $4k profit
(given you can sell your position which is tricky with penny stocks)

I have heard what your guys says about pennies before, another thing that I have heard from some big players in the game is "pennies are worth pennies fora reason, but its more likely that a stock goes from .01 to 1.00/share, than a stock that goes from 1.00 to 100.00/share...same % gain"

you guys also have to remember/understand that penny stocks are much less covered/researched, which of course means that there are more likely to beundervalued stocks.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

you guys also have to remember/understand that penny stocks are much less covered/researched, which of course means that there are more likely to be undervalued stocks.
and at the same time, more scams
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I remember early last year when LilChico was going hard with the pennies
, I guess he's playing with more stable stocks now that he probably has good capital to sit on.

Yeah, I also started by playing with penny stocks. Made some very nice gains, but took those gains and put them in more stable stocks. Lately, I've beenplaying BAC, LVS, SNV, and SWHC.

I'd love to contribute more to this thread, but all everyone talks about are pennies. If folks ever wanna talk about big board stocks, count me in.
Looking to take profits on LVS and BAC near eod and buy back in on the dips.

Edit: Closed LVS and BAC. They're way overbought and trading above upper BB. Will buy back on the dips. LVS has a gap to fill below $17. Lets see if itgets back there.
count EEE as a penny if you will.

sold @ .43 yesterday for 30%, could have let it go @ .6 today for 81%

until i'm sitting on mo' skrilla i'll stick to stocks under $5
Originally Posted by nicefro

count EEE as a penny if you will.

sold @ .43 yesterday for 30%, could have let it go @ .6 today for 81%

until i'm sitting on mo' skrilla i'll stick to stocks under $5

Very nice! Profit is profit though.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by nicefro

count EEE as a penny if you will.

sold @ .43 yesterday for 30%, could have let it go @ .6 today for 81%

until i'm sitting on mo' skrilla i'll stick to stocks under $5

Very nice! Profit is profit though.
always. never mad about profit
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo guys. you gotta check out how to make money in stocks by william j o neil. im reading the third edition and im gonna buy the fourth edition now. this is an amazing book!

Now I know I have to buy this book
.. Ran into an old friend of mine who caught me reading a book for beginner investors, and he immediately told me to return the book I was holding back to the Library and pick up William J O'Neil's book, and he said it didnt matter what edition !!! I'll probably buy the 4th edition today ...

Lets keep this thread moving, was a lot of useful information in here ...

Question, the same person who advised me on which boosk to get also stated, and I quote, "Penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason, and no REAL investor gambles on any stock under $15 bucks!" ... But I see you guys deal w/ the penny stocks ... why would he say this, and why do you guys like penny stocks?

I hope O'Neils book isn't the extent of your boys knowledge. If I'm not mistaken that's verbatim to what O'Neal said in his book. Idisagree with that statement though, just because a stock trades under a certain dollar value doesn't make it bad. Plenty of good, well established stockstrade under $15 (ex. Ford).
I'd imagine the reason big players

Big players can't put $500k or $1mm in small or micro caps, they'll actually own a piece of the company that they'd rather have no business with
bump, I'm just getting into the stock market
I bought some shares of ford cuz i felt confident about the progress they've been making in 09. Sofar I'm profitting $100 from my investment...which may not be much but its a whole lot better than having that money sit in a savings or checkings accountnot doing anything or accruing 2 bucks in interest. i'ma read thru this thread and pick up as much as i can. any tips you guys can offer?
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I remember early last year when LilChico was going hard with the pennies
, I guess he's playing with more stable stocks now that he probably has good capital to sit on.

Yeah, I also started by playing with penny stocks. Made some very nice gains, but took those gains and put them in more stable stocks. Lately, I've been playing BAC, LVS, SNV, and SWHC.

I'd love to contribute more to this thread, but all everyone talks about are pennies. If folks ever wanna talk about big board stocks, count me in.

Please do....I see pennies as my bread and butter because I have been doing well at it. Sooner or later all my profits I will be looking to put into biggercompanies and just have it sit there for a bit. As one of the bigger contributers to this thread, I would like to see everyone share their views/opinions onstocks and why they get into some and not into others...there is always room to learn

ok im looking at some non-cyclical stocks right now. im thinking KFT, DLM, MCD. i like Kft and mcd's dividends but performance wise i think dlm can do wellif it can break 12
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo guys. you gotta check out how to make money in stocks by william j o neil. im reading the third edition and im gonna buy the fourth edition now. this is an amazing book!

Now I know I have to buy this book
.. Ran into an old friend of mine who caught me reading a book for beginner investors, and he immediately told me to return the book I was holding back to the Library and pick up William J O'Neil's book, and he said it didnt matter what edition !!! I'll probably buy the 4th edition today ...

Lets keep this thread moving, was a lot of useful information in here ...

Question, the same person who advised me on which boosk to get also stated, and I quote, "Penny stocks are worth pennies for a reason, and no REAL investor gambles on any stock under $15 bucks!" ... But I see you guys deal w/ the penny stocks ... why would he say this, and why do you guys like penny stocks?
i bought the 4th edition but i prefer the third.
Stocks I'm currently looking at for my portfolio. F, BP, PCU, AMT, NICE. Problem is I'm only starting with 1500-2k so I'm thinking I shouldn'tbuy all 5. Do you think 3 or 4 equities would be a better idea, and still give me some degree of diversification.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Stocks I'm currently looking at for my portfolio. F, BP, PCU, AMT, NICE. Problem is I'm only starting with 1500-2k so I'm thinking I shouldn't buy all 5. Do you think 3 or 4 equities would be a better idea, and still give me some degree of diversification.
it's def. tough to play BP especially at that investment, 10 shares and you're already at 30%+ of your portfolio with not a lot ofpossibility to profit imo....let me ask what you like about BP? i guess the dividend yield is pretty good at just about 6%, but with the amount of sharesyou'll have, it's probably not worth the investment. with that bankroll, i'd stick your money into lower priced stocks.
Yeah I get what your saying, I read real money and cramer suggested not spending any less then $500 on any one stock. It's a little confusing to me whythough (don't I gain the same percentage regardless of what I invest? Can you help clear that up for me?

Reasons for BP:
-oil stocks are pretty consistent gainers
-Low P/E of 8 compared to 20 for the sector, and 35 for the S&P
-earnings are projected to be $6.48 which is 40% over last years earnings
-27% Revenue growth
-trading above 50 dma but not extended too far
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Yeah I get what your saying, I read real money and cramer suggested not spending any less then $500 on any one stock. It's a little confusing to me why though (don't I gain the same percentage regardless of what I invest? Can you help clear that up for me?

Reasons for BP:
-oil stocks are pretty consistent gainers
-Low P/E of 8 compared to 20 for the sector, and 35 for the S&P
-earnings are projected to be $6.48 which is 40% over last years earnings
-27% Revenue growth
-trading above 50 dma but not extended too far
i was thinking of bp but i dont like those past earnings numbers. its half that of 08. but i can see oil at 100+ a barrel soon. so its your choice
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Yeah I get what your saying, I read real money and cramer suggested not spending any less then $500 on any one stock. It's a little confusing to me why though (don't I gain the same percentage regardless of what I invest? Can you help clear that up for me?

Reasons for BP:
-oil stocks are pretty consistent gainers
-Low P/E of 8 compared to 20 for the sector, and 35 for the S&P
-earnings are projected to be $6.48 which is 40% over last years earnings
-27% Revenue growth
-trading above 50 dma but not extended too far
yea, but think about it...the highest BP has ever been is just over $75, so IF it got to that price, you're still only going to be up $10 ashare ( i guess that's my technical analysis side coming into play though viewing BP's past.)...and if you only have 10 shares, that's only $100profit, like 17%, which is good, but i think you could diversify and put that $600 into some lower priced stocks that could see smaller returns that were verydoable/realistic and your profit would be greater (i don't know if that makes sense in words lol)
O'Neal's book is okay, but nothing too groundbreaking if you ask me.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is still the ultimate. It may bore you, but read it, and if you understand it, make more money than you lose.

Oh btw, don't listen to Jim, I just mock him.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

What price are you in at?

Playing with pennys will give you many sleepless nights. I have a friend that has over $30K in BEHL @ a little over .03 and is crying over it everyday.

I say cut your losses and move onto the next trade or just hold it and not look at it for a while if you don't need the funds in the near future.
I averaged down, so around 0.03. It's at around 0.01. They had new products entering the market and some good news and the stock isn'tbudging from the cellar. I don't need the funds but it gets old.
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