I still stand by these crypto currencies are nothing more than an elaborate pyramid scheme fueled by the idea of get rich quick.
You want me to believe Warren Buffet didn’t see crypto coming?
there’s nothing tangible attached to the value...most people investing in it can’t even explain what it is.
one man has sway over the crypto market as if he was the fed chief.
How many places can you even spend these crypto currencies? Never mind a new one can randomly be created at any time.
lastly....Pandora’s box has been opened with the 90 million ransom being paid to the Russian hackers. Criminals will copy which will bring in the Feds and heavy regulations.
No such thing as a get rich quick method. If there was you think everyone would know.

Dont believe everything u read

we’ll all see in the end. World economies will be merged. Mostly machines doing all the work
The thing about cryptos is governments can regulate it and outright ban it like China sort of did for some things and even outright full ban then establish their own digital currency through their own central bank. There isn’t anything special about any of these assets really. Even Bitcoin.

A government banning a decentralized asset, is kind of the point of the asset being decentralized, no?
The thing about cryptos is governments can regulate it and outright ban it like China sort of did for some things and even outright full ban then establish their own digital currency through their own central bank. There isn’t anything special about any of these assets really. Even Bitcoin.
Coinbase just went public. This country doesn’t have the balls to let the airlines go under, consolidate, merge, etc, do you really think they’re going to ban bitcoin or crypto and literally kill off a $100b company? All of that bs is just noise.

and there’s a huge difference between **** coins like cumrocket coin and legit projects with tokens that have an inherent purpose and return value to holders. The rest of the asset class is the equivalent of otc’s but the legit ones will grow and compound and create wealth for people.
Sold 4000/7000 CURI shares highest cost at $10. Should’ve waited a little longer smh. I wanted to hold that half of it until at least breakeven ($12). But I had WAY too much tied up in there though and $37k margin balance from dip buying this past week I wanted to pay off. I know I said I was holding until $15 but I had nearly $80k tied up there and wasn’t comfortable with it. Especially having margin balance and no idea wtf this market doing.

Up $8k on the year now. Was up $17k at my highest. Was -$6k a week ago. I’ll take where I’m at. Ready to let most everything ride.

Have orders to trim DKNG at $45, SQ at $10, GAN at $15.60 Adding more ROCK at $77.50 and below.
My swing trading options are trash :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I be trying to get the Max for the week on those positions
I’m better off day trading that **** :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Off topic
I don’t know how the crypto boys do it
Idk anybody who trades crypto.

maybe at most wait for a **** coin to blow up and put it in something better.
Sea Limited 🔥
I still stand by these crypto currencies are nothing more than an elaborate pyramid scheme fueled by the idea of get rich quick.
You want me to believe Warren Buffet didn’t see crypto coming?
there’s nothing tangible attached to the value...most people investing in it can’t even explain what it is.
one man has sway over the crypto market as if he was the fed chief.
How many places can you even spend these crypto currencies? Never mind a new one can randomly be created at any time.
lastly....Pandora’s box has been opened with the 90 million ransom being paid to the Russian hackers. Criminals will copy which will bring in the Feds and heavy regulations.
No such thing as a get rich quick method. If there was you think everyone would know.

Tulip coins
I still stand by these crypto currencies are nothing more than an elaborate pyramid scheme fueled by the idea of get rich quick.
You want me to believe Warren Buffet didn’t see crypto coming?
there’s nothing tangible attached to the value...most people investing in it can’t even explain what it is.
one man has sway over the crypto market as if he was the fed chief.
How many places can you even spend these crypto currencies? Never mind a new one can randomly be created at any time.
lastly....Pandora’s box has been opened with the 90 million ransom being paid to the Russian hackers. Criminals will copy which will bring in the Feds and heavy regulations.
No such thing as a get rich quick method. If there was you think everyone would know.
Tulip coins

Honestly, this to me just shows a lack of understanding and before anyone takes that as a slight, let me just say as a software dev and someone who definitely believes in crypto, there isn't enough time in the day to thoroughly research the full the scope and depth of the space, so really any lack of understanding is completely understandable.
Honestly, this to me just shows a lack of understanding and before anyone takes that as a slight, let me just say as a software dev and someone who definitely believes in crypto, there isn't enough time in the day to thoroughly research the full the scope and depth of the space, so really any lack of understanding is completely understandable.

To be honest I do feel like I'm missing something on the use-case side of the game, there may be some valid points I dont quite understand. But like u said, theres an overwhelming amount of info out there, most of it probably wrong. Theres easier dollars to be had. I understand blockchain, but investing in any given coin isnt an investment in the tech itself. What I do know is none of this **** will ever, ever be central bank sanctioned currency.
What I do know is none of this **** will ever, ever be central bank sanctioned currency.

In our lifetime people literally said things to the exact same effect with the exact same conviction about the internet and mobile phones. :lol:

Anybody who thinks they know what the future holds is fooling themselves but some things are already happening now.

Literally just hours ago a U.S. state passed legislation establishing the first state sanctioned crypto and digital asset bank.

Jerome Powell literally said today that the Fed is actively researching establishing its own digital currency.

To say no cyrpto will ever be sanctioned as currency just seems wild to me.

I understand blockchain, but investing in any given coin isnt an investment in the tech itself.

Sure, this is true in some cases but in other cases it's just false. There are coins with real use cases that leverage their technology to solve real problems, coins of which either the token supply or the revenue generation is directly tied to the technical function and the coin's usage and adoption. In that case, you are absolutely investing in the tech itself.

It's a lot deeper than just, blockchain. Painting the entire space and the thousands of projects in use and in development with one brush will never be accurate. What applies to Dogecoin doesn't apply to Algorand or Terra Luna.

I actually think your Tulip Coin comparison is perfectly apt for Bitcoin but it holds no weight when applied to Flexa Network.
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In our lifetime people literally said things to the exact same effect with the exact same conviction about the internet and mobile phones. :lol:

Anybody who thinks they know what the future holds is fooling themselves but some things are already happening now.

Literally just hours ago a U.S. state passed legislation establishing the first state sanctioned crypto and digital asset bank.

Jerome Powell literally said today that the Fed is actively researching establishing its own digital currency.

To say no cyrpto will ever be sanctioned as currency just seems wild to me.

Sure, this is true in some cases but in other cases it's just false. There are coins with real use cases that leverage their technology to solve real problems, coins of which either the token supply or the revenue generation is directly tied to the technical function and the coin's usage and adoption. In that case, you are absolutely investing in the tech itself.

It's a lot deeper than just, blockchain. Painting the entire space and the thousands of projects in use and in development with one brush will never be accurate. What applies to Dogecoin doesn't apply to Algorand or Terra Luna.

I actually think your Tulip Coin comparison is perfectly apt for Bitcoin but it holds no weight when applied to Flexa Network.

Yea I can definitely see govts adopting crypto at some point, however, my point was that its not going to be any of the coins available now. If I could buy a fed coin I would consider it, but at that point its probably no dif than investing in the dollar.

Give me your best use-case and I'll check it out. I guess what I dont understand is why any market participants would adopt a coin currently available to the public for any given use when they could just develop the tech/platform themselves. Seems extremely expensive and unpredictable to implement some use for btc, for example.
The dollar says “in god we trust”

well, a lot of ppl are saying they trust btc and crypto

this is why. Edit:Not the ONLY why!
Tech is gonna start ripping. Left a lot on the table selling those 4000 CURI shares for $10 SMH. Have to scale out slower next time.
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