1k1 strong. Keep it going. Sad that we have to play their game to have a chance at freedom but we will win
Why does nobody talk about GME in here?

Or in a lot of places for that matter.
Because theres not much to talk about now and boomers dont like to admit the markets are fundamentally broken. Pretty sure some of us were preaching to high heaven for people to get in on GME when it was 15-20 per share :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Also GME being overshorted doesnt change the fact their business is still on the brink of death. But I'll hold these 10 shares until I can retire off them!
Is GHVI movin
Why does nobody talk about GME in here?

Or in a lot of places for that matter.
To me, there's not a lot say.

I believe, they have a legit chance of a turnaround and that will take time. If they begin to trade at an E-commerce earnings multiple, things might get fun.

All that reddit short squeeze talk, sounds like fantasy to me.

While I wait for GME, I'm looking at my SPACs. GHVI might take off next.
Is GHVI movin

To me, there's not a lot say.

I believe, they have a legit chance of a turnaround and that will take time. If they begin to trade at an E-commerce earnings multiple, things might get fun.

All that reddit short squeeze talk, sounds like fantasy to me.

While I wait for GME, I'm looking at my SPACs. GHVI might take off next.

I agree, it sounds like a fantasy... but when day’s like today happen... things are definitely... interesting to say the least.

I won’t lie though, sometimes it feels like stock market Qanon 😭😭the way they analyze Ryan Cohen and DFV’s tweets are something else.
we bottomed in stocks and crypto.

institutions loaded the boats, stole your shares and coins and will get richer

if you kept perspective and bought in the fire, you just got wealthier as well

know what you own, it's how you develop conviction, and when you have conviction, it's easy to keep perspective

let's ride

Interesting that you feel this way now. I feel that the stock market is going to collapse.
Someone mentioned reits a few pages back. My 401ks US REIT index fund is out performing the sp500, sp400, and Russell 2000 over the past 2 months. Glad I kept them in my pocket. Diversify. How many of you are okay with offsetting stocks, where half your portfolio goes up (say tech), and the other half are in stocks that tend to rise when tech is down. Green and red is natural but maybe that’s just me.
I just feel like Reddit is the only place I really see any discussion around it.

Almost feels like Fight Club, and you aren’t supposed to talk about it.
I just feel like Reddit is the only place I really see any discussion around it.

Almost feels like Fight Club, and you aren’t supposed to talk about it.
Feel free man. I'm still riding the rocket. It's slow in here anyways right now since the sky stopped falling. Think GME is actually gonna squeeze to the moon or are we going to see some more slight ups and downs?

I say slight as they had a ******* 15% pop today :lol:
It’s because the company is a dead end and the squeeze happened. The only thing that can change their fate now is a real fundamental turnaround. And the only way that happens is if they start appealing to crypto miners as well as embracing esports tournaments with a GameStop token.
It’s because the company is a dead end and the squeeze happened. The only thing that can change their fate now is a real fundamental turnaround. And the only way that happens is if they start appealing to crypto miners as well as embracing esports tournaments with a GameStop token.

Did it happen though?
And Robinhood halted buying the stock for what reason then if that was the end of it?

And don’t tell me it was to save people from themselves.
My honest question, how do you explain a 16% day on a Tuesday , that isn’t jumping from retail investors.

If you have a legit explanation for it, I do want to hear it. I’m new to investing in general, and you seem seasoned. I know a 16% day sure isn’t normal though.
And Robinhood halted buying the stock for what reason then if that was the end of it?

And don’t tell me it was to save people from themselves.
My take, which is not fact but the theory I've put together after reading and watching this all extremely closely. This is also a simplified version because i dont want to thumb-type a book:

To prevent history's biggest margin call that would sink the markets by more than 50% in a matter of days. RH wasn't the only broker that halted trading. If the hedge funds that shorted GME got margin called on GME, they'd have to liquidate EVERYTHING to cover their exposure. You saw what happened when Archegos got liquidated and the stocks they were exposed to sunk like the Titanic? Imagine that for the SP500 and NASDAQ in whole. Nobody wants that. Not the brokers, not the hedgies, not retail with their 401k tied up, and especially not regulators that would have to actually do their jobs then.

Not that that excuses the hedge funds. In fact it should solidify that these crooked ****s need more oversight and regulation. Not the markets or retail traders or brokers, but the hedge funds that lever up 10, 20, 100x expecting history to never repeat itself. 2008 wasn't long enough ago that I or many others forgot what it looked like when funds and insurers went under. Chaos and panic. GME almost caused that again once the rocket had liftoff.

Now, GME is still over shorted but not to the extent that they were 3 months ago. I would imagine. The stock price is holding and trending higher because of continued offloading by levered funds. So long as the company doesnt create a selloff of retail traders and institutional ownership, the price should trend higher. How high? Nobody knows. Depending on the models used, it could fly to a 50BN market cap or drop to 1BN again, we'll see soon enough.
Just because it’s moving doesn’t mean something fundamentally changed. They could collapse 80% tomorrow and no one would bat an eye because based on fundamentals it’s a dead company. Only people in it are really gamblers who are tossed a few bucks into it (probably some traders too), some Reddit readers who still believe in that post, and inexperienced people who don’t understand P/E ratios and don’t read the F/S.

Like listen if you think you can make money with it because it will somehow make money, more power to you. But if the rug gets pulled up from under you don’t cry that somehow to system is flawed. You have longs and you have shorts, institutions don’t short in such a large quantity unless the fundamentals of the business are severely flawed with no future outlook.
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