I'm up on GME waiting for June to go really stupid.

But I'm more excited about my SPACs, just have to get through the quiet period.


Might add FWAA
I usually take my L's like a champ

But this BABA L is a hard one for me. How BABA? Why are you still lingering at these levels? How?

Bought LEAPs in Nov 2020 that expire in Nov 2021. Disaster!!!
Nice to see some air come out of the bubble in the past couple of months especially in all the profitless tech companies and garbage spac's.

Still a lot more down to come IMO. Good luck everyone.
Nice to see some air come out of the bubble in the past couple of months especially in all the profitless tech companies and garbage spac's.

Still a lot more down to come IMO. Good luck everyone.
NKLA is still worth 4.8BN based on lies, white papers and promises that have been broken numerous times. Until they die, I'll expect the bubble to keep shrinking.
Went 40% cash today. Unloaded all my PENN, DKNG, GAN at their highs this morning. I’m going to an island for a week and I’m not convinced the consolidation is over yet. Took some profits. Gonna take a month break from the market because I’ve been on my trading app too much. I realized I took a couple wash sales on accident SMH.
So Nvidia announced a 4 for 1 split on Friday. Would you buy before of after the split?

Before. Theoretically it shouldn't matter but the price of a stock sees a bump more often than not. More purchasing potential for retail I guess. Beware continuing selloffs tho; NVDAs market cap has flourished more than most over the past couple years.
we bottomed in stocks and crypto.

institutions loaded the boats, stole your shares and coins and will get richer

if you kept perspective and bought in the fire, you just got wealthier as well

know what you own, it's how you develop conviction, and when you have conviction, it's easy to keep perspective

let's ride
we bottomed in stocks and crypto.

institutions loaded the boats, stole your shares and coins and will get richer

if you kept perspective and bought in the fire, you just got wealthier as well

know what you own, it's how you develop conviction, and when you have conviction, it's easy to keep perspective

let's ride

This speech got me pumped like Braveheart
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