
If we're going to keep seeing inflation prints of 3-4%, and a ten year that might touch 2.0% and the fed continuing to inject stimulus into the economy and another fiscal stimulus this feels like its going to persist. The market is going to test the fed come June/july I feel and we're going to see the 10% sell off. Long term not concerned though.

This higher rate business killing my portfolio though. I'm very growth-biased and future earnings are being discounted so heavily. I think trying to play things in any respect during the COVID period is a mistake, I am just ignoring it all.
I’ve been sitting on my hands for the last few weeks even though I want to buy dips.

Trying to buy a new house in this market has been such a mindf$&@. Anyone in the same boat? Wish me luck fam. I can’t wait until this process ends so I can go back to DCA and get in on these dips, but knowing my luck, it’ll probably be raging when I’m ready to go again. I’ll live vicariously through y’all peeps loading up the boats and the Stock draft thread :lol:
I had the same mindset as you. Back in June 2020 I said after the recovery I will buy a house by summer 2021. Had my eyes on a couple in the 700-850k range here in NYC.

Went into the market heavy, gains were great at first. I mostly had good companies, max 8 stocks. Fastest bull market ever though.

Now between the tech sell off and crypto crash all gains completely wiped and in the negatives. Back to square 1, building up my savings again and this **** sucks.
I’ve been sitting on my hands for the last few weeks even though I want to buy dips.

Trying to buy a new house in this market has been such a mindf$&@. Anyone in the same boat? Wish me luck fam. I can’t wait until this process ends so I can go back to DCA and get in on these dips, but knowing my luck, it’ll probably be raging when I’m ready to go again. I’ll live vicariously through y’all peeps loading up the boats and the Stock draft thread :lol:

Exact same boat. Housing market is too crazy in Northern California though, so I said f*** it and threw my money back in crypto :lol:.
Best advice is literally just buy AAPL or AMZN on the next slight dip and just hold forever. Or stick to total market index funds if you cant stomach a huge correction.

I got greedy on stocks that made 100+ % gains in months and didnt properly balance my safe and more riskier securities.
I still stand by these crypto currencies are nothing more than an elaborate pyramid scheme fueled by the idea of get rich quick.
You want me to believe Warren Buffet didn’t see crypto coming?
there’s nothing tangible attached to the value...most people investing in it can’t even explain what it is.
one man has sway over the crypto market as if he was the fed chief.
How many places can you even spend these crypto currencies? Never mind a new one can randomly be created at any time.
lastly....Pandora’s box has been opened with the 90 million ransom being paid to the Russian hackers. Criminals will copy which will bring in the Feds and heavy regulations.
No such thing as a get rich quick method. If there was you think everyone would know.
Through the flexa network (amp) I can spend crypto in person

Buffett missed out on Fb aapl amzn and GOOGL, the biggest revolutions in our history, very easy to believe he missed crypto

also, bs ****coins are not the same as coins with purpose and token holder value.

and just because anyone can code a coin, that means wth (the platform enabling that and the currency used to create that coin) and bitcoin are bs?

you need to do some research before writing off the next tech revolution.

how do you feel about AR/VR while we’re here? Just fads too?
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I still stand by these crypto currencies are nothing more than an elaborate pyramid scheme fueled by the idea of get rich quick.
You want me to believe Warren Buffet didn’t see crypto coming?
there’s nothing tangible attached to the value...most people investing in it can’t even explain what it is.
one man has sway over the crypto market as if he was the fed chief.
How many places can you even spend these crypto currencies? Never mind a new one can randomly be created at any time.
lastly....Pandora’s box has been opened with the 90 million ransom being paid to the Russian hackers. Criminals will copy which will bring in the Feds and heavy regulations.
No such thing as a get rich quick method. If there was you think everyone would know.

“Just HODL and one day you will be rich” -crypto investors

Don’t try to sway crypto investors from this belief. It is literally a religion at this point. Trying to argue it’s a pyramid scheme, get rich quick scheme, etc... is like trying to tell a devout Christian that god is not real. I know this because I’ve gotten into both conversations with the same person.

Not everyone is gonna get rich on crypto like they think, but don’t tell them that. They will be bagholding their **** coins for as long as they are waiting on the second coming of Christ.
The thing about cryptos is governments can regulate it and outright ban it like China sort of did for some things and even outright full ban then establish their own digital currency through their own central bank. There isn’t anything special about any of these assets really. Even Bitcoin.
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