How all that translates to a $15B is the problem.

I think what is lost on many people that are new to the stock market (not saying you are) is valuation. It seems like a lot of people find a good company, sector or story they like and assume its a good investment at whatever the current price is when they had this epiphany. The price you pay matters, the valuation you are buying into matters.

A house can be well built, in a good neighborhood and in a hot market, that doesnt mean paying 2x the list price makes it a good investment.

If you are looking at GameStop and thinking of fundamentals, you have it all wrong. Fundamentally the company was dead in the water. Now, they have no debt, nearly a billion in cash and brought on an e-commerce dream team. Even with that, it is overvalued. But this is not a fundamental play. I suggest anyone looking for more info go to Reddit r/supertsonk or r/ddintogme there is a lot of garbage to wade through but there is good info there and the AMA’s recently have been fantastic. Also ask yourself this. If the shorts covered why is it still up? Why is the movement of it so far from any sense of normalcy in the market?
I mean we already talked about this and I thin JRS mentioned it but GameStop should use this opportunity to sell mining rigs to mine their own crypto.

i’d buy one just to join the movement and I’m sure a ton of other people would too.
This may or may not be applicable to this thread but I wanted to get NT's thoughts on this:

Do any of you guys have a financial advisor? My wife and I were thinking about going with Charles Schwab or Fisher investments to handle our finances going forward.

I don't have much of a desire to day trade, play the markets or go deep into learning about crypto. I would prefer to have a trained professional help me with this.

That being said, we don't have *that* many assets. I'm paying the mortgage on our home, I own a rental property in another state, I have stock options through my job and around $150k we'd put towards investment.

My fear is dumping money into retaining a financial advisor (I hear they can have a $2000/year retainer) and not getting a return on my investment.

Would it just make more sense to put my money in index funds (like I've been doing) and call it a day until/if I hit $500k?
In the space you're in a financial advisor is a total waste of money. If you really want to talk to someone you should look into a financial planner, you will get more out of that. Help with estate planning asset protection and the like.

Retail financial advisory is a total scam.
trimmed fb to 6.3% and fsly to 5.8% positions this morning. buying the dip in crypto left me with 0 money to pay bills this month lol so I needed the funds. ironically, this forced me to erase my cc debt (had stretched out purchases for a fixed price of $1-5 added each month rather than paying interest) so I'll take it. should be able to dca and save more aggressively now.
Was wondering what made pton pop

for how bullish I am on them I guess I should have doubled down with that treadmill recall discount
What's going on?

I've been removed from the stock market.

Is this a fake pump? Any legit reason/theories on why we're pumping?

What's the ongoing narrative now as it pertains to tech and high growth companies?
Same here bruh. I've been all up in crypto since that I haven't touch my stocks much. Notifications are running off this morning.
Is GHVI movin

To me, there's not a lot say.

I believe, they have a legit chance of a turnaround and that will take time. If they begin to trade at an E-commerce earnings multiple, things might get fun.

All that reddit short squeeze talk, sounds like fantasy to me.

While I wait for GME, I'm looking at my SPACs. GHVI might take off next.

I have high hopes on GHVI/Matterport. I'm hoping they break out big.
But didnt JRS say all the shorts were covered and closed their positions in January?
Reddit perpetrates this notion, that the shorts is a singular entity lead by a one hedge fund to rule the all. But there are as many people betting against GME, as there are rooting for the moon. If someone thought GME peaked at at 40, 80 or 150, maybe some of these people are receiving their margine calls on a week like this.

There are hedge funds with millions and billions of assets, that can easily afford whatever collateral they are asked to put up.

"Hey Paul, we need you transfer 10 million by the end of the day?"
"Sure Bobby, you know, we're good for it."
"Thanks, send your mistress my regards."

This is why I'm reluctant to bet on a short squeeze, maybe GME's current price reflects a continual squeeze of small players, who just extended themselves at the wrong time.
Never said all shorts, just that the epic squeeze happened and I wouldn’t be betting on it anymore, I’d be looking for a new catalyst to propel the stock and maybe this nft ******** is it.

took a piece of snow off for a small loss. Earnings were good but a miss, valuation is bad and CML pro dropped it from top picks.4.6% position for me. Don’t want to risk riding the whole thing down.
Webull new app update is fire I like how the watchlist has the company logo and it’s a light flash on price movement

i wish tos would do the same

and Robinhood has it to where you can see the break eve on your option before you buy

they probably put that there for the folks that scroll all the way to the top or bottom to buy a option contract that expires that week

just to blame it on somebody else when it doesn’t work out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you guys keeping eye on PSTH? Ackman claims the target is either weeks away from agreement or could be on to next one if target backs out….very interesting play
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