I really wish we can just get this correction over with and get back to printing. Pull backs over and over are annoying.......just give us the 10-15% correction and lets move on.
Yo NT fam, any one here on clubhouse? I don’t post much here but try to soak up as much game as possible and roll the momentum to other platforms.

Holler if you’re interested. I definitely think some of y’all could contribute to the platform and lead the discussion in rooms. Hell, we could formulate an NT group 👀
Is this the correction? Should I be selling my entire portfolio?

The million dollar question: does this continue or do we rally back?

No one fxcking knows.

Looks like jobless data is the driver here today. Whether or not this is the catalyst is the question.
You guys are paying too much to the day-to-day movements of what for most is 20-year money. I am down 8.5% on the week...
Image result for bill russell yawn gif

Couldn't care less.
I want someone to poke holes in this idea that I have been toying around with for a few months. What would be the drawbacks of me just deciding to roll my entire 401k to an IRA and then do so every 12 months, in essence carrying NO 401k monies and keeping it all in IRA. The reasoning is two-fold:

  1. Fee compression. Fees are a big return detractor, my 401k charges me fees (It is a total of One basis point but a fee nonetheless) whereas an IRA has no fees.
  2. My ability to generate Alpha. My 401k is 100% indexed, whereas I don't carry index exposure in my IRA at all, and have generated returns over the index every single year and ideally, would continue to do so (overconfidence bias here is a flaw)
Anything else I am missing? Besides the obvious fact that I could just blow myself up with bad ideas?

If you could I would recommend it.....I have left a few jobs over the last 4 years and taken that money and put it in IRAs....doing much better than if I had left it in 401k.....I could only do that when leaving a company........does your company allow you to transfer out?

I’m looking to leave current job, I already Maxed out my 401k for 21 in anticipation I do get new job and can roll that over to another plan for that one is to be super aggressive.

Something I learned Recently that is good to can retire at 55 and draw money from your 401k penalty free.....BUT it needs to be 401k fund that is managed by your employer that you’re retiring from.....#GOALS
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If you could I would recommend it.....I have left a few jobs over the last 4 years and taken that money and put it in IRAs....doing much better than if I had left it in 401k.....I could only do that when leaving a company........does your company allow you to transfer out?

I’m looking to leave current job, I already Maxed out my 401k for 21 in anticipation I do get new job and can roll that over to another plan for that one is to be super aggressive.
I've only changed jobs once but when I did leave I rolled to an IRA as well.

I haven't called my HR department to find out if we can transfer out yet but if I can I may only do half. Keep some index exposure as a hedge.
I've only changed jobs once but when I did leave I rolled to an IRA as well.

I haven't called my HR department to find out if we can transfer out yet but if I can I may only do half. Keep some index exposure as a hedge.

I doubt you can, companies top dogs have relationship with the guys that manage your 401k, they wouldn’t want people pulling out of group investing to do your own.....but try and let us know! Good luck
Reflation fears are a thing but the reality is there was not a single stock worth buying the past week and now we are seeing a retrace to levels of interest for buyers. Dip your toes against the 21 ema and 70 dma. If they hold you hold, if they fail, you stop out. Just automate it and ignore everything else. I’m getting smoked in U and FSLY. 10 year holds so **** it.
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