Not sure if it means anything to anyone. I work a County job in NY. They started installing EV charging stations at my job. We have 0 EV cars currently.

So what they were saying about Government fleets going electric, they weren’t lying.
Up nearly 800% on my CCIV calls, everything else was red today though...still these calls kept me earning..

Good stuff.....I hope that when the merger happens, this shoots all the way up to $150 by IPO time becoming a hypebeast / meme stock - except this actually has a lot of promise.
You have to know where to chase and where to just watch and wait or ignore. Strong fundamentals with a 5-10 year plan that could 3-5x at minimum, chase. ******** momentum stock hot in the moment that has a history of running and dying, wait for an entry and set up.

RIOT is a turd first and foremost. It’s a runner, you can make money off it, but if you’re chasing you’re gonna get destroyed.

yall need to read the spoiler I posted from CML pro about reflation and be prepared for what could be coming.
My guy told me to buy the dip on CNET yesterday. Glad I did. Broke even today with everything else red. Closed a bunch of positions and looking for new plays for Monday.
I know you guys reference Ark & Cathie a lot, but are any of you guys long ARKK?

Don't see much risk going long. I would but I already hold stocks that they have larger positions in.

Honestly don't like that they have so much influence though. In terms of long term investment, obviously do your own research. Don't buy a stock only because they are buying.. especially now.
Yea she mentioned BFLY and it popped right away.

Yeah, the Cathie influence is kinda crazy

But she had been buying that while it was still LGVW (before the ticker change). But she's the reason it's flying as much as it is.

Not mad though, been in LGVW since it was around $13
When ARK publishes reports like their “Big Ideas” it is easy to see why they are so influential


plus Tasha Keeney is bae
took off PTON here for a small gain. Market just looks heavy.

SFTW presentation. Looks like the PLTR of space. Satellite imaging with AI/ML to analyze the data. Took 50 shares. Think this is a $20 stock

CAPA proteomics silicon chip. Might see ark buy this eventually. No position. Haven’t read it yet.
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I want someone to poke holes in this idea that I have been toying around with for a few months. What would be the drawbacks of me just deciding to roll my entire 401k to an IRA and then do so every 12 months, in essence carrying NO 401k monies and keeping it all in IRA. The reasoning is two-fold:

  1. Fee compression. Fees are a big return detractor, my 401k charges me fees (It is a total of One basis point but a fee nonetheless) whereas an IRA has no fees.
  2. My ability to generate Alpha. My 401k is 100% indexed, whereas I don't carry index exposure in my IRA at all, and have generated returns over the index every single year and ideally, would continue to do so (overconfidence bias here is a flaw)
Anything else I am missing? Besides the obvious fact that I could just blow myself up with bad ideas?
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