Added some more today..
100 AAPL
1200 CURI
100 DIS
80 KO
100 SNE
100 T

Been thinking about getting in AMC again :nerd:
This just called me broke
Numbers GIF.gif
NET is a little more overpriced but yeah, these narratives are being misunderstood. I added in after hours. Probably too early but whatever.
I'm doing 216c2a 216c2a numbers soon as I get a salary

Edit: Not soon, prolly a while into my career lol

Stay focused and consistent. It takes time but you'll make it. I started investing at 22 with ~$5k. Took huge losses the first two years but didn't let it discourage me. Learn from your mistakes and those of others and cut the bad habits, the sooner the better. I turned 32 this year and I would say that I'm as "reckless" with the spending but the big difference is that I'm not an idiot now :lol:
Fastly call was solid. Guidance was conservative. Tiktok is back but under 10%. Dip looks good to be bought over the next few sessions.
Stay focused and consistent. It takes time but you'll make it. I started investing at 22 with ~$5k. Took huge losses the first two years but didn't let it discourage me. Learn from your mistakes and those of others and cut the bad habits, the sooner the better. I turned 32 this year and I would say that I'm as "reckless" with the spending but the big difference is that I'm not an idiot now :lol:
Inspiring bro 🙏🏽
Yo JRS, do you still run that website/blog that focused on technicals? I remember following it wayyy back. Wondering if you've shifted your focus from RSI, MAs, etc and how you're selecting stocks now.
Yo JRS, do you still run that website/blog that focused on technicals? I remember following it wayyy back. Wondering if you've shifted your focus from RSI, MAs, etc and how you're selecting stocks now.
I think you’re thinking of someone else who used to do that. I forgot his name, but it was like wiz something. He was a nice dude too. I’m just on Twitter for now doing a daily scan of the stocks in my watch list and have a weekly podcast that 7 people tune into each week.
I think you’re thinking of someone else who used to do that. I forgot his name, but it was like wiz something. He was a nice dude too. I’m just on Twitter for now doing a daily scan of the stocks in my watch list and have a weekly podcast that 7 people tune into each week.

Oh you right, it's wizards23. The 3 of us were the first 5 posts of this thread. Wondering how guy is doing. Seems like the market these days DGAF about technicals.
Oh you right, it's wizards23. The 3 of us were the first 5 posts of this thread. Wondering how guy is doing. Seems like the market these days DGAF about technicals.
Yeah he was a cool dude, I remember he got into some personal issues and then I blew up my account again and stopped following things. Hope he’s doing well.

CML Pro words on reflation fears and what that means for the market

There will be a narrative that will soon be prolific, that focuses on the dual tailwinds for technology companies of reinflation and the end of COVID.

Reinflation refers to price increases in a basket of goods and services due to the vast amount of pent up demand for those goods and services that were unavailable to the populace during COVID times.

This ranges from travel, to hospitality and impacts commodities (like oil) and possibly wages as lost jobs return.

The narrative will read cautiously based on what we hope will be a nearly once in a lifetime spike (or recovery) in the cost of certain items.

This reinflation should be a one-time event, let’s call it a few quarters, and then subside to normalcy.

But, the fear will be that the accommodative fiscal and monetary policy that was adopted to stave off mass depression and save lives was in fact too aggressive.

We will be told that an efficacious vaccine and a return to some semblance of normalcy is bad.

We will be told that a return to job growth is bad.

All of this will fall under the purview of “inflation fears will dominate the market narrative for several months.”

Hey, we even got fresh data to support the inflation fears just this morning.

U.S. retail sales for January were massively better than expected and a dramatic recovery from December.

* Retail sales in total were up 5.3% month over month (MoM) versus estimates of 1.1% and up from -1% (negative) in December.

* Retails sales ex-auto & gas were up 6.1% versus estimates of 0.8% and up from -2.5% in December.

So, why am I writing about retail sales in a market moving earnings report?

I do so because soon enough none of earnings will matter, which is to say, the doom and gloom prospects of inflation colliding with the “not stay at home” narrative could hit tech stocks indiscriminately.

But, what are we so fearful of?

* A reinflation due to a ‘V’ ish shaped recovery is good news, right?

* An efficacious vaccine is good news, isn’t it?

* An end to COVID is good news — even required news.

If this is bad news then what’s the alternative?

* A never ending COVID pandemic?

* A dead economy irrespective of fiscal and monetary policy?

Certainly, all will be on the look out to see if the reinflation is temporary, but for now we must hope for it because without it we are stuck in a limited world, this world, where a health pandemic dominates everything.

We have evidence that the booms and busts in retail sales are entirely COVID driven and likely to find equilibrium:


We can talk about earnings results, but the next year will be about the elephant in the room — and financial media will make sure that elephant has a magnifying glass on it — because elephants on their own aren’t big enough.

Now, on to the “side” story that is earnings.

He’s not talking about a long trade... be careful chasing RIOT. Have a stop and a plan. This isn’t owning bitcoin. Make money, make more money, but know the risks and the potential unwind that will happen on a big down day.
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