No based on my understanding. I work in the tax field and specialize in corporate tax but we get firm wide briefings. We discussed this a bit back in the spring when the first one went out. It’s really just meant to help the middle and lower middle class earners only.

now if they paid you inadvertently back in the spring because your 2018 earnings were low enough and your 2019 tax return wasn’t filed yet, from my understanding they weren’t going to make you pay the difference back.

thanks. Kinda sucks but im not surprised
No based on my understanding. I work in the tax field and specialize in corporate tax but we get firm wide briefings. We discussed this a bit back in the spring when the first one went out. It’s really just meant to help the middle and lower middle class earners only.

now if they paid you inadvertently back in the spring because your 2018 earnings were low enough and your 2019 tax return wasn’t filed yet, from my understanding they weren’t going to make you pay the difference back.

It was meant to help the wealthy too. They sent $1.7 million dollar checks to people earning over $1 million annually. I feel like the middle class were the ones left out :lol: :smh:.
Stop at 13 for trit. Not interested in playing this one without a stop. Stops in my lowest conviction plays. Not touching any of my higher ones.

edit: actually wanted to raise cash and de clutter sold trit, CURI, ipof, SDGR. Would own SDGR again but want the cash just in case
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Stopped out of the majority of my holdings today. TRIT is donezos, CURI is poop but somehow is still hanging on for me - might tighten the stop. FTHM is strong as hell. Wish I went deeper on the initial allocation.

RDFN, EXPI and Z are really driving the portfolio bloody today. I will hold for a bit but might take profits on everything and reset for the new year.

I separate my crypto from my equities and Ethereum has me up a ton on that side of the house.
If you’re feeling bloody today guys, that means you were chasing and you had very little to no cushion. Don’t chase this market. Days like today should be buying days in your strongest convictions.
2021 plays? i been combing thru lists. seeing the same picks with GRWG being tops on a lot of em. what are y'all looking at for 2021?
What the hell is going on with RDFN? I don't remember seeing this type of downward action when "da stimulus" talks happened before.
It was meant to help the wealthy too. They sent $1.7 million dollar checks to people earning over $1 million annually. I feel like the middle class were the ones left out :lol: :smh:.

The question wasn’t related to PPP loans and how they were flawed and abused. That’s a whole separate topic I’m not going to get into. It was just related to the checks normal folks received.
The question wasn’t related to PPP loans and how they were flawed and abused. That’s a whole separate topic I’m not going to get into. It was just related to the checks normal folks received.

I know, and I misspoke, it was due to tax breaks. But, still, designed for the wealthy and lower class.
I am officially OUT of 2020 aside from AAPL, BAC, and VOO, which is less than 8% of my portfolio. So nearly 93% cash right now. I locked in my first red day this month today, but if I don't get swingy over the next few days will end at +126% for the year. If you sprinkle in my crypto I am well over 300%. Just unheard of and quite honestly a joke. I will take a hard look at closing out my Bitcoin and Ethereum this week.

My outlook for 2021 is entirely based on interest rates and the magic printer. If we get stimulus 2x next year and the fed keeps rates low, I think there is potential to have one more "2020" before the wheels fall off. At some point, fundamentals will reign supreme again and this will all come crumbling down. It has been a true struggle to ignore outrageous P/E's and simply trade price. I have morphed into a relative strength and price movement trader and I don't really like it. Lucrative, but just doesn't feel right.

Congrats to everyone this year as it seems things have gone quite well for most. It sounds terrible, but here's to another year of money-printing and artificially low rates, so we can eat once again. If you see the Fed tighten, jump ship like you have never jumped before.
All of you give some really good info here. But a couple days later after joining in, I'm still utterly lost. Do you guys recommend any good read for starters?
Read around on this site.

Added one share of shop. Cathie wood is buying and it’s a nice pull back to the breakout point so worth a small add. Zoom is starting to look good. Want to see it gap fill.
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