Nibbled a little SDGR and trimmed Z. Waiting to see what the next CML Pro top pick is before doing anything else

selling CURI looks like a mistake. Very strong today.
I'm not in PDD but this Chinese stock is up 120% in the last 3 months.

Insane given all the tensions and anti-monopoly stuff with China. It seems to be one of the immune ones because it just keeps ripping. I guess what's been bad for BABA, Tencent and JD is good for PDD?

At the time of this post it's up over 12% today
I bought into it in 2018 off the recommendation of a friend. I sold them when they hit the mid 30's. Wish I held. I bought back into them a few months ago, made some money and then sold them again. Now I'm wishing that I held.
BABA bounced back a quick 10% off the lows of $215 on Monday. I was hoping it would stay that low until I got paid on Friday. The quick easy money has been made on that one.
I bought into it in 2018 off the recommendation of a friend. I sold them when they hit the mid 30's. Wish I held. I bought back into them a few months ago, made some money and then sold them again. Now I'm wishing that I held.
The good part? You made money on it both times 8)

Cant say I've done as well with most stocks I sell early and FOMO my way back into later :lol:

PLTR $30 2/19 call opened. Let's fly, Skynet.
The good part? You made money on it both times 8)

Cant say I've done as well with most stocks I sell early and FOMO my way back into later :lol:

PLTR $30 2/19 call opened. Let's fly, Skynet.
Will do some more research into them to see if they can trend towards $200 or better.
i shoulda sold all **** it ill still sell my last 5 at a profit bought at 28..didnt u get in at around 10 ?

im also waiting on the CML pick (insert jack nicholson yes gif)
got in at 20 after the earnings, didn’t add at 15 but should’ve.
Thanks for posting this. Was looking into going back into it. Will stay clear for now..
Pm me if you want the research report on FUBO to just see the whole story. I didn’t read it yet but beth is still long and hasn’t deviated from her plan. I personally always looked at FUBO as an opportunity in the advertising side so I’m curious what the analysts think there.

good thread on trit
The good part? You made money on it both times 8)

Cant say I've done as well with most stocks I sell early and FOMO my way back into later :lol:

PLTR $30 2/19 call opened. Let's fly, Skynet.
Opening some of those calls as well, will probably end up getting out around the end of Jan. I also own 100 shares

those nndm $10 calls looking real good as of now
CML Pro webinar has been fantastic so far

biggest takeaways, 2021 has the potential to see some LARGE draw downs but the upside should outweigh the downside, just keep perspective and be ready for the volatility, previous high growth stocks could see real selling pressure, excessive call buying and SPAC/IPO parabolic are incredibly dangerous and it would be healthy to see that slowing down, TCL’s android tv’s has a backdoor to the Chinese communist party and that could be a major risk for ROKU and it wouldn’t shock Ophir to see ROKU down $100 in a day (hedge), NLS has been ducking him hard and could be giving up on their software aspirations, JMIA Black Friday numbers were excellent showing real growth YOY

My plan is to hedge roku, grab some cheap volatility and raise cash by putting stops in place for my weakest stocks and letting the market take me out.

2021 is not going to be easy and could be dreadful especially if the vaccine rollout isn’t smooth and people refuse to take it
So ROKU $125 1/21/2022 puts?

God the premium on these options are expensive.
Honestly only way to do it is a spread just to cut down on the cost. I’m gonna look tomorrow and see where it could be a magnet if things went haywire. Just to reiterate though, he’s nowhere near bearish, but thinks the market could overreact to this issue.
Raises a good point about SPACs. So much money flowing into them now and so little acquisitions that are worth it that at this point a lot of these spac’s are merging so the manager can get their bonus not because they’re the best targets. Something to keep in mind moving forward

FUBO got euphoric and moved too fast. It will probably not be a top pick. Thinks roku will hurt Facebook
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Gotta have a plan fam and not chase parabolic moves. Some smart people I follow are hanging on, I personally don’t see the appeal yet. Needs to hold 29 for me to consider it to no longer be a falling knife.
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