I disagree. Obama created a very strong foundation. Although he's tried, Drumpf hasn't been able to completely **** it up yet. People are employed and spending hella money. The economy has been very strong.

Obama era/fed policy was QE and low rates, easy money, tons of buybacks, tons of corporate debt.. trump is continuing the same exact legacy and attempting to expand on it, total zombie market.

Since 2009 Global Central Banks have pumped in $15 trillion in stimulus creating an imbalance in the investment demand for and supply of quality assets(4). Long term government bond yields are now the lowest levels in the history of human civilization dating back to 1285(5). As of this summer there was $9.5 trillion worth of negative yielding debt globally. Last month Austria issued a 100-year bond with a coupon of only 2.1%(6) that will lose close to half its value if interest rates rise 1% or more. The global demand for yield is now unmatched in human history. None of this makes sense outside a framework of financial repression.

Amid this mania for investment, the stock market has begun self-cannibalizing... literally. Since 2009, US companies have spent a record $3.8 trillion on share buy-backs(7) financed by historic levels of debt issuance. Share buybacks are a form of financial alchemy that uses balance sheet leverage to reduce liquidity generating the illusion of growth. A shocking +40% of the earning-per-share growth and +30% of the stock market gains since 2009 are from share buy-backs. Absent this financial engineering we would already be in an earnings recession.
I disagree that none of it makes sense (assuming you think it should be dropping). I think it has made sense.

Not Japan 2.0. We'll get Democrat leadership back in place, expand immigration and keep it going for a few more generations.
Immigration ironically is our only hope so under the circumstances you provided, I do agree that it would work our overall. But if we ever go into negative rates. We’re ******. I’m just so happy I have an annuity with my job that guarantees 7% interest compounded annually. That’s one less headache for me.
Can bynd really stay this high? **** makes no sense to me :lol:

It might suffer like Tilray in the long run
Regardless I’m not trading that **** no time soon
But I was on StockTwits poking fun at whoever tried to short it before ER
I saw some dudes short it after the bell yesterday for a quick scalp before it ran back up

If next week is anything like this week
I’m looking into swing trading some position with my RH account
And day trading with the other
And I hate holding overnight
The product is good and is becoming a recognizable brand. Same time it’s gimmicky as a company. It’ll ramp to 200 before sitting back into the lock up. Wouldn’t short it more than a quick trade until we approach the lock up or raise rates.
We might have to revisit the beyond meat convo
At the end of the year man

second quarter is approaching its end and a lot can happen at that time frame
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The product is good and is becoming a recognizable brand. Same time it’s gimmicky as a company. It’ll ramp to 200 before sitting back into the lock up. Wouldn’t short it more than a quick trade until we approach the lock up or raise rates.

It may be a gimmicky company but the vegan/meatless wave isn't a gimmick.
Officially retiring tomorrow. Lol.

Selling put spreads is the only thing you can do with bynd right now option wise. Unless you have the capital to sell naked. Volatility is ******* jacked.
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