Just saw an interesting question in a Robinhood group on Facebook that asked "would you invest in the company you work for?" Made me think for a second and realize that there are some good prison based stocks that I could toss some money in. Currently looking at $GEO & $CXW. They have a good trajectory & a nice dividend.

Also got my eye on real estate stocks such as $AHT
anyone else buying gold?

My gold and gold miners are looking nice over the last 3 months
I think precious metals will outperform stocks over the next 5-10 years. I haven't been buying but I think the bottom is in on them. I think platinum won't go much lower, palladium continues to make new highs as demand exceeds supply.
Back in the positive. Up about 30% overall. Playing with baby money though

Just opened up a TD ameritrade account last week. Slowly delving deeper
Trump gonna catch these mans hands

No BRK.B buyers here?

Just wondering what B.Diddy did with all that cash on hand when the market took a dive in December. They might report a solid quarter, we shall see.
Just got paid a dividend of 13 cents per share by Archrock $AROC
Dividend of 15 cents per share should be dropping on the 28th from Ford.
NVDA up 11% after hours to $166.

That’s a good run up from $135 it was at a few weeks ago.
I've been sitting on my hands for a while... and just missing opportunities. Wanted to buy some Nvidia around $130, but then people were saying it was going to drop to less than $100. Wanted to buy a few others, like CGC and CRON - but they've blown up in the last couple weeks. Same with GE. Completely wasted my money on CEI :lol:

I was thinking the market would be pulling back a bit, but it seems like that was only a blip.

That’s why I preach (but don’t always listen to my own advice) never trying to time the market. Every time I do, I end up making mistakes. If timing the market was so easy, the professionals/experts would constantly beat the indexes... very few actually are able to (yet we all think we’ll be able to).

Sold all my FB around $130 to realize losses, hoping I’d be able to get back in around the same price 30 days later. ~30 days later that mug was ~$160.

I actually just opened a position in Canopy last week. I’m going to watch the ETF MJ for a few weeks and look to establish a position.
Riding it out the market is always tough. I had to re-buy in so many times the last few months to average down. Looking ok so far, just need to sell at break even and wait for a drop to re-buy back in
This has been a nice runup from the December lows but I think the market high is in for the year. Almost similar to last year.
Opened up a position in TGODF this morning. It's a marijuana play out of Canada. Also been watching the ETF HMLSF but haven't opened a position yet.

Edit - up 8% after I copped this morning. Good sh*t.
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