You would think I had inside information with that Apple call but all the information was right in front of our eyes. All their suppliers were slashing forecasts and Apple said last quarter they would not break out the iPhone sales anymore in their reporting.

Apple's forecast is going to really drag the market down. PE ratios are irrelevant right now so don't get caught holding that bag because they told you in a book that a PE of X means a stock is undervalued.
Apple know darn well aint too many people going to buy those Iphones at the current prices. Got me thinking about going over to Blackberry when I do get rid of this 6s Plus.
Of course Apple knows their iPhones wont sell like this forever. They're still prioritizing iPhones but also expanding into their Services segment and trying to be more than iPhones. As long as they keep their brand equity high, they'll bounce back to a trillion market cap in the future (hopefully sooner rather than later).
looking forward to the opportunity 2019 brings. Im back in the market cant wait to see how the year goes with the tough times certainly on the horizon
You would think I had inside information with that Apple call but all the information was right in front of our eyes. All their suppliers were slashing forecasts and Apple said last quarter they would not break out the iPhone sales anymore in their reporting.

Apple's forecast is going to really drag the market down. PE ratios are irrelevant right now so don't get caught holding that bag because they told you in a book that a PE of X means a stock is undervalued.

Yeah that was a good call. Are you in the industry? I'm a longterm holder so I don't mind the current buying opportunities. I'm sitting on a bunch of cash after selling all my FB so I'm ready for some more blood.

I got lucky at sold a grip of AAPL at around $215 to put a downpayment on a house and furnish it. Pure luck, cause I'd still be holding all that had I not needed it for the crib.
So what is the actual plan for you all?

Pulling out and staying cash until thing settle? Short term trading? Still putting $ in and just not looking at it?
I've pretty much pulled out most of my money and put it towards crypto. There's a couple stocks I'm looking to get back in, but I don't know when that will be.
So what is the actual plan for you all?

Pulling out and staying cash until thing settle? Short term trading? Still putting $ in and just not looking at it?

Regular contributions. Added 10k in December. Adding another 10k for the month of January soon; and so forth.

I hope it goes lower so I can get more shares for my money.

Apple is selling less iphones, global growth slowing, recession coming blah blah... will markets be higher in 30 years ? Just keep sending me my quarterly dividends.
Yeah that was a good call. Are you in the industry? I'm a longterm holder so I don't mind the current buying opportunities. I'm sitting on a bunch of cash after selling all my FB so I'm ready for some more blood.

I got lucky at sold a grip of AAPL at around $215 to put a downpayment on a house and furnish it. Pure luck, cause I'd still be holding all that had I not needed it for the crib.

I'm not in the industry but I read a lot and have learned by losing a lot of money over the years, mainly in options trying to swing for the fences.

That was some good luck that you got out of Apple at $215.
So what is the actual plan for you all?

Pulling out and staying cash until thing settle? Short term trading? Still putting $ in and just not looking at it?

I'm stacking cash and still holding some stocks in dividend reinvestment plans. Unless we go into a full blown deep recession, the dividend stocks with 5%+ dividends should at least break even during the next couple of years.

It is so damn hard to time the market to short it. You have to have the direction and timing right. Who knew what quarter Apple would miss their numbers, it was coming and inevitable but its impossible to call whether it would be last quarter or this quarter. Same with Nvidia, it was clear their business was slowing down but you can't predict exactly what quarter they will warn and reduce guidance.
Word. I’m done trying to time the market. Just make sure I’m always adding cash to my portfolios and ensure I have cash on the sides for the downturns.
Word. I’m done trying to time the market. Just make sure I’m always adding cash to my portfolios and ensure I have cash on the sides for the downturns.

Yea, it's damn near impossible because of all the fraud and manipulation. Apple knew back in November that their iPhone sales were tanking and they couldn't meet their numbers. They can do accounting tricks to get through the next quarter but there is only so much they can do if the bottom falls out of their sales. So they created a lot of bagholders at $200+ a share when they said things were fine in November. What I am learning is that not only do you have to be right, you have to be right about when the company will be forced to go public with the bad news.
Would you support reducing the quarterly earnings reporting requirements to semi-annual or even annual?

I understand why it could make sense, but the opportunity for even more fraudulent activity concerns me.
Would you support reducing the quarterly earnings reporting requirements to semi-annual or even annual?

I understand why it could make sense, but the opportunity for even more fraudulent activity concerns me.

I think it would only increase the fraud and manipulation.
Jobs data looks good
All economic signs look good actually

If the Fed doesn't hike rates in 2019, I think market will be fine
That was a great jobs report. Wow, 312k jobs. Between the jobs report and the China central bank cutting rates we should see a nice short term boost in the stock market.

The Fed can't hike rates or they will invert the yield curve, so it is becoming increasingly more likely that they stand pat this year on rates.
That was a great jobs report. Wow, 312k jobs. Between the jobs report and the China central bank cutting rates we should see a nice short term boost in the stock market.

The Fed can't hike rates or they will invert the yield curve, so it is becoming increasingly more likely that they stand pat this year on rates.

When is the Fed announcing their decision o that
I could be wrong, but I see a turn around in early spring again before things go south end of the year.

:rofl: :rofl:
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