Housing market should continue to drop heavy in 2019, not sure of all the implications but if it
Drops enough I’m copping properties on the cheap.
I agree. Discounts on real estate don't come often; but when they do...

One of my bigger regrets in the 2007-8 recession was not buying.... was living in Detroit area, first job out of college, decent amount saved up and was going to buy some things - but I was talked out of them by some people. Was going to buy a brick loft in Detroit for $25k, or one of the condos off of Woodward (right across from the brand new Little Caesar's Arena) for $70k.... both are going for around $300-400k now.

"WhY wOuLd yOu BuY a pLaCe iN dEtRoiT?!?!"

Was going to buy Apple when it was like $90/share, before it split 7x and is now at what, $150?
Ford at $1.82 - but my dad warned me they might go bankrupt
GE was under $5
So if I bought my house last spring it was bad timing?

CGC and Cronos along with GUSH all nice for me this week
I wish I didn't miss out on CGC in late December. I was watching it but didn't get a chance to buy in around 28-30

I wish i was playing with more cash. Im up 40% on CGC. Average of $30.70

I only got 1 share on 12/26 at $25.77. Couldve made a big move there
I wish I didn't miss out on CGC in late December. I was watching it but didn't get a chance to buy in around 28-30

Same here. Just been watching a lot of different things.

Figured we were going to continue to dip, but that has slowed for now it seems. Good jobs report and everything back to normal?
Anyone going to nibble on NVDA today?

Down 15% to $135ish but still not at the lowest levels reached in December.
NVDA projected $2.2 Billion in revenue. The last time their revenue was that low was Q4 2017 and their (diluted) EPS was $0.99. Even if you apply a PE multiple of 25 on the stock, you get between $100-125 a share. That may be even too high a PE for a business that's revenues are going in the wrong direction.

This could be a $50 or lower stock in 12 months.
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