I do my planning on the 4hr and daily charts. Only look at the shorter time frames to try and pinpoint exact entries. Longer timeframe is what you should be using to confirm swing ideas.
Conspiracy theory time on GME.
Beat earnings, Ryan Cohen officially announced as head of board of directors, new CEO from Amazon. Had their 8k ready to file right after the meeting showing the same number of proxy votes as their reported float, which means they likely had well over 100% votes in days ago, they cannot report over 100% on their filing. They also got authorization to sell another 5 mil shares. They are already almost a billion cash positive and no debt. The new offering will give them over 2 billion, they can then do a dividend they have rumored about which will trigger a share recall and shorts will be forced to cover triggering the squeeze.

regardless of what you think about fundamentals, how can you not afford to hold a position on them just based on knowing the float is way over 100% owned still.
Another quick $1k on CLF this morning. Did same thing I did with BB. See a lot of mentions on WSB, buy $10k worth of stock, set sell order at 10% gain.2/2 now after swearing off meme stocks. But I know it works until it doesn’t and I’m not risking more than $10k. And no options. Shares only.
Oh also, GME is still up 1% from 5 days ago. Soooo nobody should be panicking AT ALL :lol:

The friend of mine who initially got me into this madness told me yesterday that “based on the DD the price could drop to $30 and it wouldn’t make a difference.”

Not sure how I feel about that lmao.
I did fine, but I could have done fine times two, if I had been more prudent.

Pride hurts like a mother though.
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