sounds like you might be a follower of my account, jrod54life jrod54life lol

exited snow, 70x 2029 ebidta, 23% CAGR 2023-2029, I'll pass at this valuation

bought pd 2.6% onds 1% jmia 1% w the money
lol yes sir follow you and also am a CML pro member

SNOW is amazing just high valuation but just like ABNB their only issues are high valuations but great companies would love to get back into SNOW if this drops further

glad i did find your account its how i decided to get into AMP as well :nthat:
yeah if snow tanked, I'd probably buy it back if I had the cash.

I sold it in my daughter's custodial, now I'm trying to figure out what to replace it with. can't get an idea so I may use it in her index fund.
when it rips through 129 it won't be coming back any time soon.

I hope so. This 3 and 6 month chart are straight up ***.

Hope so three. I have 2023 leaps for Apple. With rumors of Apple Glasses and Apple Car I hope there are some big catalysts coming up. First leap I have ever done, it's kind of nice to sit back and not worry too much about the day to day.
Imagine owning AMC since the ath in 2017 at $33, and DCA, and waiting and waiting and waiting. And then selling at $2 for a loss a few months ago? Are there signals or triggers or is it sort of luck for some?

Gme was on a downward trend for something like 5 years.

I'm in 2 years in with a few stocks. I guess I hold forever?
Who knows when they pop? Even the long game is tricky.
Hey, if you’re a teacher, then let me say “Thank you!”. Not sure how it is in your part of the world, but around my way, teachers have had it tough this pandemic. I have 3 cousins who are teachers and I feel awful for what they’ve been through. The government has pretty much given them the middle finger. No contingency plans made for learning at home, not putting them on the priority list to receive vaccinations, and even having the audacity to tell them to drive down to the US border (2 hours away) to get the vaccine. And even when the province did shut down schools for 2 weeks, the teachers and schools weren’t even made aware of the decision until it was announced to the public, leaving teachers 1 day to scramble and devise home learning plans. Brutal. It has been terrifying.

You are in the prairie provinces in Canada? good to see another CAD here hah.

I'm a doesn't take much lmao. But thanks talking to someone about the tax implications next week.
Thank you for all you do! Teachers in USA don't get any praise for any of their work (esp. public teachers from what I read on internet)

Summer vacation is coming up and getting my summer "bonus". Hoping to make some good trades coming up now with more time to spend looking at things.

johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm hows the kid? 1 year old now? hope shes sleeping well (middle of the night is tough).
Are there any benefits to custodial accounts? Just quickly looked it up, other than you can invest and grow money vs a "high" interest cash account. Is there an separate registered account for education savings in USA or only custodial?
Imagine owning AMC since the ath in 2017 at $33, and DCA, and waiting and waiting and waiting. And then selling at $2 for a loss a few months ago? Are there signals or triggers or is it sort of luck for some?

Gme was on a downward trend for something like 5 years.

I'm in 2 years in with a few stocks. I guess I hold forever?
Who knows when they pop? Even the long game is tricky.
AMC, GME, and the other meme/Reddit stocks should not serve as a litmus test for your understanding of fundamentals or assessing your investment strategy. This is some other ****. Regardless of whether it was part of some clever white collar ploy, the company literally advised you against investing in its stock in its latest SEC filing.

AMC was steadily trending downward prior to COVID quarantine. I think we all could reasonably agree that the increase in substitutes for the traditional movie theatre (i.e., home streaming) played a role in that. And now that the world is opening up I'm supposed to believe the stock today is worth 5X its pre-pandemic level? When the adoption of substitutes/streaming has been increasing this entire time? Yea ok...

That is not to say real money hasn't been or still can't be made. Just maintain perspective and act according to your risk tolerance level. If you have a position, enjoy the ride and take profits along the way. Keep a few shares and buy the dips only with money you are willing to lose.
9 months now, thanks for asking fam. She still gets up every 3-4 hrs but goes back to sleep when you hold her. I don’t mind, get a lot of research done lol

custodial just gives you freedom to do whatever you want with the money. 529 in limited to a handful of funds with no say in their holdings and the kid can only use it for school. Custodial, I build and pick and she can use it for whatever she wants when she hits 18. Bad thing is they count it against financial aid.
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