Official San Francisco 49ers Off-Season Thread (5-7): Let's get ready for the Draft!

Originally Posted by dland24

That is why I am surprised that after only 2 preseason games, a starter has been named.

I get what you're saying about the "QB Battle" thing ... IMO they just wanted to throw it out there that there was gonna be a QB battle just sothey can give hope to the Alex Smith faithfuls (NT23) that the smith pick hasn't been a bust.
Like few others have said, I think Hill's last season performance put him over the edge... but I cant wait to see what he does come week 1 of the season
all the alex smith apologists need to accept that hes a bust and will never be a nfl starting qb
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by dland24

That is why I am surprised that after only 2 preseason games, a starter has been named.
I kinda feel what your saying. Since neither QB has outperformed each other in the exhibition games they should be on equal footing if this was a true competition.

But by all accounts both QBs have been playing fairly even, with maybe Hill pulling ahead (based on practices and scrimmages). Also, the onus was clearly on Smith to outperform Hill. He just hasn't shown that and quite frankly, I don't think you need two more exhibition games to see if he can still do that.

Agreed. Alex Smith was going to have to really outperform Hill for the starting job and he hasn't done it. But at the same time, Hill hasn't been muchbetter. I'm really curious to see how Hill plays this year, since he's being named the starter now...
Originally Posted by dland24

Has Shaun Hill done anything in his time in the preseason game to prove he deserved the #1 spot? No he hasnt. Neither has outperformed the other. So why is it that the Niners dont see how they do next game or even the next 2 games to decide who is the starter?

If this was really a true QB competition, based on how they have played in the 2 games, there is no way that you could determine a starter. Period.
They need a starter so he can get a good amount of reps w/ the 1st team O. Sing said all along if it was a tie Hill gets the job. Smith had hischance and he couldn't pull it off, the battle was fair and he lost lets move on.

Here's the complete Q&A from today's media sessions with Coach Mike Singletary, who announced that Shaun Hill would be the regular-season starter.

As always, thanks to the 49ers media relations department for providing the transcript:


On Adam Snyder's injury:

"Thankfully, we got the X-Rays back and it was negative. He's doing fine. We are going to keep him out this week. Next week will be a day-to-day situation. He'll definitely be back for our first regular season game."

On whether he will be the starter in the first regular season game:

"I think so."

On whether Marvel Smith will start this week or it will be a rotation:

"Well, right now we need to look at how Marvel is progressing. That's the thought right now, but we don't want to rush the program that we have Marvel on. We want to make sure that he is ready to do that, full time."

On the program he's on being one practice a day:


On whether there's anything new with the quarterback situation:

"Yes, we have decided that Shaun Hill will be the quarterback."

On whether he will be the starter for the regular season:


On when he talked to Alex Smith and Shaun Hill about his decision:


On their reactions to the decision:

"They are both class guys. I talked to Shaun first, then I talked to Alex, as individuals, and this morning brought them in together. I had a chance to talk with them both sitting there side by side and just had them understand why we made the decision and how important it is that they continue to push each other and compete and really thank them for how they have been throughout this whole process. I feel very fortunate to have both of them. They both made great strides. I'm very excited about Shaun, where he stopped off last year in terms of how he ended the season and how he's progressed through the offseason. Alex Smith coming back through all the stuff that he's had to work through, put it behind him and began to compete. I'm very excited about both of them and that's what I want both of them to understand, that because Shaun Hill is the starter, I still believe that Alex Smith is going to be a great quarterback and I'm excited about his progression. They are both positive about it and we'll just continue to go forward."

On whether there was anything from the Raiders game that persuaded him one way or the other:

"No, we just had to basically look at the entire offseason up to this point and make a decision based upon everything we've seen."

On what he likes best when he looks at Shaun Hill:

"I like the consistency. I think he has a commanding presence about him when he gets in the huddle. I think the guys have learned to rally around him and his leadership. Alex Smith continues to do that. Alex Smith, as I said before, made great strides. I'm very excited about what he brings and what he's had to work through to get to this point. Shaun, right now, really offers a lot of leadership and I'm excited about that."

On whether the game against Dallas will be more pass-oriented to get Shaun a few more reps before the regular season:

"No, I think we are going to continue the progression that we've been on. It's not looking at Dallas or looking at anything that they do to make us do anything different than we've been doing. I just think right now, we just want to continue to bring the offense together. What do we do well? What do we need to throw out? And continue to focus on the things that we feel are a part of the identity of the 49ers offense."

On when he felt Shaun Hill started to separate himself:

"Well, there was never a huge gap at any particular time, but I think it some of the intangibles that I talked about just a couple of minutes ago. It's just a matter of Shaun having a presence in the huddle, leading us through the end of last season and really having the confidence coming into this, probably feeling in his mind that he was the guy all along. Alex Smith, on the other side, having to prove that he can get through all of the stuff to get to a point of competing. I'm very proud of what he's had to overcome. The injuries, the setbacks, all of the other intangible stuff that no one really understands he's had to work through, and I'm extremely proud of that, about Alex."

On how much Shaun will play against Dallas:

"I don't know right now. I anticipate he will take most of the first half, but I still have to look at this week's work and kind of look at the load as we go forward."

On why this decision was made now:

"One of the things that I thought was important was as we approach the regular season and looking at the quarterback situation as it is right now, I felt that right now would be the best time, not only for the quarterbacks, but it was also the best time for the team. It was also the best time for the receivers. It was also the best time for the O-line, getting a feel for who is going to be back there, who's going to be leading this offense and who we can rally around right now. I felt with this upcoming Dallas game and being an important time of the preseason, that third game, particularly that first half, the first three quarters, it's really like a regular season game for most teams. And I really felt that the timing was right to begin developing the continuity and the synergy that we need as an offense going forward."

On whether this competition makes him feel better about his backup, seeing what he saw:

"One of the things that I want to stress, and I stress it to them, is don't see backups. One of the things that I don't want on this team is backups. I want starters and I want number twos. I want number twos to feel that at any given time that they go in, they are playing, there should not be a huge drop-off. They are only number twos because they are not as good as number ones for whatever reasons, but I don't want to use backups. And I stressed that to Alex. Just because Shaun is the starting quarterback, I don't want Alex to feel like, 'Ok, now I'm just a guy out here in the dark.' No, I want to continue to develop the rapport and relationship with the quarterbacks as well as everybody on this team. That's very important to me. Everything is about relationships. So I made sure that I stress that today."

On whether he has spoken to the team about the decision:

"I have not yet. No."

On whether he will talk to the team about it before or after practice:

"Maybe after practice."

On whether he gauged the pulse of the team before making the decision:

"Actually, I talked to Jimmy [Raye] and Mike Johnson earlier this week and said, 'Let's look at practices really hard this week and really look at the details and all of the little things and what is best for our team. Let's look at this period now, meaning mid-week, last week, until the upcoming Dallas game and see if there's a segue, that we felt good about.' I felt after our last game, I got Jimmy and Mike together and said, 'I feel this is the time. This is what I'm thinking. What do you guys think? Let's go.'"

On whether Jimmy Raye, Mike Johnson and he were on the same page when they made the decision:

"Yes, we are on the same page."

On whether he has seen improved practice habits from Shaun Hill than he saw from the second half of last season:

"I can't remember how he practiced last year. All I know is from what I've seen from this last offseason. I've seen the progression, the growth, the confidence and I've seen him get his arms around the offense and really sat down yesterday and articulate to me what he needed in terms of getting better, specifically. And that was extremely important because as we look at our running game, that's really difficult to establish and when you begin to look at the passing game, that's a whole other set of rules, as far as the trust factor, everybody being on the same page. The receivers running the right timing on their routes, all of those things are very important."

On what the next big issue is with this team:

"Right now, there aren't any big issues. I think we need to continue to do a very difficult thing and that is to continue to focus on the little things, the detail of what we are striving to do. Feeling that, 'Okay, we've won two preseason games, but what's really important is did we get better each week?' Each day that we come out here, it's another opportunity for us to get better and I want us to keep that at the forefront of our minds even though this Dallas game is coming up. It's very important that we are looking at, not Dallas, but we are looking at the things that concern us in terms of the details of getting better."

On whether he's settled on a No. 3 quarterback:

"No, I have no idea right now. I'm just thankful we got this far and we'll go from there."

On whether Adam Snyder's injury is his knee or ankle:

"It's his knee. The ankle is fine. We are just going to bring him back slowly and keep our eye on it. We are very thankful it wasn't more serious."

On whether all of Alex Smith's reps will only be with the No. 2 offense:

"I don't know at this time. I can't answer that."


On his reaction to being named the starting quarterback:

"Obviously I was very excited. This was obviously the goal of mine coming into the offseason. That part was exciting. I know there is a lot of work yet to be done. I need to get better and this offense needs to get better. I definitely can't stop and smell the roses, you know. We have a lot of work to do."

On whether he expected the decision to be made now:

"I really didn't know when it was going to come. I tried to keep it as far away from my mind as possible and just continue to work, and whenever the decision was made then go from there."

On whether it helps to know the decision now:

"It does help that it has come now. We can start getting a little bit more continuity on offense, hopefully, and continue to grow and jell as an offense."

On his rapport with the receivers:

"We are getting there. We are there on some things, and some things we are still working on. Across the league, you are going to find that with a lot of teams this time of year. We are getting there. We are going to continue to work until we're there on everything. We are definitely coming along."

On his journey through the NFL:

"It has been quite a ride. I almost made it through my whole sixth season without taking a snap in the league. And now here I am with the opportunity to start for one of the most storied franchises in the NFL, a franchise that has had great quarterbacks throughout its history. I am very honored to have this opportunity. I'm very honored to have this opportunity with the 49ers."

On how he received the news:

"I came in for a little bit yesterday, he [Coach Mike Singletary] saw me and asked me to come up. So I went up and we had a good discussion and he told me. It was a good talk we had up there. And like I said, I was very excited to get the news."

On why Singletary said he picked him:

"I won't go into too many specifics about what we talked about up there. Like I said, I'm just very excited about the opportunity."

On what he feels he needs to improve on:

"It is just a couple of things. Some of it has to do with getting with some of those guys and doing a few extra routes and getting that timing stuff. It really wasn't anything so astronomical to write about. It was just a few little things I would like to get done before we go into the first game. Just working on some timing things, that is all it was."

On whether he will approach practice differently now:

"No. I approach practice the same way. The thing that is a little bit different is if I feel like things need to be tweaked or changed to make me more comfortable, I can express those things now, whereas before, you can't really do that because it changes for everybody, all the quarterbacks. Now we will be able to adjust a few things here and there. If something makes me more comfortable we will be able to do it. Nothing comes to mind right off-hand, but that is just kind of the process."

On whether he feels he has improved as a practice player since last season:

"I guess. I don't know, to be honest with you. Consciously, I have approached it the same way I always have. I don't know. How does it look as an on-looker?… That is a good thing."

On QB Alex Smith's training camp:

"He has looked good. Obviously his shoulder isn't bothering him at all - he is laying out defensive ends and tackling linebackers. But in all seriousness, he had a lot of zip and he is throwing it well. He looked healthy. It speaks volumes to the type of guy he is, he was out there today helping me out on a few things he saw. It was nice that is wasn't awkward today at all. He was very helpful out on the practice field, and that was wonderful."

On when he first talked to Smith after finding out he was the starter:

"I talked to him last night. Not about that really, more about the schedule. I saw him this morning and just talked a little bit. But nothing too specific."

On whether he told Smith the news Sunday night:

"No I didn't. No."

On when Smith found out:

"I don't know when he found out, to be honest with you."

On whether this will affect his and Smith's friendship:

"No, I don't see it changing at all. I think our friendship will remain the same."

On when Singletary told the team:

"Right there at the end of practice."

On his expected playing time Saturday against Dallas:

"It will be nice to get in a half of football. The third preseason game, in general, the starters play a little bit more. It will be good to go out there and find some rhythm and things like that and play a half of ball. I don't know exactly what the play time looks like yet, but I am excited about this game coming up and the opportunity to play a little bit more."

On the Cowboys new facility:

"I guess that will be interesting to see. To be honest with you, when we get there it will be all business. I probably won't be able to get to notice anything, to be honest. I probably won't be thinking about the facility at all. It will be all business."


On his mindset after being informed that Shaun Hill would start:

"It's nothing you ever like to hear. Hopefully nothing you ever get used to hearing. It's not fun, but at the same time, it doesn't change anything for me. My mindset can change. I think that's the difference between the good ones and the ones you forget about, the guys that can keep the right mindset and continue to improve and not relax and not get comfortable. You've got to continue to push it and be ready."

On whether he can continue to develop in the offense as the No. 2:

"Absolutely. No question. I think you can. I think it happens in a different way, less reps, more watching, obviously. But, no question, I think you have to. Otherwise you're not doing your job."

On whether Mike Singletary has informed him about how the number of reps will change:

"I imagine Shaun's getting all the ones. I think one of the things with us battling it out this long is the lack of reps that you've had with the one unit compared to all the other quarterbacks. I would imagine Shaun's going to get them all from here on out. I don't expect anything less."

On whether it's still his goal to be a starting quarterback in the NFL:

"No question. The shot is going to come; the opportunity is going to come. The question is whether or not you're going to be ready for it. That's the kind of mindset you have to have."

On whether he's thought that being the No. 2 could work to his advantage in the long run:

"I don't know if I think, necessarily, like that. I definitely take the perspective - one snap away. How many quarterbacks can play all year? Obviously, I hope nothing but the best for Shaun and health and everything. But, you have to be ready to go. The real world is, it's my job now to be ready to go. I'm taking the mindset that my progress, my development doesn't stop just because I'm not getting reps with the ones - can't stop."

On whether coming off an injury and coming into a new offense worked against him:

"I try not to think about any of that stuff, honestly - try not to. I really try to take the perspective that there are no excuses in a competition, whatever they are. You can't say, 'Oh, I came off of surgery this year. Can you give me a little more time.' That doesn't count. I didn't think about any of that. That doesn't come into play. You've got to be ready to go. So, no."

On the condition of his thumb:

"Sprain. It's a couple-day deal I think. See how it responds. Nothing big."

On whether the pass following his injury was affected by his thumb injury:

"I don't think so then. It's kind of one of those things where it's painful when it happens, but you continue to move around and it loosens up. But, as soon as you stop doing anything, that's when it really swelled up and stiffened up on me."

On whether the timing of the decision was surprising at all:

"No, not at all. It had to happen here soon, I think. Either way, I think it was only fair to have it happen real soon. At least you get the starter, Shaun in this case, enough reps to get ready for Arizona."

On whether he second-guesses himself:

"No. No, I'm not. And, I'm not looking back. This isn't like something has ended for me. It hasn't. I'm not taking that mindset. I'm still playing quarterback. I'm going out there. I'm getting better. I'm going to continue to develop. I'm going to continue to learn this offense - work hard. It's not like I'm on vacation now or anything, looking back on the competition."

On whether this will affect his friendship with Shaun:

"No. No. No question, I think the hard part is probably over. When it's unknown and you're battling and you're going out there every day, that's the hardest part. Now, he's the starter. When you're the backup, you're responsibility is, obviously, to be ready to go because you're one snap away. But, with that as well, is to help him get ready in any facet that I can do that."

On whether it's difficult to not achieve what he wanted and then face the media:

"A few years ago, probably, I would have said yes, difficult. Honestly, it's something that comes with the territory. I've been around long enough and dealt with the media long enough to understand that. No, I don't think so. This isn't something that has weighed on my mind too much."

On whether his experiences have toughened him:

"Yes, absolutely."

On whether he's going to play in the last preseason game:

"We'll see. I'm not trying to rule out this week, but who knows? Who knows what the situation was going to be anyway? The third preseason game can be different with how long Shaun plays."
Well I'm happy that Hill has been named the starter, at least he can get his mind right as the season is about to begin.

Whats to be shocked about? Alex smith had almost 3 quarters to prove he deserved the #1 spot and he couldn't do it.


This is the way I see it, and remember I'm a BIG Ale supporter (ask deuce lol)..Has Smith looked great? No. Has Hill looked great? They've looked about the same. But what Hill has going for him is the way he played last year. If you take everything into consideration then Hill deserves the spot

Well champ I'm sure today is a sad day for you, but like I been telling you Hill>Smith, just ask Coach Singletary if you disagree
. All jokes aside though, it's not even that Hill has or hasn't outperformed Smith during the preseason stats wise, it's just that Hill has looked alot more comfortable at QB then Smith. Hill's pocket presence isbetter than Smith's, at least to me. Also, Hill appears to have the better accuracy, which is often overlooked with talking about QB's.
49ers' Morgan cueing up breakout season

August 25, 2009 1:00 PM

Posted by's Mike Sando

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- It's an offseason afternoon at San Francisco 49ers headquarters and young receiver Josh Morgan is reaching deep into the team's video archives. [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Josh Morgan projects as the 49ers' starting receiver for years to come.[/td] [/tr][/table]
He cues up vintage 49ers practice footage featuring Jerry Rice, the player his grandfather taught him to admire from an early age.

"They've got it on old Beta tapes, those little small ones," Morgan later says. "It's the old-school technology."

Morgan watches Rice run specific routes in practice, then in games, and he is awestruck.

"If you just imagined the DB not being there, the way he runs routes in games looks exactly the same as when you watch old practice film of him running," Morgan says. "All his routes, he got in and out of within two steps. It's scary. It's scary that a guy could work that hard to be that great."

Morgan has yet to strike fear into opponents during his brief career. Staph infection and a groin tear conspired against him as a rookie, limiting Morgan to 20 catches.

Healthy again, Morgan is an ascending player with the ability and opportunity to break out -- as long as he stays patient in a run-oriented offense. He appeared destined for the starting lineup even if first-round draft choice Michael Crabtree had signed and reported to camp on time. With Crabtree still unsigned and free-agent addition Brandon Jones sidelined well into the season, Morgan and Isaac Bruce are clearly the primary options at wide receiver.

Longer term, Morgan projects as a solid No. 2 receiver for years to come. [table][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [table][tr][td]Emerging Stars[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Tues.: AFC West | NFC West
Wed.: AFC North | NFC North
Thurs. AFC South | NFC South
Fri.: AFC East | NFC East[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
"Does [Morgan] have the potential? Absolutely," coach Mike Singletary said, "but a guy like Isaac Bruce isn't around a long time for nothing. He knows what he is doing. He knows the workout routine he has to have. He knows how to be effective. He knows the routes. Time is one of the things that will answer that question."

Morgan had a reputation to live down. An arrest for disorderly conduct while at Virginia Tech and questions about Morgan's attitude and dedication pushed down his draft stock. As a rookie, Morgan impressed the 49ers with his ability to grasp offensive concepts quickly. The 49ers became convinced they'd gotten a steal in the sixth round.

"The guy has unbelievable talent," quarterback Shaun Hill said. "He's such a hard worker and a good kid -- a good young man, I should say. I can't say enough good things about him."http://

The 49ers list Morgan at 6 feet tall and 219 pounds, thick for a receiver. Morgan reported for training camp 5 pounds lighter than his target weight, his body fat down from 8 or 9 percent as a rookie to 3.8 percent this summer. Massive thighs still compel Morgan to buy oversized jeans, but he said his preferred waist size has dropped from 38 to 32.

Such was the power, largely, of the 49ers' decision to draft Crabtree.

Morgan was modeling the 49ers' new uniforms at a team-organized draft party when the team unexpectedly found Crabtree available later than anticipated. The 49ers drafted the Texas Tech receiver with the 10th overall choice. Not long after, Morgan recalled reading a magazine story suggesting his looming obsolescence.

The part questioning Morgan's speed "triggered" something in him. Morgan reported spending extra time at the track with 49ers teammate and fellow Washington, D.C., native Vernon Davis, and Davis' younger brother, Miami Dolphins first-round choice Vontae Davis. Their trainer would make up workouts from hell.

They might run 10 100s in less than 12 seconds apiece, six 200s in less than 22 seconds each and two 400s in a time Morgan couldn't quite recall, other than to say it was less than 50 seconds. [table][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
Josh Morgan
#84 WR
San Francisco 49ers
[table][tr][td]2008 STATS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]G[/td] [td]REC[/td] [td]YDS[/td] [td]TD[/td] [td]AVG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]12[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]319[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]16.0[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
"You start praying for your legs so you can walk to your car and get home after that workout," he said.

Morgan hasn't dented the stat sheet much through two exhibition games, catching one pass for 7 yards Saturday night against the Raiders. The 49ers have been shuttling quarterbacks through the offense and trying to establish a hard-nosed identity through the ground game. Rookie third-round choice Glen Coffee leads the NFL this preseason with 196 yards rushing, 56 more than any player.

Raye will run the offense through running back Frank Gore when the games start counting. Davis, a Pro Bowl alternate at tight end last season, often led the 49ers in receptions during training camp practices. Bruce remains Mr. Reliable.

None of them possesses Morgan's combination of size, speed, youth, hands, blocking ability, versatility and knack for learning complex offenses.

"In a three-wide set, he could play all three positions, including the slot," Raye said. "He can play both 'X' and 'Z', and so that makes him, in a game-day situation, a real plus, a real positive."

Morgan averaged 16 yards per reception as a rookie. His three touchdown passes covered 48, 31 and 30 yards. Morgan can also deliver in the run game, as when he cleared out a Raiders linebacker to spring Coffee for a long gain Saturday.

"For a big-bodied guy, for a big receiver, he has excellent explosion," Raye said. "He doesn't look like he would have that kind of explosion, but he's an explosive guy, a great leaper. Because of his arms, his circumference range is very good. He can get to some balls with extension that some guys cannot."

Morgan wants to improve his route-running and ability to recognize defenses. He couldn't have a mentor better equipped than Bruce -- unless Rice came out of retirement.

"I'm nowhere near Isaac Bruce level and definitely nowhere near a Jerry Rice level," Morgan said. "I have to get a lot better because those are the expectations I have for myself and the expectations Coach Singletary has for me."

Good article.

I just wonder which WR gets cut. Hope it ain't Jason Hill
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by i3allistic

i guess we wont be seeing the niners going deep with shaun hill noodles arm ....

id rather see short distance negative yards than no yards at all from smith hill
shaun holds on too the ball too long + gotta toss the ball away if there nobody to throw it too instead of trying to scramble ...defense gonna eathim up
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by i3allistic

i guess we wont be seeing the niners going deep with shaun hill noodles arm ....

id rather see short distance negative yards than no yards at all from smith hill
shaun holds on too the ball too long + gotta toss the ball away if there nobody to throw it too instead of trying to scramble ...defense gonna eat him up

Hill is far from great but who do you want starting? Smith? What exactly has he done to show he should be starting over Hill?
Hill is our best QB, and that is that. We should be rooting for the 49ers anyways, not the individual QBs.
Lets be real, shaun hill didn't exactly blew Alex Smith away from the competition ...both were
during pre-season not saying smith is better....but at least he can tossthe long ball ....hill on the other hand
....but im not the coach ...sowhatever it takes to win games i guess ....49ers most def. gonna need draft/trade for a QB tho
Originally Posted by i3allistic

i guess we wont be seeing the niners going deep with shaun hill noodles arm ....
I don't think we have the pass protection or the offensive weapons to be throwing the ball deep.

Hill can throw the deep ball. What he can't do is throw the deep outs or fit the ball into tight spots where there are defenders. Alex is obviously betterin that department. However, it came down to intangibles and Hill is just a better leader and fit for this team currently.
Martz and Mariucci on Hill and Smith

Q: How can Jimmy Raye tailor that offense to take advantage of Shaun Hill's strengths and compensate for his weaknesses?

Martz"He doesn't really have to do anything to it. Shaun surprised me when he played, with the things he can do. He sees things and can digest things as a quarterback at the snap much better than he appeared to do during practice. I don't think you have to make any concessions with him. I was amazed and impressed with him coming down the stretch last year, and I was kind of tentative about him - wasn't real sure. The more he played, the more a fan and believer he made of me."

Q: What does this mean for Alex Smith's career to get beaten out for the starting job?

Mariucc"Mike was there, he knows the guys personally. Alex Smith got another chance with a new contract to compete for that job. You'll have to see how this season goes there. Will he get another shot with the 49ers because of the team's record or because of an injury? Only time will tell. But Alex Smith seems to be a little rejuvenated, health-wise, and even mentally, where he feels good about himself. I'd like to see the kid get another opportunity to start, whether it's for the 49ers or somebody else, because I think there's something there. Mike, you worked with him every day. You know more about him than I do, but I'm pulling for the guy."

Martz"I feel the same way. I think the biggest issue in being with the 49ers is all the history that's there (and it) is not real good history for him. And a lot of times this happens in the league - you look at Kurt Warner and Trent Green, he bounced around to different teams and finally he found a fit. Ultimately, he's going to need to go to another team. He deserves another opportunity. I think he can play. I think it would help him to be in a whole new environment and get rid of that baggage that he has to think about and affects his confidence each day. When something bad happens in practice with him, everybody goes, 'Oh, here we go.' He needs to jettison that out. He needs to go, find another team and start over again. And I do think he has a future in the league, and he'll be fine. But I do think he needs to probably move on."
I agree w/ Martz, Smith needs a clean start somewhere else.
"He doesn't really have to do anything to it. Shaun surprised me when he played, with the things he can do. He sees things and can digest things as a quarterback at the snap much better than he appeared to do during practice. I don't think you have to make any concessions with him. I was amazed and impressed with him coming down the stretch last year, and I was kind of tentative about him - wasn't real sure. The more he played, the more a fan and believer he made of me."

Works for me...
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Lets be real, shaun hill didn't exactly blew Alex Smith away from the competition ...both were
during pre-season not saying smith is better....but at least he can toss the long ball ....hill on the other hand
....but im not the coach whatever it takes to win games i guess ....49ers most def. gonna need draft/trade for a QB tho

I know Hill can't throw the long ball but we'll just have to deal with that. I'm not as big as a fan of Hill as some other Niner fans I know, butwe'll see how he handles the pressure now since he is being given the job from the beginning of the year. Neither one played better during the preseasonbut Hill has done more as a starter than Smith has. But I'm 100% with you that we need to draft/trade for a QB in the future.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by i3allistic

i guess we wont be seeing the niners going deep with shaun hill noodles arm ....

id rather see short distance negative yards than no yards at all from smith hill
shaun holds on too the ball too long + gotta toss the ball away if there nobody to throw it too instead of trying to scramble ...defense gonna eat him up

this makes no sense, try again.
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