***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump: The blood of my enemies will run through the streets, I will crush my enemies, they will be driven before me as I hear the lamentation of their women.

Joe Biden: we gotta beat trump.

Lester Holt: Joe have you done some soul searching about what you said about trump???

lolwut :lol:

This is insanely true and ****in despicable by the media.
It's like all the corniest people I despise are all on the same team and we are going to lose because Joe won't step aside. The next 4 years are going to be hell.

Bush winning wasn't my favorite thing but him and his supporters weren't anywhere near as obnoxious as Trump and the ghouls he runs with.

When someone from South Dakota touts South Dakota. I feel like I’m watching somebody rejected by their crush who turns around and start calling them names.
Just embarrassment from them.
JD Vance's ascendency is proof that us elder millennial jocks didn't bully hard enough in the late 90's and the early 00's. :lol:

Was late 20th century high school society a model of cosmopolitanism? no. did it allow everyone to to be their authentic self? nope. Is it something we should try to recreate at the level of national politics? hell no. Did it keep racist the racist theater kids/anime nerds, in check? You bet it did. Our cohort just got too soft and couldn't execute it properly.

In all seriousness, braying for younger politicians is understandable but it overlooks the fact that material conditions are what what drives the dysfunction. As we have seen, all other variables being equal, millennial politicians are worse than boomers. Boomers like Joe Biden and even Donald Trump have first had knowledge of a different economic order.

Meanwhile, millennial politicians have grown up amid nothing but declining material conditions and the most amoral and careerists among them have developed a politics and worldview that pawns off the declining material conditions onto the weakest and most vulnerable, which flatters wealthy boomers and their mushy headed heirs.

The more than millennials take over US politics, it will be largely a clash between socialism and barbarism. Either, the masses have been failed by the the system, or the masses are lazy and spendthrift and require discipline from the state and capital and patriarchy, as Vance proposes.
I can smell da biscuits from Tim Scott through da TV

They really about to let this crazy VP selection overshadown any questions about this assassination attempt, eh?

It's like all the corniest people I despise are all on the same team and we are going to lose because Joe won't step aside. The next 4 years are going to be hell.

Bush winning wasn't my favorite thing but him and his supporters weren't anywhere near as obnoxious as Trump and the ghouls he runs with.

Why should Joe step aside where it looks like the states like PA are going to be the deciding factor?

Joe is a expert on those state’s demographics and can campaign there and not have to worry about racism or sexism giving Trump an unfair advantage.

Low key everything that could go in Trumps favor has gone in his favor and he is still only polling only +2 nationally. Its early but this feels like a reverse 2016 could happen, where disdain for one candidate pulls another low polling candidate through.
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