***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Call me crazy, but with how fast the information and social media flows now, I don’t think the assassination attempt is gonna move the needle much. The announcement of Vance today completely drowned out the shooting, which is maybe what the republicans wanted since it was one of their own who tried to off Trumpito. Add to that the fact that Trump isn’t a sympathetic character, and by November it’ll be an afterthought for most.

We’re a little less than 4 months out from the election. And it seems like they’ve tried to reel Trump in a little. But you just know that clown is gonna do/say some wild **** to blow what appears to be a slam dunk win for them. Dude’s ego and pride always get in his way, and you just know it’ll pop up at the worst time (for the GOP). Whether or not the Dems can capitalize is another story, however…
Call me crazy, but with how fast the information and social media flows now, I don’t think the assassination attempt is gonna move the needle much. The announcement of Vance today completely drowned out the shooting, which is maybe what the republicans wanted since it was one of their own who tried to off Trumpito. Add to that the fact that Trump isn’t a sympathetic character, and by November it’ll be an afterthought for most.

We’re a little less than 4 months out from the election. And it seems like they’ve tried to reel Trump in a little. But you just know that clown is gonna do/say some wild **** to blow what appears to be a slam dunk win for them. Dude’s ego and pride always get in his way, and you just know it’ll pop up at the worst time (for the GOP). Whether or not the Dems can capitalize is another story, however…
bro, what planet are you living on?
Man blindly follows Trump. Goes to a rally. Gets murdered.
Wife doesn’t even get a call from Trump

Also won’t take a call from Biden.

The cult in the most clear reflection as possible.

Rubio is an obvious faker, and is ultimately just a regular establishment Republican that wants tax cuts above all else.

He's not going to inherit Trumps base.
Eh, seems like semantics to me, not trying to be combative but I don't know a single issue they would disagree on?

MAGAs in 2016:

We had no choice but to vote for Trump because Hillary Clinton wasn’t rhetorically nice enough to non college whites.

MAGAs in 2024:

We have to vote for the ticket that includes the guy who literally write the book on why non college whites are subhuman.


Donald Trump’s electoral coalition does and did include some number of people, especially young men white or otherwise, who feel alienated and excluded from the knowledge economy and/or the rural to urban brain drain which makes dating and establishing middle class stability very challenging. Donald Trump is good at positioning himself as a champion for that group. In close elections, every small group can be decisive.

But it’s obvious that Trump’s base and the primary appeal of every one of his campaigns was always rooted in restoring older social hierarchies.

In think that in 2016, Trump and his supporters felt like they had to tell everyone that Trump is an economic populist who represents people who showered after work rather than before.

In 2024, they feel more comfortable and therefore m, don’t feel a need to tell that story. Hence, the fact that Trump is fine with having a VP who has nothing but contempt for anyone who doesn’t have an email job.

Going back to those alienated young men, with limited education and career prospects, JD Vance offers an interesting proposition. He is basically saying “my donors and fellow college educated professionals should get almost all of the wealth BUT the scraps will be reserved for you pissed off young men. Those scraps will allow you to have a modest home in which to raise a family with your government issued wife. You people don’t deserve anything tangible or material but the state can help you live your weird trad fantasy of siring 20 macho sons and a dozen virtuous prairie girl daughters.”

Hopefully, this will turn out like 2022, where all these bizarre right wing, extremely online arguments, scared away the normies, even many of the center right normies. Most Americans don’t fantasize about cosplaying as a 17th century Russian peasants.

I hope that Vance, goes over as well as Peter Theil’s other handpicked golden boys.
It was always going to be someone who would violate the constitution if Trump demanded it

Vance fits that bill. Rubio does not

I disagree, anyone he was choosing would do it and go along with all of his extremisms. Rubio would definitely do it. All of these boys have called Trump a loser and a terrible person to be president and they all walked it back.

I think Vance is a horrible pick. I don’t think he’s getting him extra votes. He looks weak and he wears more makeup than an 80s rock band. Guy is a loser. I thought Trump would have gone woman or blackish but instead he chose a shorter and fatter Tyler Labine in makeup.
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