***Official Political Discussion Thread***

if I ever see huac tua in person
i know its bad. when my brother who doesn't care about politics sending me memes.


not good. pure nightmare, how did we get here?
Trump just referenced Minneapolis falling in 2020 as Biden’s fault

Trump was in office then
95% of those protests didn't result in violence, arrests, or destruction of property.

That's all Joe had to say.
Trump isn’t saying a damn thing related to the questions
It doesn't matter.

Trump is comfortable in front of the cameras, Biden isn't, and most people are not into politics like that to pick up on the firehose of ******** Trump spews.

The average voter an internal image of what a president should look like, and Trump is closer to it than Biden.
“I didn’t have sex with a porn star”

What a world

Trump says Biden has no idea what these trials are about, even though he kept blaming his hush money case on a Biden-stacked judge, jury, and prosecution a month ago
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