***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The man said he defeated Medicare in front of the world then zombied out.

It’s time to step aside, this shouldn’t be a controversial opinion.

This isn’t a stutter, the dude is a different person than he was 4 years ago.
People will make any excuse and if you don’t get on board with it you’re the problem in their eyes. People still saying Comey swung the election a week out in 2016.

It’s the flip side of the MAGA coin. Ignore reality and buy in to the cult or get out.
People will make any excuse and if you don’t get on board with it you’re the problem in their eyes. People still saying Comey swung the election a week out in 2016.

It’s the flip side of the MAGA coin. Ignore reality and buy in to the cult or get out.
Should take Nate Silver seriously or not?

Should take Nate Silver seriously or not?

Reading comprehension is crucial.

“The letter isn’t the only reason that Clinton lost. It does not excuse every decision the Clinton campaign made. Other factors may have played a larger role in her defeat, and it’s up to Democrats to examine those as they choose their strategy for 2018 and 2020.”
Reading comprehension is crucial.

“The letter isn’t the only reason that Clinton lost. It does not excuse every decision the Clinton campaign made. Other factors may have played a larger role in her defeat, and it’s up to Democrats to examine those as they choose their strategy for 2018 and 2020.”
The very next paragraph....

But the effect of those factors — say, Clinton’s decision to give paid speeches to investment banks, or her messaging on pocket-book issues, or the role that her gender played in the campaign — is hard to measure. The impact of Comey’s letter is comparatively easy to quantify, by contrast. At a maximum, it might have shifted the race by 3 or 4 percentage points toward Donald Trump, swinging Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida to him, perhaps along with North Carolina and Arizona. At a minimum, its impact might have been only a percentage point or so. Still, because Clinton lost Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by less than 1 point, the letter was probably enough to change the outcome of the Electoral College.

Again, you are not a serious person.

You are a dude trying to use this situation to make people listen to tired far left taking points.

You are too bad at this to be this smug
Great news for those Biden chances. Parinkson’s specialist just hanging at the White House for some time with his doctor buddy obviously.

“The visit took place at the White House residence clinic on 17 January. Cannard has visited the White House house eight times since August 2023. On seven of those visits, most recently in late March, he met with Megan Nasworthy, a liaison between Walter Reed and the White House.”

And Democrats do the same thing. It’s nothing unique. What we’re seeing right now is unprecedented and it’s because of fears of what the American people have been worried about, which is the President’s age and mental fitness. He’s doing nothing to quell those worries.
I disagree with that sentence.

I don't think people who are ok with Biden running are also saying that Democrats critical of the status quo should be excommunicated from the party.

And no, it's not an unprecedented situation:

The more contentious of the two is My Father at 100, written by Ron, Reagan's natural son with Nancy.

In it, Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.

"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes.

Edit: only posting about Reagan to say that we survived a president who wasn't 100% up there. As I've been saying, whatever happens to Biden's campaign, I'm on board.
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That’s a random guy with a blue check you’re quoting…..
Go look for yourself, 1.8 stars. Why would it matter who posted that? Couldn’t care less. Pointing out it’s one of the least accurate polls according to the best polling analyzer and aggregator is a good point when this is the only poll anyone can cling onto right now that isn’t horrific. And he’s still losing in it!

It’s pretty sad you need someone you like to point out publicly available information that is in no way false.
Here Wargames Wargames i did the work for you. Bad look when you’re trying to discredit someone rather than the information
At this point All I'm hearing is an L is coming in a few months whether it's Sleepy Brandon or CRT Kamala so what's the point of arguing who's the nominee is

Where's my brother aepps20 aepps20 to bring me some positive vibes in this mess
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At this point All I'm hearing is an L is coming in a few months whether it's Sleepy Brandon and CRT Kamala so what's the point of arguing who's the nominee is

Where's my brother aepps20 aepps20 to bring me some positive vibes in this mess
Don’t give up and don’t quit. We have the numbers and if we vote like we should we will win. We’ve over performed in every election since 2020 and when the stakes are this high I believe our side will prevail. Trump is about to be sentenced in September which will be another negative news cycle for him. Polls are helpful but since 2016 they are all over the place with GOTV efforts being the most important thing. People talk about Joe barely winning certain swing states in 2020 but what they don’t mention is how the democratic ground game and GOTV efforts were severely limited do to COVID and trying to keep people safe, with a normal ground game Biden wins 2020 fairly comfortably. People may hem and haw about the democratic side but when it comes down to it Trump can’t hide from his record, he can’t hide from his convictions, he can’t hide from Roe V. Wade and he can’t hide from this country’s mostly negative view towards his court. If we just lock in we will win because Trump is extremely toxic and doesn’t even have the same enthusiasm he had in 16 or 20.
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