***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He was posting in the music forum then got basically clowned off NT. Funny because if you look his twitter up his bio says "NT Underboss" :lol:
Dude was obsessed with telling us how the coli is a better forum and I'm pretty sure he became a joke there too.
They made a thread outing and banishing him before he started posting over there based off his activity here. :rofl:
Say Biden is cheating and for some reason was able to add all these ballots to push him over the top......you don't think TRUMP, RIGHT NOW, is trying to find ways to cheat and win?!?! He's mad cuz he got play'd by SLEEPY JOE....that has GOT TO HURT.

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Fulton gonna finish tonight
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So AZ looking like the only one we'll get definitive results on tonight. But things are trending really well in PA this may not end up being the squeaker we've been anticipating.
So AZ looking like the only one we'll get definitive results on tonight. But things are trending really well in PA this may not end up being the squeaker we've been anticipating.
GA maybe too, Fulton said they're finishing tonight. Not sure where Dekalb stands doe
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