***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Member when dwalk31 dwalk31 's boy, the supposed criminal justice reform advocate, tweeted this...
I love Dwalk new shtick of caring about criminal justice reform and poor black people.

In 2017, he was telling people that bringing up these issues was ignoring other black people. this was in response to me listing regressive things Trump did on civil rights...
What race are you? I'm black... cut it out...

Tons of HBCUs presidents just met with Trump and the white house is giving federal funds to HBCUs. The issue is the amount. He is giving at-least-as much as Obama did.

I can't argue with your first 4 points. Especially in regards to voting. But the majority of those issues affect only African Americans dealing with the legal system. I realize that it could be any one on any given day, but I think it is premature to say what affect these actions will have. It is a big time will tell.

Him striking a different tone about the focus should be about fixing crime in those communities. Instead of focusing on disparity in treatment black people receive in the criminal justice system. In a discussion with dacomeup dacomeup

Do you think that many of those criminals belong in jail or do you think that they should do some type of anger-management type program for recidivism? Serious question. Because the criminal attorneys that I know and interact with are fully aware of their client's guilt and find it funny. And I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with that. They are fighting for the constitutional rights... I get it. But is it your position that crime isn't an issue that needs to be addressed in these communities?

Him spelling out which set of black people, and which income level, he was here to advocate for...

Great question. I am talking about policies that help middle class black people. Specifically household incomes between 150k-350k. Often there are barriers that many don't realize exist. It is difficult, for instance, to purchase a downtown condo for rental property. Older white men are grandfathered in so they can rent their units out. Sadly, often black people who are first or second generation in terms of capability to purchase these units are prevented from doing this because the units must be owner-occupied. The stated reason is the FHA, if you believe it. Also, I am all for his tax reform. These are some of the issues that I believe will help our communities. The barriers aren't just limited to blacks in poverty.

Funny how times have changed our troll. He a activist now
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What was the vote breakdown on that crime bill again that republicans keep trying to bring up as a left issue? Everyone made mistakes there, including the people who thought they needed it most only to have it hurt the most.
Tough on crime policies were unfortunately were very popular at the time. Even had a lot of support within the black community unfortunately.

**** Biden for what it did, but just trying to put the blame on him lets a **** ton of people off the hook. In fact the GOP's main attack against the dems on the issue was that they were too weak on crime.
Posted this in the covid thread. Please get the word out and stop these businesses from messing with our collective health. Thanks in advance

Theres a lot of things to troll Vice President Biden about but the 1994 Crime Bill?

You would have to just started following politics and totally ignore the Telfon Don’s past to believe this talking point.

Melania is kinda hot though.
By the way, Supreme Court oral arguments in the two Trump finance cases will take place next Tuesday.
C-Span will be livestreaming the audio
My idea of black people and organizations directly investing more into black communities is a recipe for slavery and indentured servitude? That's ridiculous.

And I am not a fan of the person of color rhetoric. I think that some black people use the terminology to disassociate themselves from the unique black plight.

When Kamala Harris referred to herself as a woman of color, when running for president, as opposed to the potential first black woman nominee it was off-putting.

I advocated for stricter term limits to certain welfare programs. And I stated that the status quo, in my opinion, has created dependency that is harmful to black communities.

Interesting that you have a higher standard of evidence for the claim that you personally "hate Black people" than for the claim "Black communities are dependent on welfare."

This is self-mocking in every sense of the phrase.

And as someone who has been following Germany’s progress, I can tell you the government has been very honest and humble about the severity of the pandemic. No victory laps and always emphasizing the continuing severity of the pandemic when good news is mentioned. Room for hope but always accompanied by a reality check, as it should be.

The tone of the corona briefings for the people in both Germany and my country couldn’t be more different than the Trump administration, which is like North Korean state tv by comparison.
Speaking of Mike Flynn, here’s a bit of related info about my country.
This may come as a surprise but until 2018, the concept of a criminal entering a cooperation agreement for reduced sentencing did not exist in our law aside from just 3 specific cases, 2 of which had such strict requirements that almost nobody could qualify.
In fact there was quite an amount of opposition to the new law that formalized that process.

Dejan Veljkovic, the man at the center of Belgium’s football matchfixing scandal, became the very first person to become a ‘cooperator’ under the new law, referred to as “spijtoptant” in Dutch. This prompted another wave of public outrage as Veljkovic ended up getting a lesser sentence than the numerous lower tier conspirators he incriminated.

Prior the 2018 law there was 3 scenarios where a criminal could become a cooperator in exchange for reduced sentencing. In the first two, the criminal had to be either part of a criminal gang or a maffia organization. There were restrictions on how that worked too, most notably the requirements that the provided information came before any prosecution was launched and that the information needed to precede a crime. If you were providing information about past crimes, no deal.
The third scenario regarded an offender of drug crimes. In order to qualify, the criminal had to indentify his dealer(s) if they hadn’t been identified yet.

The 2018 law extended the cooperation agreement concept to all criminal activity as a general principle.

Personally I fully support this law, it seems only natural to me that we finally implemented this.
Much like in the US, I think cooperation agreements are not only a helpful tool but sometimes a necessary tool.
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actually you have repeatedly said he had to do better on twitter

and yet you, a supposed black man, rarely if ever actually addresses the blatant flaws of an obviously terrible human being

I’ve said it for more than tweets. I have no issue discussing those negatives. I have never said Trump is a perfect candidate—he’s not.
Tough on crime policies were unfortunately were very popular at the time. Even had a lot of support within the black community unfortunately.

**** Biden for what it did, but just trying to put the blame on him lets a **** ton of people off the hook. In fact the GOP's main attack against the dems on the issue was that they were too weak on crime.

He’s the one running for president who helped draft it. Period.

And that’s the candidate you support.
I love Dwalk new shtick of caring about criminal justice reform and poor black people.

In 2017, he was telling people that bringing up these issues was ignoring other black people. this was in response to me listing regressive things Trump did on civil rights...

Him striking a different tone about the focus should be about fixing crime in those communities. Instead of focusing on disparity in treatment black people receive in the criminal justice system. In a discussion with dacomeup dacomeup

Him spelling out which set of black people, and which income level, he was here to advocate for...

Funny how times have changed our troll. He a activist now

My stance hasn’t changed. My focus remains the same and I’ve been consistent on the point. There are barriers for higher income and higher net worth black people that I choose to focus on.

That doesn’t ignore the plight at other income levels. I said you were ignoring the higher income levels.

The revolution needs both of us.
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