***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Similar to the fry cook turned lawyer >D

So I called nursing school medical school lol all of a sudden wanna bring everything out of the woodworks to still call me a liar after I posted my statement . I doubt a fry cook would get that much back in taxes
I claimed two and what more do you want I gave you proof of what I got. Even with proof you still don't believe . What more do you honestly want?
Lol the only proof i see is that you dont make anywhere close to 168k a year. I dont care what you got back, thats actually about average its hardly anything to boast about and definitely nothing to do with trump because his tax policy only affected tax withholdings for 2017 and only one month at that, so your praise is really for obama.

What i found unbelievable is that you say you make 168k and somehow you got 10kback, i mean cmon lol who are you kidding here. To put it in perspective my wife made 40k 2017 and got back 9k because of our two children, me on the other hand i havent seen a positive tax return since i finished school i do everything in my power and still have to fork over thousands.
Lol the only proof i see is that you dont make anywhere close to 168k a year. I dont care what you got back, thats actually about average its hardly anything to boast about and definitely nothing to do with trump because his tax policy only affected tax withholdings for 2017 and only one month at that, so your praise is really for obama.

What i found unbelievable is that you say you make 168k and somehow you got 10kback, i mean cmon lol who are you kidding here. To put it in perspective my wife made 40k 2017 and got back 9k because of our two children
Spoiler alert. He’s a dishwasher with 8 kids, that’s why he got 10k tax return
Lol the only proof i see is that you dont make anywhere close to 168k a year. I dont care what you got back, thats actually about average its hardly anything to boast about and definitely nothing to do with trump because his tax policy only affected tax withholdings for 2017 and only one month at that, so your praise is really for obama.

What i found unbelievable is that you say you make 168k and somehow you got 10kback, i mean cmon lol who are you kidding here. To put it in perspective my wife made 40k 2017 and got back 9k because of our two children, me on the other hand i havent seen a positive tax return since i finished school.

Definitely nothing to boast about but people were claiming there was no way I got that much back. If you wanna add the state tax I got 16k back total. And if you don't believe me in how much I make I really do not care . I mean who are you for me to care?
Return to civilit...




Bruh Louie Gomert told Strzok "how many times with that smirk have you lied to your wife"
Someone yelled "you need your medication!" in response
Definitely nothing to boast about but people were claiming there was no way I got that much back. If you wanna add the state tax I got 16k back total. And if you don't believe me in how much I make I really do not care . I mean who are you for me to care?
Look man, im not here to insult you. Lower middle class upper middle class were all on the same boat but i will say this, the moral aspect of you boasting about defending a tax policy that has been proven to be detrimental in the next decade, a policy that unfairly lines the pockets of the upper class says alot about who you are as a person which is either uninformed or just an ***hole.
Definitely nothing to boast about but people were claiming there was no way I got that much back. If you wanna add the state tax I got 16k back total. And if you don't believe me in how much I make I really do not care . I mean who are you for me to care?

For someone who wants to have his Opiniom heard and respected in a politic thread you don’t seem very interested in actually talking about politics when your views are challenged
Those Republicans in that hearing really said with a straight face that the FBI advising Strzok to not answer certain questions was a shame and interfering with Congress' oversight duty.
Trump administration and campaign officials stonewalled Congress on numerous occasions and the only action undertaken to push back against it was subpoenaing Bannon, who coincidentally was also a thorn in the side of the GOP establishment.

Hope Hicks refused to answer any questions relating to the Trump transition. No pushback.
Mike Rogers, James Woolsey and some third individual whose name I don't recall all collectively stonewalled Congress and refused to answer questions relating to Trump and the Flynn case, citing executive privilege without any actual invocation of it. No pushback.
I recall Senator Angus King asking them to cite the legal statute that allows them to refuse to answer without any invocation of executive privilege. They could not cite any such statute.

Corey Lewandowski refused to answer questions about anything after he left the campaign on 2 separate occasions, including yelling "I'm not answering your ******* questions" at one of the Democrats asking questions. In his first testimony, Republicans said "well he said he would answer, just not today."
In his second appearance he also refused to answer such questions.

Other key witnesses were not invited at all, at least not by the House, and they proceeded to prematurely conclude their Russia "investigation" without pushing back against any form of stonewalling besides Bannon, and parts of their conclusions were contradicted by the Senate's most recent report. Key witnesses that were invited like Kushner and Trump Jr were not put under oath.
A common thread between all the stonewalling was the imaginary executive privilege. "Sir I can't answer that because the president may invoke executive privilege at a later time", followed by silence when asked to cite the legal statute that allows them to stonewall without ever invoking executive privilege.

In other news:
Trump Inserts Himself Into Brexit Debate, Criticizing Theresa May
President Trump on Thursday intervened directly in Britain’s fraught debate over withdrawal from the European Union, saying that Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans to keep close economic ties with the bloc could “kill” a possible trade deal with the United States.
In an interview with The Sun, Mr. Trump also said that Mrs. May had ignored his advice on negotiations over Britain’s departure, known as Brexit.

“I would have done it much differently,” Mr. Trump was quoted as saying. “I actually told Theresa May how to do it, but she didn’t listen to me.” Instead she went “the opposite way,” and the results have been “very unfortunate,” he said.

Mr. Trump also said that Boris Johnson, a Brexit hard-liner who resigned from Mrs. May’s government this week, would make “a great prime minister.”

Mrs. May has been making the case for a free trade deal with the United States and argued that Brexit was an “opportunity” to deepen trans-Atlantic ties and spur economic growth both in Britain and in the United States. British officials hoped that Mr. Trump’s visit would help that process.

Instead the comments are likely to stoke acute tension within Mrs. May’s Conservative Party, following the publication on Thursday of the government’s plan for exiting the bloc, which would keep Britain tied to European Union rules on goods and agricultural products.

Even before it was released as a white paper on Thursday, that proposal had prompted the resignation of three government ministers, including Mr. Johnson, the foreign secretary who had argued for a cleaner break with the European Union.

Before arriving in Britain, Mr. Trump had described Mr. Johnson as a friend and said he might be in contact with him during the presidential visit to Britain, which began on Thursday and is scheduled to end on Sunday.

Mrs. May’s new plan is designed to minimize the economic impact of Brexit which could be severe because the European Union is Britain’s biggest trading partner. But Mr. Trump appeared to side with pro-Brexit critics who argue that, by keeping many of the European Union’s economic rules, it would inevitably reduce the scope for a separate trade deal with the United States.

“If they do that, then their trade deal with the U.S., will probably not be made ” Mr. Trump said, according to the paper.

The comments are acutely sensitive because supporters of Brexit argue that one of the key advantages of quitting the European Union would be that it would leave Britain free to strike trade deals around the world.

When he resigned on Monday Mr. Johnson made a fierce attack on Mrs. May’s strategy for Brexit saying the “dream is dying, suffocated by needless self doubt”.


Revealed: Leave.EU campaign met Russian officials as many as 11 times
Founder Arron Banks was offered lucrative deals in talks with the ambassador
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But listen to what you call and think of us ? It's worst than being called libs and libbies... also on fourth of July I tried to make piece and ya'll came at me with middle finger gifs which how ya'll didn't get warned or banned surprises me. But hey it is what it is there's no middle ground in here

Now is not really the time to ask for compromise or understanding. Not after 8 years of Republican obstructionism, an entire electoral season spent on defending violence against people you don't identify with, and many years of generally hypocrite behavior.

You can't just waltz in here and tell people that you voted for your interests and complain about being looked at sideways when you choose to give power to people have demonstrated so much bad faith and so little belief in the institutions they pretend to uphold. The people you vote for have never shown any respect for liberals. Don't ask for some respect from the left now, we see through that ********.
Stop calling racists racists. Just because they back openly racist leader doesn’t mean they’re racist. They just like racism. They can’t like racism and not be racist? Can’t be a nurse making 7k a week?
(lengthy article)
Jared Kushner lacks security clearance level to review some of the nation’s most sensitive intelligence in White House role
Jared Kushner, a senior White House adviser and President Trump’s son-in-law, lacks the security clearance level required to review some of the government’s most sensitive secrets, according to two people familiar with his access.
For the first year of the Trump administration, Kushner had nearly blanket access to highly classified intelligence, even as he held an interim security clearance and awaited the completion of his background investigation.
But when White House security officials granted him a permanent clearance in late May, he was granted only “top secret” status — a level that does allow him to see some of the country’s most closely guarded intelligence, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss security issues.

Kushner has not yet been approved to review “sensitive compartmented information,” better known as SCI. The Central Intelligence Agency determines who can access this information, which primarily involves U.S. intelligence sources and surveillance methods, they said.

That has blocked Kushner at times from seeing some parts of the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of world events that sometimes describes intelligence programs and operatives, the people said.

Kushner’s lack of SCI access suggests that the CIA has not signed off on him receiving that level of intelligence, security experts said. The White House security office has authority to independently grant a “top secret” clearance after reviewing a staffer’s FBI background investigation.

The revelation of the limits on Kushner’s access is the latest twist in his drawn-out effort to complete his security review, a process that has been dogged by questions about his foreign contacts.

The reasons for the constraints on Kushner’s intelligence access are unclear, including whether they are related to the ongoing special counsel investigation, which has examined his interactions with foreign officials.

A spokesman for the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III declined to comment.

Kushner attorney Abbe Lowell declined to confirm Kushner’s current clearance level. He said the White House handled Kushner’s security clearance according to the standard process and that Kushner has sufficient access to do his job.

“After a review done in the normal course by career officials, Mr. Kushner was given his permanent White House clearances in May, and has access to all the materials and information he needs to do the domestic and international work the president has asked him to do,” Lowell said.

White House officials and a CIA spokesman declined to comment, citing their internal policies of not discussing personnel matters.

The limits on Kushner’s intelligence access could complicate his ability to manage a portfolio that includes meeting with foreign leaders on Trump’s behalf and crafting a Middle East peace plan.

“I think it would severely hamper his ability to do his job,” said Mark Zaid, a national security lawyer and security clearance expert.

“Of course it’s an impediment,” said Leslie McAdoo Gordon, another security clearance lawyer and expert. “Whether practically it is hampering him, it’s hard to say in each case. In extreme cases, the president can override things and say ‘I want him here for this meeting.’ ” As president, Trump has the authority to declassify information.

In May, Kushner’s supporters pointed to his ability to gain a permanent high-level security clearance as a sign that he faces no legal jeopardy from the probe led by Mueller.

Kushner has been interviewed twice by Mueller’s team — including in April, when he sat for six hours of questioning about a wide range of topics, including his meetings with foreign officials during Trump’s transition and Trump’s firing of FBI Director James B. Comey.

Current and former law enforcement officials said in May that it would be very unusual for any staffer to get a full security clearance if they were a subject or target of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Zaid said this week that Kushner’s permanent top-secret clearance would typically indicate that a background investigation had not turned up any compromising information and he was not the focus of a criminal investigation.

But, he added, the administration’s experience with security clearances has “not exactly been normal.”

“The granting of Kushner’s top-secret clearance may reflect he is currently out of legal jeopardy with Mueller’s office, but it may also be that the White House decided on its own not to wait and adjudicated him based on what information they know,” Zaid said.

McAdoo Gordon noted that clearance investigators normally check an internal Justice Department database to see if an applicant is the subject or target of a federal investigation. A person who appears in the index could face extended delays or additional scrutiny in seeking a clearance. But McAdoo Gordon said she doubts that Mueller’s investigators are disclosing the identities of their targets in the database.

“The White House may have said, ‘Look, there’s no derogatory information here,’ ” and if there were no other complications, they might have decided to grant him a clearance, McAdoo Gordon said. “The CIA may be more uncomfortable with the absence of information about Mueller’s case.”

During his first year in the Trump White House, Kushner was able to see some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets — including the President’s Daily Brief — despite his interim security clearance, a situation that frustrated some top White House officials.

With his interim SCI designation, Kushner was able to attend classified briefings and issue requests for information to the intelligence community. Security clearance experts said it is rare to have such a high level of interim clearance for such a long period of time. Typically, senior officials do not get interim access to top-secret and sensitive compartmented material for more than three months, experts said.

In February, White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly downgraded the interim clearance of Kushner and several White House officials to “secret” after revelations that dozens of staffers were awaiting permanent security clearances and working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information.

The move came as The Post reported that officials in China, Israel, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates had privately discussed ways they believed they could manipulate Kushner by taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports on the matter.

Zaid said Kushner now faces significant constraints without the ability to view highly sensitive intelligence information.

“I could go play softball without my glove, but I would be hampered and not performing my best as an outfielder,” Zaid said, adding that trying to negotiate Middle East peace would be extremely difficult.
Stop calling racists racists. Just because they back openly racist leader doesn’t mean they’re racist. They just like racism. They can’t like racism and not be racist? Can’t be a nurse making 7k a week?

When racist people start taking things offensive we have a serious cultural problem lol
When racist people start taking things offensive we have a serious cultural problem lol
In my experience, the problem is that they want to spew their ignorant views and have them go unchallenged. All Trump supporters that I've encountered cry like children when you engage in conversation about their beliefs. As an example, UnicornHunter UnicornHunter expects everyone to just ignore the obvious conclusion that he's an incredibly selfish and awful person.
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