***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So today, on 420, ( which happens to be Hitler's birthday) Trump invites a white extremist Ted Nugent to the White House. #Iseethedogwhistle
But famb, that's who we called out, the worst of the bunch. You beef seems to be with others

Me and Eddie kicked it off, and both of us voted for Sanders, and Eddie was riding for Bernie hard.

And if folk want this "movement" to be more respected, maybe it is time to demand more than allegiance to Bernie.

Yea I didn't really have the regulars in here in mind,mostly the overall perception of progressives in the media's been rubbing me the wrong way. Like you're either thick headed like Jimmy Dore or you don't exist :lol:

I don't think it's out of the question to demand more of Bern or the party,a lot of folks like to pay lip service to ideas without actually acting with them in mind.

This one had me extra heated :lol: :x :x

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 Here Are The 8 NFL Owners Who Donated to Trump’s Inauguration
It’s no secret that several NFL owners were vocal supporters of Donald Trump while he was running for office, so it should be of no surprise that these owners collectively donated $7.25 million to help finance an extravagant inauguration for him when he won the office of the President.This informatiom was provided FEC documents that were filed on Wednesday according to The Daily Beast.
The first NFL owner that should come to mind that would donate to anything Trump is Patriots owner Robert Kraft. Kraft says he formed a friendship with Trump when his wife Martha died and Trump called him often to make sure he was ok. In return Trump was blessed with Kraft’s full support during his campaign and a $1 million donation from Kraft toward his inauguration.
The next Trump contributor is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Jones donated another million to the Trump inauguration. Also, ******** owner Dan Snyder tossed another milli Trump’s way for the inauguration. He also made it a point to attend the inaugural ball.
Jets owner Woody Johnson wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to give his pal Trump money for the inauguration to the tune of another million dollars. Trump then made it rain on Johnson political style by appointing him the ambassador to Great Britain.
Texans owner Bob McNair also gave $1 million, and Rams owner Stan Kroenke gave another million. Bucs owner Ed Glazer went a little less with $250K, but the last owner will surprise you the most because of some of Trump’s campaign promises.
The last NFL owner that donated to Trump’s inauguration is Jags owner Shahid Khan. Khan avidly defended Trump during his presidential campaign but became very vocally critical of Trump, especially after his immigration ban.
Sorry Mr. Khan that Trump decided to do what he promised he would do. Can’t back track now.
Trump amassed $107 million in donations total for his inauguration committee, which doubled the record set by President Obama in 2009.
And he likes'em really​ young. Definitely birds of a feather
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Yea I thought they had a falling out :lol:,guess she's back in orange graces

This happened last week but I didn't see it in here,Sessions is at war with forensics


Waiting to see how this makes America great again...

Wrongful convictions due to faulty evidence wouldn't be able to be found out or overturned anymore :x

Bad forensics disproportionately jails brown and black people.

That's all Grand Wizard Sessions needs to know
I'm still waiting for Ted Nugent follow through on his promise that he would either be "dead or in jail" if Obama got re-elected.
Yea Bannon being marginalized has been nice but as long as KKK Sessions is still heading the DOJ,things are gonna get more perilous for minorities

Word to them straight up removing white nationalist groups from the scope of their counter-extremism program :smh:. They've already rolled back many of Obama's law enforcement reform initiatives
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 random music question...how did Kid rock survive but Limp Bizkit folded when they had da better product?
Kid Rock embraced his "southern heritage" and became a rocker, complete with confederate flags on stage at his concerts.  Ditched the rock/rap thing altogether and even said him rapping was stupid.  

When in doubt, make the hillbillies love you and flourish (if you're white).  
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