***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Care to contribute instead of posting one word?
You don't need an education to be successful. Does it help? Yes. But it's not necessary.

There is this misconception that if you go to college and get that degree that you will be successful. And that just isn't the case.

All this does is put people in debt and fatten up the pockets of the lenders.

I'm not knocking an edcaution, I'm just saying that it isn't the end all be all.
EDIT: Tthis isn't about race but I want to know where the advantages are for us minorities?
This is from my personal experiences, not trying to generalize here.

-College acceptance. A lot more colleges are trying to have a more "mixed" student body.

-Jobs, especially in the sciences. I have a ton of female engineering friends who had no trouble finding internships/co ops in the last 2 years. Female engineers and female scientists are in high demand

Not right nor wrong, this is just what I have observed
Care to contribute instead of posting one word?
You don't need an education to be successful. Does it help? Yes. But it's not necessary.

There is this misconception that if you go to college and get that degree that you will be successful. And that just isn't the case.

All this does is put people in debt and fatten up the pockets of the lenders.

I'm not knocking an edcaution, I'm just saying that it isn't the end all be all.
Actually it is true. Do you have to go to college? No. 

If not then you better have a skills or some primary knowledge that no one else does. 
You don't need an education to be successful. Does it help? Yes. But it's not necessary.

There is this misconception that if you go to college and get that degree that you will be successful. And that just isn't the case.

All this does is put people in debt and fatten up the pockets of the lenders.

I'm not knocking an edcaution, I'm just saying that it isn't the end all be all.
Gotcha, didn't mean to sound sarcastic in my response. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible from everyone. 

I definitely feel you that it is not necessary, but it does help. And it does make finding a higher paying, higher quality job a lot easier.

Thanks for the response bro, I like hearing different opinions around here
Just curious, what does religion have to do with politics?

I'm just tired of people using the bible as the framework for American values. (People I personally know.)

From what I know, the bible hasn't been proven to be 100% true.

I also believe that the bible has been altered (not too much, but slightly) over the centuries.

My other question is, how can you basic ethics off of a book that hasn't even been proven to be factual information?

I am not trying to start an argument and I'm completely open to other views. I just want other opinions to better educate myself on this matter.
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Doesnt hurt to be white as well
In some areas of life, minorities (racial and gender) have an advantage over the majority

Oh, buddy... Here we go! :smh:

Strong performance by Obama. Objectively, Romney still held his own but the tables were clearly turned from the last Presidential debate.

Obama really succeeded in bringing up Romney's 47% comment and the fact that he says one thing in these public forums but his true character comes out behind closed doors, particularly because it was in closing and Romney couldn't respond. That'll stick with a lot of people.

That being said, I'm interested in the fact-checking once again.

I hate to say it but I believe issues like the assassination in Benghazi, despite any missteps that happened, don't resonate with the majority like economic & social issues. And...I don't know that immigration, while definitely an important topic, affects most Americans in terms of any tangible, realized impact on their daily lives. I'm not saying to ignore them or that they're not necessary to discuss, just that they likely don't have the same affect on most voters.
Just curious, what does religion have to do with politics?

I'm just tired of people using the bible as the framework for American values. (People I personally know.)

From what I know, the bible hasn't been proven to be 100% true.

I also believe that the bible has been altered (not too much, but slightly) over the centuries.

My other question is, how can you base ethics off of a book that hasn't even been proven to be factual information?

I am not trying to start an argument and I'm completely open to other views. I just want other opinions to better educate myself on this matter.
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Just curious, what does religion have to do with politics?

I'm just tired of people using the bible as the framework for American values. (People I personally know.)

From what I know, the bible hasn't been proven to be 100% true.

I also believe that the bible has been altered (not too much, but slightly) over the centuries.

My other question is, how can you basic ethics off of a book that hasn't even been proven to be factual information?

I am not trying to start an argument and I'm completely open to other views. I just want other opinions to better educate myself on this matter.
This isn't the time or place...but yes.

This is the precisely the problem I have with religion. 

Carry on. 

I think you should start another thread about this topic. 
You don't need an education to be successful. Does it help? Yes. But it's not necessary.

There is this misconception that if you go to college and get that degree that you will be successful. And that just isn't the case.

All this does is put people in debt and fatten up the pockets of the lenders.

I'm not knocking an edcaution, I'm just saying that it isn't the end all be all.
Gotcha, didn't mean to sound sarcastic in my response. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible from everyone. 

I definitely feel you that it is not necessary, but it does help. And it does make finding a higher paying, higher quality job a lot easier.

Thanks for the response bro, I like hearing different opinions around here


I don't know what they can do about immigration, but of damn sure know what my stimulus package can do for her.

Corny, but I still laughed. 
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