***Official Political Discussion Thread***

while I generally support public safety protocols, ima push back on this just a little bit.

demonstrating the will of The People does weigh something in the democratic process.

I was one of those people out in the streets celebrating, and although intellectual honesty demands that I acknowledge that it wasn´t as safe an activity as hanging out around the hotel, people were smart about it.

every single body was wearing a mask, and we skipped the high-fives and hugs that would have been going around any other time...folks kept a safe distance throughout the festivities, and that type of thing matters.

got the pics if you want to check it out yourself. even got a COVID test afterwards...negative, btw.

besides, it is also important to show that The People are willing to take the streets if necessary.

I'm not a person who is really concerned about policing people about covid & what they do, i've been to plenty of public spaces since this has went on. Life must go on

but i'm in NYC & i was out most of that day, Yes maybe 80 percent of people had mask on, but the streets were PACKED with people in close proximity, concert like in certain areas. Outdoor restaurants everywhere filled with people drinking, eating & celebrating.

Which would be fine with me, if i didn't see a lot of this same demographic wakeup daily & scream from their lungs how careless the current admin has been handling Covid, how detrimental it is, LOOK AT THOSE RALLIES!!! etc etc

All of that went out the window as soon as they were faced with opportunity to celebrate :lol: . It just continues the same cycle i've watched all election.
I'm not a person who is really concerned about policing people about covid & what they do, i've been to plenty of public spaces since this has went on. Life must go on

but i'm in NYC & i was out most of that day, Yes maybe 80 percent of people had mask on, but the streets were PACKED with people in close proximity, concert like in certain areas. Outdoor restaurants everywhere filled with people drinking, eating & celebrating.

Which would be fine with me, if i didn't see a lot of this same demographic wakeup daily & scream from their lungs how careless the current admin has been handling Covid, how detrimental it is, LOOK AT THOSE RALLIES!!! etc etc

All of that went out the window as soon as they were faced with opportunity to celebrate :lol: . It just continues the same cycle i've watched all election.

my guy Ty, is really turning into the Black Glenn Greenwald :smh: :lol:

Bruh...if 80% of people at Trump Rallies wore masks and took precasuions, that would be a good thing....all things considered.

They don’t. They mock it. Refuse it. You Def know the nuance there man. I went to a protest in DC this summer. Everybody had masks on. I can admit, **** was unsafe, and understand the general point. But if people are trying to do the bare minimum to be safe....amidst All this...there’s some difference here.

I know you got the itch to point to “liberal” hypocrisy....and moral high ground....but this pattern is beginning to be real interesting my guy :lol:.

Leaked photo of him from childhood

my guy Ty, is really turning into the Black Glenn Greenwald :smh: :lol:

Bruh...if 80% of people at Trump Rallies wore masks and took precasuions, that would be a good thing....all things considered.

They don’t. They mock it. Refuse it. You Def know the nuance there man. I went to a protest in DC this summer. Everybody had masks on. I can admit, **** was unsafe, and understand the general point. But if people are trying to do the bare minimum to be safe....amidst All this...there’s some difference here.

I know you got the itch to point to “liberal” hypocrisy....and moral high ground....but this pattern is beginning to be real interesting my guy :lol:.

All i'm doing is calling out blatant hypocrisy & manipulation, if i didn't wake up & see the **** daily then maybe it wouldn't be a pattern.

This isn't trying to defend the right, as they are highlighted for their ******** & stupidity all day everyday, it's beating a dead horse at this point. I also don't attack them because they haven't been the ones demanding about "Safety" & "protocol" every day, only to go ot & celebrate in droves during the HEIGHT of the pandemic.

There were ****** literally jumping in the fountain at Washington square park, champagne popping, people dancing on cars.... Whole Area Packed out, if there were 20% of people w/o mask..... what about that is a good thing :lol:.

Whole thread is 98% people highlighting the Right's carelessness, hypocrisy, & foolishness. That is needed but when it comes time to criticize the left suddenly the rules change.

Thousands gathered to celebrate Trump.... they're stupid, reckless, don't care about the country

The same people gather by the thousands to celebrate Biden, & it's oh at least they had mask... like it still wasn't extremely reckless to be out there partying :lol:
All i'm doing is calling out blatant hypocrisy & manipulation, if i didn't wake up & see the **** daily then maybe it wouldn't be a pattern.

This isn't trying to defend the right, as they are highlighted for their bull**** & stupidity all day everyday, it's beating a dead horse at this point. I also don't attack them because they haven't been the ones demanding about "Safety" & "protocol" every day, only to go ot & celebrate in droves during the HEIGHT of the pandemic.

There were ****** literally jumping in the fountain at Washington square park, champagne popping, people dancing on cars.... Whole Area Packed out, if there were 20% of people w/o mask..... what about that is a good thing :lol:.

Whole thread is 98% people highlighting the Right's carelessness, hypocrisy, & foolishness. That is needed but when it comes time to criticize the left suddenly the rules change.

Thousands gathered to celebrate Trump.... they're stupid, reckless, don't care about the country

The same people gather by the thousands to celebrate Biden, & it's oh at least they had mask... like it still wasn't extremely reckless to be out there partying :lol:

It’s acknowledged it’s reckless. There’s a clear difference. But that point has and IS noted. Not even about picking any sides here....but I see what you trying to do :lol:.

A better critical discussion of “the left” would be the centrist vs progressive branch....and what that means and Priorities, messaging etc.

You coming in here, and stoking the....”liberals” all the sudden don’t care about covid safety precautions because Biden won angle....excuse 80% of them had masks on in nyc is just funny.

Theres a lot more nuance to that. Like, we can reconcile with the fact that *****s in ATL be Wilding with not wearing masks, partying and social distancing....but will wear a mask to vote or take the proper precautions when necessary. This is noted. We aren’t blind to it. People for sure are going to do them.

But you wanna get your **** off lol. It ain’t a problem, at all....when it comes to “criticism of the left”. . It’s funny to see you try to equate and draw straw men or parallels when it ain’t there.
It’s acknowledged it’s reckless. There’s a clear difference. But that point has and IS noted. Not even about picking any sides here....but I see what you trying to do :lol:.

A better critical discussion of “the left” would be the centrist vs progressive branch....and what that means and Priorities, messaging etc.

You coming in here, and stoking the....”liberals” all the sudden don’t care about covid safety precautions because Biden won angle....excuse 80% of them had masks on in nyc is just funny.

Theres a lot more nuance to that. Like, we can reconcile with the fact that *****s in ATL be Wilding with not wearing masks, partying and social distancing....but will wear a mask to vote or take the proper precautions when necessary. This is noted. We aren’t blind to it. People for sure are going to do them.

But you wanna get your **** off lol. It ain’t a problem, at all....when it comes to “criticism of the left”. . It’s funny to see you try to equate and draw straw men or parallels when it ain’t there.

I don't think Covid takes nuance into account but hey :emoji_shrug: ,
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