***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dude, I don't know how I am giving my countrymen too much credit

I am basically calling them hopeless and marks.

The handling of Covid was an absolute disaster but people didn't care. They still fell for the scam.

So I am saying that I think on the margin Covid might not have moved the needle that much. Folk that hated Trump, Covid just reinforced their previous views. People that supported Trump, Covid didn't shake their previously held views.

At the end of the day, it was about Trump and Trumpism. And I am saying the reason that might be the case is that the results of the election look more like what people would have expected before Covid happened.

As much I am taken aback and disappointed at Trump numbers, but I don't think we can look at turnout from one side. Like Trump was always on course to get these record-high numbers, and only Covid delivered high numbers for the Dems.

Nah, I think these coalitions were mostly there. I don't think Trump Covid or no Covid was in line for a popular vote victory, because the anti-Trump sentiment was high before Covid. Maybe Covid buried him on the margin, but it didn't cost him a sweeping victory.

Maybe in the following months, it will show I am wrong. But all I am really saying is that you can't talk about the turnout picture from one angle.

that´s fair...perhaps I´m simplifying the narrative in my head too much.

idk, maybe I´m still in shock because I legit expected a landslide...2016 I expected, knew it on nomination, but after all this to have it take a damn week to decide really decreases my confidence in my fellow Americans.

COVID or not his ***** *** would of lost

I´d like to believe that´s true, but it is interesting to consider just how many of his own votes he got killed off.
I keep saying it but Republicans were always going to come out in force. Roland Martin put it best when analyzing Jack Nicholas' endorsement when he basically said for Republicans and Trump it was always the style they didn't like not substance. Republicans vote in huge numbers in every election and when you add in the Trump fanatics it was always going to be a high turnout election. I tell people this all of the time but to Trump fanatics he is their Obama. They love that man not the Republican party. They didn't save the Republicans in 18 but wanted to save their Senpai in 20. Very proud that the good guys won but the polls were wrong again. They were wrong because many of those wine moms and Suburban moms lied about not voting for him when it came to the style vs. substance point I made earlier. These people chose substance again because they got their judges. Republicans fall in line every time. They lied to the pollsters but I was glad we weren't complacent this time.
Brah, some Latino voters really saw Trump as their Zaddy...

Da gas prices, and the need to keep rich people happy...

Ninjahoodism is spreading. :lol:

Socialist Jesus help us

I don't blame them because he is GORGEOUS AND OUR SENPAI BUT HE IS A LOSER.
Primaries never go well. But if Schumer retired and she ran for the seat, she’d win it.

-Upstate NYer
You're right that an empty seat is a different story. But I don't think it's as simple as "She'd win it."
She'd likely have the most name recognition out of any of the challengers but that can work for and against her.
If Schumer retires and endorses her it's a wrap. Otherwise she's in for a fight if someone like say Yang runs.
And by that I mean someone with a penis and an easy to digest message who makes rural white people feel like they're special, I wouldn't actually bet money on Yang winning.
I think the pandemic actually helped him to be honest. Too many people blamed democrats for the shutdowns in these swing states.

Let’s be real though, COVID repurposed a bunch of his supporters into plant fertilizer when they would’ve likely have otherwise at least made it to the election to vote for him.
Campaign rallies when the election is already over?

Trump's occupation after the White House will be being a man baby. He already reminds me of a baby with all the damn crying he does wah wah wah... fraud, fraud, etc. He just needs the baby clothing and he'll be set, sky's the limit. Toys, diapers, etc.
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