***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump is losing by thousands of votes. Multiple thousands....... in multiple states. Recounts are maxing out in a difference of a couple hundred. Again, MAX of a couple hundred. They don’t have the money for all of this so it won’t happen especially knowing it’ll do nothing.

This is the equivalent of challenging the spot of the ball when you’re spotted 15 yards away from a first down :lol:
Conditions?! :rofl:

Non-negotiable. You LOST.
You're talking to the author of The Art of the Deal....nothing is written in stone.
Looking forward to 10 weeks of that idiot embarrassing himself

Would be nice but not holding my breath here

I was honestly thinking this. A lot of people only cared that Trump won. If they're not voting for him, they may not bother going out. Still told my sis and her fam and a couple of my boys who live in the A to make sure they vote on the 5th
On a separate note, I wonder if Smokin’ Joe will curtail that dumb*** Space Force Bs, that was so damn stupid.

I think a couple people said this wasn't a terrible move, excuted poorly, but not bad at all. Not sure what the goal is but didn't bother researching.
It had a lot of controversial talking points that people today still dont like.

-Huge penalties if you chose not to have a healthcare plan
-Usually, you have either a high deductible and a low monthly premium (or vice versa), here many people had both a high deductible and high premiums. Middle class were screwed here.
-Didn't do much for the unemployed (i might need to read more on this part though, kinda blurry)
Wasn't really huge, I think it was 50 for each month you didn't have, and there were exceptions you could have to not pay. For the latter two, at first there was a wide variety of choice until Trump came in a further sabotaged it, then it was only high premium/high deductible plans that didn't make sense despite the package. Yes you can have while unemployed, plus a tax break to cut some off the premiums so you had access to the better plans for a low cost. Either way that was only 3 of the main known criticisms, easily debunked, and could have been improved with support, not "numerous". Thought you had legit insight.
I don’t see these “loser laps” happening but if they did, it wouldn’t be for long. COVID will spread rapidly through them and less people will show while wasting their money that they need.

**** him

Looking like a MAGA remake of Fresh Prince of Bel Air and these two were cast as Geoffrey and Ashley Banks

That is the other part of this election that really altered the narrative. Everyone thought we would have a landslide but this election was close due to the EC. So getting rid of the fillibuster isn’t a automatic win/win like we all thought it would be.
This is where giving DC and Puerto Rico statehood comes in
Wasn't really huge, I think it was 50 for each month you didn't have, and there were exceptions you could have to not pay. For the latter two, at first there was a wide variety of choice until Trump came in a further sabotaged it, then it was only high premium/high deductible plans that didn't make sense despite the package. Yes you can have while unemployed, plus a tax break to cut some off the premiums so you had access to the better plans for a low cost. Either way that was only 3 of the main known criticisms, easily debunked, and could have been improved with support, not "numerous". Thought you had legit insight.

Eh it's peoples own experiences. I work in healthcare and with medical billing as well so I heard both sides of the coin.
The only people taking this recount **** seriously are his idiot supporters. He's using that as a fundraiser. He knows it's over; so do republicans in office. Graham saying that **** so he can tell his supporters that he fought for and stood with Trump til the end. He knows they'll carry him as long as he's running office.
It had a lot of controversial talking points that people today still dont like.

-Huge penalties if you chose not to have a healthcare plan
-Usually, you have either a high deductible and a low monthly premium (or vice versa), here many people had both a high deductible and high premiums. Middle class were screwed here.
-Didn't do much for the unemployed (i might need to read more on this part though, kinda blurry)
-People couldnt keep their PCPs
-An individual mandate is good economics, it is to prevent free-riding and adverse selection. Tons of countries that have universal systems have mandates. The penalties were not large, in fact, they were probably too small given the aim of the policy.
-This was caused because the GOP demanded that the risk corridor be defunded (this was during budget talks later on) which caused employers to pull out of regions and for rates to spiked. The ACA when passed actually had a mechanism to control help control this. When the ACA launched, plans actually started below market rates because insurers wanted to get as many people as they could to sign up.
-Sure it could have done more to control the cost of Cobra. But losing your job did allow you to go on the exchange and find coverage.
-The law didn't mandate people to lose their PCP, it that it had no mechanism to prevent it from happening. Obama should have never promised that but the reason some people did was that the market readjusting to the new standards caused insurers and providers did not want to stay in certain networks.

The Dems tried for decades to give people government-provided healthcare and got pushback every time. Then the Dems do the market way, and people didn't want them to go full throttle on it.

That is one of the core challenges with healthcare reform. People want better, yet they don't want anything to affect them.

If everyone in the country had sense, we would have socialized medicine.
like i said, a fundraiser. he's well on his way to another 10 mill. he'll have to split it with the gop, but he's pocketing some of that.
My prediction on how Trump ultimately concedes this election:

He announces a run in 2024 and states that it isn't worth pursuing the claims of fraud and then a pivot to focusing on winning in 2024.
This is where giving DC and Puerto Rico statehood comes in

That seems so drastic.... but it might be the best chance. The only real issue is we have to know PR wants to be a state..... If the Dems go down that path and they decide to stay a country. It would be the great political blunder in my lifetime.
How do you get the votes? They need to quit trying to win over the far right and speak to their own demographic. How? Provide the healthcare, stimulus, educational acts, etc. GIVE them what they want and need.
Now how is that going to happen? They need to quit playing the nice guy and ram this stuff down the republican throats.

How exactly do you think they should do this? Even assuming they remove the filibuster, you need 50+ votes in the Senate to pass. Dems are struggling to get 50 votes in 2 runoff elections.. even with Trump losing, they were unable to secure a solid majority-where are these additional votes coming from to pass legislation???
My prediction on how Trump ultimately concedes this election:

He announces a run in 2024 and states that it isn't worth pursuing the claims of fraud and then a pivot to focusing on winning in 2024.
My prediction, based on his behavior over the past 4 years: He never formally concedes at all and will continue to insist for all his remaining time in the WH, and afterwards, that the election was stolen from him. When his legal options run out, he will point fingers and blame the litigation failure on someone, likely multiple people/organizations.
Afterwards, I think it's a toss-up between announcing a 2024 run and focusing on some kind of TrumpTV project. He has reportedly fumed to aides about wanting to destroy Fox News for being 'disloyal' by calling AZ for Biden and calling the election for Biden.
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the raw reality that Trump woulda beat anybody by a mile without the COVID crisis does not go down smooth.

It’s because the Dems are fighting a civil war within the party itself between Progressives and moderates/centrists.

Don’t let the fact that Biden win the general distract you from the fact that Pete and Amy had to drop out early this year so Bernie wouldn’t win the Dem nomination.

Watch AOC primary Schumer for his Senate seat and all hell will break loose within the party.
the raw reality that Trump woulda beat anybody by a mile without the COVID crisis does not go down smooth.
I actually think this election would have played out the same. But Trump potentially winning in an electoral college victory

Trump was not blowing anyone off the Dems out, he was gonna lose the popular vote.

When you think of it. Before Covid, Biden was expected to win by 2-5 points. When Covid popped off, it looked like Biden would blow him out. But the spread is looking like it where it was prior to Covid.

In the end, I think this election was Trump generally, and not Covid specifically.
My prediction, based on his behavior over the past 4 years: He never formally concedes at all and will continue to insist for all his remaining time in the WH, and afterwards, that the election was stolen from him. I think it's a toss-up between announcing a 2024 run and focusing on some kind of TrumpTV project.

I think he says he will run in 2024 to set up the tv network..
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