***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don’t think Mitch will be willing to negotiate on direct subsidies but I think there will be tremendous pressure to protect coverage for preexisting conditions and free preventive care. Obviously we know abortion funding will be a hot button.
Well let’s first acknowledge that you changed the subject. I don’t care, just saying. Both sides are NOT the same in any way. Let’s be clear about that.

melts talk about the here and now. Trump voters are Trump voters. There’s nothing more to it than that. That’s an extreme take that puts most peoples self interests aside to support a single man.They’re no levels to that.

for the left, the more far leaning left want things done NOW, that’s the difference between the”types” of lefts. The more moderate left understands that’s just not a realistic plan.Lets look at climate change. Far left want oil and gas gone NOW. Moderate left knows the steps to that will be a while.

what do I think of that? They’re not realist, that’s what I think. I’d take not realistic over complete racists who fight to limit rights on all fronts outside of the 1st and 2nd amendment.

Main takeaway, the right and left are NOT the same AT ALL. Should not even be compared

Again, the right and left are built with different blocks of voters-why did downballot GOP members win seats in areas where Biden won?

The Dems should consider this strategically when running future candidates in these areas.

I’ll state my question again with further detail:

What do you think about Blue Dog Dems who helped get the votes in the Senate to pass the ACA? If you need 60+ votes to pass major legislation (I.e. M4A), WHERE exactly are you going to get these votes without the Senate seats? Genuinely interested in your opinion here since 2024 is a tough Senate map for Dems so the strategy needs to be developed now to contend with this-I’ll await your response.
It passed the house in incomplete form to avoid a second Republican Senate filibuster. Had to be completed through reconciliation and I believe some things fell through the cracks. Compromise at it’s best.

One version passed the House (that version had a national marketplace and public options), another version beat the filibuster (it included the cornhusker kickback, state marketplaces, no public option). Joe Libermann (who was no longer a member of the party because he became in Independent after he lost his primary for his Senate race in 2006) was basically was the main driver in writing the Senate version because he was the 60th vote. The bill passed 60-39.

December 24, 2009:
In the Senate, 60 Democrats vote for the Senate’s version of the bill, called America’s Healthy Future Act, whose lead author is senator Max Baucus of California. Thirty-nine Republicans vote against the bill, and one Republican senator, Jim Bunning, does not vote.

Because the House and Senate bill was different that had to be reconciled. But in the interim, the Dems lost a Senate seat in MA. So the House passed the Senate bill with a couple of changes, and then the used reconciliation to pass the revised bill the House did.

You can only use budget reconciliation to amend bills for budgetary reasons that already passed by normal methods, so it was not subject to a filibuster. The ACA finally got through because a version of it had previously got 60 votes.

Things got taken out of the bill. Like the national marketplace, the public option. Every step of the way things got stripped out. So I dunno how a piece of legislation the Dems were pushing for years, had hearing on for months, compromised with centrist at every step of the way, was rushed.
One version passed the House (that version had a national marketplace and public options), another version beat the filibuster (it included the cornhusker kickback, state marketplaces, no public option). Joe Libermann (who was no longer a member of the party because he became in Independent after he lost his primary for his Senate race in 2006) was basically was the main driver in writing the Senate version because he was the 60th vote. The bill passed 60-39.

Because the House and Senate bill was different that had to be reconciled. But in the interim, the Dems lost a Senate seat in MA. So the House passed the Senate bill with a couple of changes, and then the used reconciliation to pass the revised bill the House did.

You can only use budget reconciliation to amend bills for budgetary reasons that already passed by normal methods, so it was not subject to a filibuster. The ACA finally got through because a version of it had previously got 60 votes.

Things got taken out of the bill. Like the national marketplace, the public option. Every step of the way things got stripped out. So I dunno how a piece of legislation the Dems were pushing for years, had hearing on for months, compromised with centrist at every step of the way, was rushed.

I find it astounding that people STILL don’t seem to understand this. The irony was that the GOP couldn’t even repeal/replace the ACA in part because of the reconciliation process limiting them as well.

I think one benefit of the legislative filibuster being removed is the ability to pass meaningful legislation but this would also allow the next GOP administration to actually build the wall, etc. so it’s a true double edged sword.
Good thing about our democracy is that if the Dems don’t do right by the blacks (and Mexicans in AZ and NV) then in 2024 they won’t vote. Hell, if they don’t do right by them then I won’t even vote in 2024.

like Laker nation and LeBron, we don’t care what you did for us before you came here. Now that you’re here. Show us. Don’t talk about it.
I find it astounding that people STILL don’t seem to understand this. The irony was that the GOP couldn’t even repeal/replace the ACA in part because of the reconciliation process limiting them as well.

I think one benefit of the legislative filibuster being removed is the ability to pass meaningful legislation but this would also allow the next GOP administration to actually build the wall, etc. so it’s a true double edged sword.
The GOP was one vote away from repealing the ACA. John McCain had a lucid moment and saved the day.

Sure there is a risk of dropping the filibuster, but all things considered, it is worth it. It is just that if the Dems do it, they need to pass legislation to unrig the system against them and democracy.
The GOP was one vote away from repealing the ACA. John McCain had a lucid moment and saved the day.

Sure there is a risk of dropping the filibuster, but all things considered, it is worth it. It is just that if the Dems do it, they need to pass legislation to unrig the system against them and democracy.

Yeah I think you’re right that eventually Dems will be forced into a corner with the filibuster in order to enact major policy. My issue with it is the GOP seems to be better able to hold the Senate so we could be looking at future GOP POTUS implementing far more of their agenda via legislation because of this (used the Wall as an example here). The flipside is that, if Dems pass policy that is as popular as the ACA is/was, it is unlikely that even those GOP administrations would repeal this kind of policy. That said, I would be concerned about the GOP gutting SS and Medicaid (through small reforms over time) with future policy under this strategy though.

Oh ******* kill me now :lol: :rofl:

Like I said before, the Dems path forward was actually passing policy and showing people they have their best interest at heart. Cause the fact Trump got credit for a policy the Dems pushed to make sure was in the CARES Act, and that in turn hurt the Dems, is ******* sad and hilarious at the same damn time.
I know a lot has been said about the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia. And I've committed to do my part, including contributing to help the Dems flip the senate.

Not sure if posting such links is acceptable (if not, I will remove this) but here is the link to support Rev. Raphael Warnock in his efforts to flip the Senate.

Georgia Senate Race Raphael Warnock — Donate via ActBlue
I know a lot has been said about the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia. And I've committed to do my part, including contributing to help the Dems flip the senate.

Not sure if posting such links is acceptable (if not, I will remove this) but here is the link to support Rev. Raphael Warnock in his efforts to flip the Senate.

Georgia Senate Race Raphael Warnock — Donate via ActBlue

Brah :rofl: :rofl:

Mans is really committed to this babyface turn.

This is like when I was a kid watching wrestling and Red and Yellow Hulk Hogan came back, and acted like I was supposed to forget that bigen beard and all dem years he was yelling N.W.O.

Shameless :lol:
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The building you have to walk through to cross the border from Matamoros to Brownville has a huge picture if him hanging in the hallway where you wait in line. Absolutely disgusting that those workers that cross every day have to be greeted by that 🤡
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