***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I mean if dems can pull it off in January.. which should set them up great for 22

could be Harris in ‘24 or ‘28

if dems get all 3 branches and can put in voting protections and can make DC and puerto rico states.. big things should be happening.. texas and Florida could be blue easily
It could very well be, but I don't really have faith in Biden nor Harris. Wasn't Harris a poor presidential candidate? I don't know don't care, but a person that goes extra hard to **** over her people instead of using her power for prison reform aint worth a dime on my books. Hopefully she redeems herself and proves me wrong.

But I would rather have AOC a person that came from actual low income class and is trying to do something for the people.

This one is better and gives better context

These exit poll demographic things aren't accurate fyi.

Usually takes months to figure out the real demographic breakdown of the vote.
this feels like the old days when people celebrated on the streets because war was over and the troops were coming home.

Just had my 2nd cup of coffee in the past hour. Strapped in, this gone be a long and great evening.
All’s I’m saying is where I live(South Texas) there was a **** ton of trucks with those dumb *** Blue Lives Matters flags, Trump as Rambo flags, etc.... they’re really absent right now. All of my neighbors(predominantly white) had those Trump/Pence 2020 signs in their yards, they’re gone now. Maybe the change is starting to happen.

Houston here...lots of folks that had the trump/pence signs also had "Jesus 2020" signs as well...the trump/pence signs have been removed but the jesus' signs are still present...:lol:
These exit poll demographic things aren't accurate fyi.

Usually takes months to figure out the real demographic breakdown of the vote.
That graphic is old, it was made in 2016 I believe.

It is not based on 2020, I don't think it is eve based on the 2016 election data

Mother Jones did an article about them...


But from what I have read, the maps are generally right. A few states could be different though.
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