***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A company she worked for just settled a case with and ex employee that sued stating she sexually harassed him a bunch of times and when he curved her, she got him fired. He got a million dollars

never settle kings
Catch you a whale too

My city of Van Nuys right now
I belive AOC is going to be our first Female president.

I mean if dems can pull it off in January.. which should set them up great for 22

could be Harris in ‘24 or ‘28

if dems get all 3 branches and can put in voting protections and can make DC and puerto rico states.. big things should be happening.. texas and Florida could be blue easily
I just want to know the status of the constituents that were told to stand down and stand by, I want to move freely through my city.
1. They need to get rid of electoral votes. It’s complete garbage and racist.

2. They also need to do something about social media. The amount of lies that were spread this year is really insane. Facebook, Twitter and whatever probably allowed a few million to believe some made up stories and vote for the opposite party. So many of my boys was sending me garbage from social media.
All’s I’m saying is where I live(South Texas) there was a **** ton of trucks with those dumb *** Blue Lives Matters flags, Trump as Rambo flags, etc.... they’re really absent right now. All of my neighbors(predominantly white) had those Trump/Pence 2020 signs in their yards, they’re gone now. Maybe the change is starting to happen.
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