***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The bloodbath will be short term. We know how R's go, they fall in line regardless. R's are cultish within themselves with or without Trump

Plus a sitting Prez usually has to fight off losing the house in midterms. They all lose..Trump, Obama, Clinton...so ppl need to brace themselves for that. Alot of these state houses are ran by R's so get ready for even crazier district maps coming next year + courts on their side.

Dems really need to throw the kitchen sink at these runoffs in GA cause these two years will be extremely crucial to passing meaning legislation.

Ima keep celebrating but def. have to keep an open mind of how the next decade or so will look

I fully expect F-ery since republicans can’t win straight up

but I think this election was a perfect storm in a sense for house and senate GOPs, they benefited from the cult showing up but there were republicans who didn’t roll with trump

so don’t know how much we can really take away from this since trump might be the best of what they got in that he had a base outside of the GOP

I mean even think of something as simple as all the washed celebrities who tried to get a few more mins, that’s not happening to this degree with any of the other current options.. like lil Wayne’s girl leaving him was news

also dont know when turnout will ever be this big again throughout the whole country

have we discussed Alexi McCammond :nerd:

The grift just never ends with these people. Trump’s latest fundraising letter explicitly claims but doesn’t provide “proof” of fraud in the election and uses that pitch to callon his supporters to donate to provide money for the election litigation.

The fine print however exposes the grift and it turns out 60% of the donations go towards paying off campaign debt and 40% goes to the “RNC’s operating account.

It hilariously goes on to claim that “any additional funds”, of which there are none because 60+40%=100% obviously, go towards the “RNC’s legal proceedings account.”Supporters would only know 0% of their money is going towards what Trump told them it would go to unless they bothered to read and understand the fine print.

Tl;dr version: Trump asks donations and claims it’s tofund his election litigation efforts, while the fine print says that is a lie and all of it goes to paying off the campaign’s debt and the RNC’s operational costs.
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I'm not surprised in the slightest that military ballots didn't go in Trumps favor. The idea that most military folks are rednecks who just wanna shoot foreigners is outdated. A lot of educated people of all races in the military and their mentality is one of diplomacy.

No matter how much you love America, you join the military to defend America and when your president makes the entire world hate you, you don't support him. Nobody wants the risk of ending up in a war Where no other country wants to have our back because the president is a moron
And yet alot of police supported Trump. Big contrast.
After watching almost nothing but cnn the last couple of days, I only had Netflix on today. Any reason why the race isn't called yet?
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