***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Throwing out ballots is really only an issue with states where mail in ballots can be received after the 3rd (PA, NV, NC).

I think PA is the only one people are worried about being contested in court, but Biden wouldn't even need PA if he holds his current leads in NV + AZ + WI + MI = 270
Bingo. This ain’t just Florida like in 2000. Trump gonna have to throw out a LOT of votes to win
It is .... ask Gore that.

The initial count in FL triggered an automatic recount which opened the doors for the GOP shenanigans. These races aren't the same. PA is the only state that could be contested although legally there's not much standing either for that.
It’s not 2000 my guy. I hear you but use logic :lol:

Biden got multiple paths to victory with Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania already declared Trump out of his mind trying to stop counting these ballots.**** won’t even make it to the Supreme Court :lol:
You're absolutely right .. this aint 2000, this is 2020.

Remember that!

Hopefully this **** doesn't go to the courts ....
More Republicans voted 45 this time than did in 2016, so much for that Never Trumper/Lincoln project grift accomplishing a damn thing besides enrich GOP strategists and make snarky ads that didn't move the needle :lol: >D

Same for the strategy of trying to appeal to GOP voters with GOP lite Dems :lol: :rolleyes
More Republicans voted 45 than did in 2016, so much for that Never Trumper/Lincoln project grift not accomplishing a damn thing besides enrich GOP strategists and make snarky ads that didn't move the needle :lol: >D

Same for the strategy of trying to appeal to GOP voters with GOP lite Dems :lol: :rolleyes
Good point and this goes towards all media outlets. You want to hurt someone? DONT EVEN MENTION THEM
That many votes, and he might still lose.

Talk about a trash *** system.
Woke up to the Wisky news, seeing the gap lessen in MI and GA (!!!!) and the lead holding in NV.


I’m cautiously optimistic that Joey is gonna pull this off, GOP ******* and all.
You're absolutely right .. this aint 2000, this is 2020.

Remember that!

Hopefully this **** doesn't go to the courts ....
Positive energy my guy! Not trying to disagree with you, still skeptical. But I still believe in democracy, for whatever reason
Its crazy how mfs expect me to just treat today like a normal work day
Immigration and Customs Enforcement is closed due to threat of post election violence. They're all a bunch of Trump'ers like on a higher scale than Fox News doofuses. I'm more worried about them doing something stupid than the community at large
He has no standing to throw out any votes in MI or WI which at the moment are going to deliver Joe the presidency. They'll be done counting both states by the end of the day.

my feelings exactly. Wisconsin any hour now will call it for joe. Then Nevada, and Michigan tonight tomorrow morning. All he needs is those 3 states and it’s over. For now but trump and the gop are definitely going to fight this in court for months.
Was low key feeling like 2016 when I hit the sack last night...Woke up early, saw the trends ticking back to Biden, saw Trump lost his mind and started crying about not counting anymore votes, had a good laugh...Now we're back on track y’all...Uncle Joe got this...
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