***Official Political Discussion Thread***


I legit haven't done an iota of work today. Gonna hit this one to PTO and call it a day. Such a weird feeling everything has brought....

A Federal District Court judge on Tuesday ordered an immediate sweep of 12 postal districts searching for undelivered ballots after the Postal Service said in court that some 300,000 ballots it had received had not been scanned for delivery.

The dramatic Election Day order came as record numbers of Americans have voted by mail this year, as many voters were anxious to avoid crowds at the polls during the pandemic — and at the end of a campaign season in which fears that recent Postal Service changes had caused extensive mail delays that could imperil ballots.

The judge, Emmet G. Sullivan of the District of Columbia, ordered the sweep to begin before 3 p.m. to “ensure that no ballots have been held up and that any identified ballots are immediately sent out for delivery.” He said he was particularly concerned about ballot delivery in districts where there has been slow processing of ballots for days, including Central Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Detroit.

He ordered the Postal Service to provide him with an update on the sweep by 4:30 p.m. certifying that “sweeps were conducted and that no ballots were left behind.”

Roughly 300,000 ballots that the U.S. Postal Service says it processed show no scan confirming their delivery to ballot-counting sites, according to data filed today in federal court in Washington, D.C., leaving voter-rights advocates concerned as low on-time delivery scores for mail ballots continue to plague some key swing districts.

Postal officials say just because a ballot never received a final scan before going out for delivery doesn’t mean, necessarily, that it wasn’t delivered. A machine scanning ballots for final processing can sometimes miss ballots that are stuck together or whose bar codes are smudged. And hand-sorted ballots typically do not receive a final scan before delivery.

The Postal Service has also authorized expedited delivery of ballots that forego the normal process, but voting-rights advocates are concerned that, without a scan verifying the ballots went out for delivery, some could be sitting uncounted at various postal facilities around the country.

Data the Postal Service filed on Election Day showed continued low on-time processing scores for ballots delivered Monday in several battleground postal districts, including 69 percent in Central Pennsylvania, 79 percent in Philadelphia, 78 percent in Detroit, 61 percent in Atlanta and 74 percent in South Florida.

All states require that mail ballots be postmarked by Election Day in order to count, but some allow a grace period for the ballots to arrive in the hands of elections officials. Pennsylvania, for instance, has a three-day window to receive ballots as long as they are postmarked by Nov. 3, but that is the subject of litigation.

The ballots in question should have been postmarked upon entering a postal facility, but the sweep will help determine whether any fell through the cracks, according to Shankar Duraiswamy, the lead attorney for the nonprofit coalition Vote Forward, which is suing the Postal Service to try to ensure all ballots are delivered.

He asked for an order from Judge Sullivan requiring the Postal Service to verify by 3 p.m. that an inspector has visited facilities at all “hot spot” jurisdictions to “ensure that no ballots remain in the facility and that all ballots that were there earlier today are out for delivery this afternoon.”

Mr. Duraiswamy said the order focuses on states that don’t have a statutory grace period for receiving ballots after Election Day. “No voter should be disenfranchised for something that is outside of his or her control,” he said. “These are districts we’ve identified as chronically underperforming.”

Judge Sullivan ordered the Postal Service on Friday to undertake “extraordinary measures” to deliver the ballots in 22 districts where on-time delivery of ballots dipped below a rate of 90 percent for two days last week.

The Postal Service reported it had discovered 180,000 pieces of delayed mail in Miami-Dade County in Florida, including more than 40 ballots, after a video taken inside a post office in disarray in the city of Homestead went viral of Friday. However, it said all but one of those ballots had now been delivered to elections officials.

******* disgusting.
Because of the GOP's clown *** behavior, the ballot I return 2 and a half weeks ago didn't get counted before election day.

So in case, there is an issue, I might have to go down to the Election Office and stand in line with everyone else, during a period of time Covid is spiking in my area

Instead of being able to go fix it when the offices were pretty much empty.

Man **** the GOP
Trump is a complete idiot
He's expecting judges to risk their families legacy for him
Ain't nobody going to uphold any of his BS after he has publicly stated he's trying to steal the election
This aint the 1920s
Just came back from voting, besides the poll workers and a few others (including myself, my brother and mom) most weren't wearing masks.

This is why I stay my a_ at home. :smh: :lol:

I haven’t been out of the metro area since the pandemic started, but it’s wild hearing how ppl just don’t wear masks in other places. Literally everyone has a mask on when I’m out in DC/MD. Old, young, black, white, fat, hipsters, trappers, toddlers :lol:
I haven’t been out of the metro area since the pandemic started, but it’s wild hearing how ppl just don’t wear masks in other places. Literally everyone has a mask on when I’m out in DC/MD. Old, young, black, white, fat, hipsters, trappers, toddlers :lol:

Nyc is the same generally speaking.
Not gonna lie, earlier in the day, around 10:30 am, I said a prayer in church hoping for a Biden victory. Told Him, I bet you don't like Trump either God :lol:. I hope Americans do the right thing. 🤞.
Me when I pray: “I just hope the nation can be United after this and start to heal”

also me when I pray: “God you and I both know only Biden can do that. Please help”
I’ve been poll watching all day. My black sweat suit and balaclava are having their desired effects. Word got around the nearby retirement communities, no old white people are showing up. They must have told their adult children also because no MAGA trucks are arriving.

A small business owner came in earlier but i brandished a can of soup and he left right away. The poll workers high fives me for that.

The most touching moment of the day was an undocumented immigrant and his entire work crew cane in and voted for the first time. I saluted them and they tipped their cowboy hats my way.

Whether or not Biden wins or the moderate Howie Hawkins wins, the real winner will be ochlocracy.

I love mob rule.
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