***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You thought Trump was really paying taxes cause he spouts that America first bull****?!

*insert dude with red solo cup gif*

He isn’t for any of that **** he talks about. He regurgitates the same stuff to get his base up in arms. It’s baffling anyone believes anything he says.

I've got a couple of trains of thoughts on this. First, it's wildly inconsistent to be "america first" while literally hoarding wealth and avoid paying in societal dues. saw a couple tweets that the trump organizations pay more taxes to other countries than they did in america.

second, i don't even mind that his taxes are low. I have more problems with the system which allows it to happen and only targets poor folks trying to game the same system because it's easier to pick on them.

third, it's fundamentally unfair that the super wealthy can influence elections and continue to lobby their way into tax cuts. it's basically a business expense for them to throw money at PACs because they'll save more money in taxes than they donate to the PACs.

fourth, whether or not what he did amounts to illegal or not doesn't matter to me. He's the president of the united states. setting the bar that low is a slap in the face to every american. our nations leader should be held to the standard of morality, not legality, especially when as discussed above, they change the rules to benefit them and then say "well we didn't break any rules!". it's easy to not break rules when you write them, and the trumps still struggle to not shoot themselves in the foot.
Shocked Biden agreed to these debates. I don’t see the upside for him.
Do they really think having the questions would even mean anything? Any competent person/team would have a pretty damn good idea what the questions are going to be.
Seriously!! Great point! What do these idiots who say Biden has the questions think are going to be asked tonight? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the topics at hand!

This talking point irks the hell out me and shows you how dumb his supporters are. If you’ve had any level of schooling before you should understand the concept of anticipating what will be asked of you beforehand during an examination. Furthermore, he likely has several people working on figuring this out for him. It would honestly be a shame if a candidate didn’t know what the questions would be coming in. That level of unpreparedness would be negligent.
You're brave for even stopping to take pics. Surprised you weren't met with pot bellied cargo shorts wearing 50 year old aiming a rifle at you.

I had to go there for work. I think they sent me there to clown. :lol:

I saw the owner it was some crazy lady.
You are shocked he agreed to do something presidential candidates have done consistently for the last 44 years?


With all of the accusations that Trump just lies about everything, I don’t see how it helps Biden to go into the debate.

Any true undecided voters probably won’t shift to Biden based on his debate performance. So he’s opening himself up to Trump doing well and leaving with a boost.

With all of the accusations that Trump just lies about everything, I don’t see how it helps Biden to go into the debate.

Any true undecided voters probably won’t shift to Biden based on his debate performance. So he’s opening himself up to Trump doing well and leaving with a boost.
Hillary was seen as the victor in her debates with Trump, and got a bump after them.

And Biden debated Bernie when he had nothing to lose.

Him pulling out of the debate would have been a much worse look, (made him look scared of Trump, and given credence to Trump ******** claim that Biden is hiding) than Trump lying his way to looking competent. So you are shocked Biden will make Trump work for a political win instead of handing it to him.

But the funniest part of this post is there are accusations that Trump lies, when it is an established fact that he does. You got your whole tongue wrapped around that mans kitty heel boot. Good Grief.
Hillary was seen as the victor in her debates with Trump, and got a bump after them.

And Biden debated Bernie when he had nothing to lose.

Him pulling out of the debate would have been a much worse look, (made him look scared of Trump, and given credence to Trump bull**** claim that Biden is hiding) than Trump lying his way to looking competent. So you are shocked Biden will make Trump work for a political win instead of handing it to him.

But the funniest part of this post is there are accusations that Trump lies, when it is an established fact that he does. You got your whole tongue wrapped around that mans kitty heel boot. Good Grief.

I agree he would’ve given Trump a talking point by not doing the debates, but the risk of Trump doing well and Biden making a signature “gaffe” seems greater. But we will see.
Trump is gonna come on stage blown to bits snorting a teener before the debate to own the libs.

Is npr or anything playing the debates? I’m gonna be at work.

When? Tuesday, Sept. 29, from 9 to 10:30 p.m. ET. (You can listen to the debate on NPR, and we'll have a livestream video online.)
So drugs.. Devices.. and now he got the questions ahead of time

maybe there’s a jeopardy like q&a part of the debate they we don’t knOw about

Shocked Biden agreed to these debates. I don’t see the upside for him.
The fact that trump literally can’t stay on topic when asked a question and makes a fool of himself regularly while speaking is reason enough. You’re a lawyer, right? Not sure what you practice, but it’s be like asking a guilty, not too bright client to take the stand. Trump’s team should’ve had them cancelled under the guise of safety.
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