***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i've seen an uptick in people talking about trump giving up his salary as president as if the taxpayers aren't funding all the stays at his various resorts.
i've seen an uptick in people talking about trump giving up his salary as president as if the taxpayers aren't funding all the stays at his various resorts.

Is the talk about him giving up his salary in response to not paying his taxes?
Is the talk about him giving up his salary in response to not paying his taxes?

seems like more of a deflection point. most of the direct response to "he doesn't pay his taxes" has been something along the lines of "tax avoidance isn't tax evasion", "he didn't break any rules", "blame the system, not trump", and "fake news/this is a political hit job"
Where's the "Krusty" *** dudes who were trying to make Tulsi Gabbard a thing? And the "give Trump a chance" ? A bunch of y'all free thinkers are being exposed for what you really are.
A bunch of "ignant" intellectually lazy people who jump on a bandwagon and won't look at the facts just so you can feel smarter than everyone.
Day by day y'all look real dumb for some of the **** y'all posted on this site.
Shaq said “Let’s give him a chance,” when Trump first got elected. He stated this on Insise The NBA, pregame. I’d love to hear what he has to say now.
I can only hope dwalk31 dwalk31 got the same energy he had about a joke differentiating between the tittle baron and the name Barron

the daughter who aint in politics and the grandchild who also ain’t in politics

I always kinda thought people were describing trumps die hard group of supporters as a cult for lack of a better word. It’s actually the only word to use. No matter what details come out to prove he’s lying, they always believe him. How can you say covid-19 isn’t real 6 months in? I’m certain there are countless numbers willing to die for his cause, which is enriching himself at others’ expense. The **** that makes the news every day is already unbelievable to me, but I can’t imagine what we’ll find out when he’s out of office. All those complicit in these crimes and coverups should be charged and imprisoned, including governors, senators, and former cabinet members.
I always kinda thought people were describing trumps die hard group of supporters as a cult for lack of a better word. It’s actually the only word to use. No matter what details come out to prove he’s lying, they always believe him. How can you say covid-19 isn’t real 6 months in? I’m certain there are countless numbers willing to die for his cause, which is enriching himself at others’ expense. The **** that makes the news every day is already unbelievable to me, but I can’t imagine what we’ll find out when he’s out of office. All those complicit in these crimes and coverups should be charged and imprisoned, including governors, senators, and former cabinet members.

Hit me hard when i was making the news rounds on the trump tax scandal and people are saying "see no russian ties!!!!" All the left wanted was there to be russian tie's in the tax returns and it proves again Trump was right. Check the fortune 500's tax returns...none of them pay taxes...its how it goes for rich people

As a casual human...I didn't really care if Russia appeared in trumps taxes. I was just kind of hoping "Mr. America First" had the balls to put his money where his mouth was and as usual it just proved he was a con-man. But hearing the media turn all of this into some how being "not bad at all"...when i personally see it as a big insight into his whole persona...i just can't
wonder what dwalk31 dwalk31 got to say about Biden this morning

The credulity of Christians (especially the converted, born again kind) stems from the fact that Christianity is to be propagated by peacefully convincing the non-believers that the Christian message is the Truth. So it isn't hard for Trump and other grifters to take advantage of real believers by feigning an interest in it, the "history," and the religious texts. It also doesn't help that unlike many other religions, where you have to practice some physically demanding rituals to prove you belong, all you have to do to be considered Christian is to declare you accept Jesus, which is why you see a whole lot of tomfoolery in it.
None of this will matter to the religious base because for them, "God works in mysterious ways"

As long as he does what they approve of.
You thought Trump was really paying taxes cause he spouts that America first ********?!

*insert dude with red solo cup gif*

He isn’t for any of that **** he talks about. He regurgitates the same stuff to get his base up in arms. It’s baffling anyone believes anything he says.
Hit me hard when i was making the news rounds on the trump tax scandal and people are saying "see no russian ties!!!!" All the left wanted was there to be russian tie's in the tax returns and it proves again Trump was right.
About this in particular: his own son (can't remember who) is on the record admitting that much of the money from the Trump Org is coming from Russia (that was known was long before 2015). The real question is about the nature of the relationship between Trump and Russia and whether he is part of a scheme to launder money for them or not. You should take the time to look into the origins of the Magnitsky Act.
Trump's greatest strategic move when he first became president was instilling the concept of "fake news" into the minds of his followers. It becomes a go to move anytime a story comes out and saves him from criticism or punishment. He didn't pay taxes? Fake news. He makes fun of religious leaders? Fake news. He knew about bounties on troops and did nothing? Fake news. He colluded with Russia to prevent Black Americans from voting? You guessed it. Fake news.
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