***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Looking more and more like her dad. Jeepers.
I mean Affirmative Action is dead, but things like from the 60s Civil Rights Acts might be in danger.
Oh it can get a lot darker lighter than that. The ultimate goal of some of those conservatives (speaking of the alt-right) is to reverse the browning of America, and what we've seen regarding the policy of making life uncomfortable for illegal immigrants can potentially be extended to legal, non-white immigrants. It can go as far as repealing or invalidating citizenship at birth.

And as the crippling of the ACA and the invalidation of the voting rights acts has shown, they don't need to take down the entirety of those laws; they only have to take care of the parts that make them functional.

From what I've heard from Trump supporters, he's just joking and trolling the libs.
Truth is often said in jest. I don't joke with Trump supporters, I hear their truths.
I am legit vexed how the republicans can’t pass a stimulus package but got time to put a judge on the court so they can vote down the ACA

I guess it is a good thing Trump was able to keep the unemployment payments going for those in need, while Congress struggles to find a stimulus package they can agree on.
With the election coming up. I wrote an article on a voter suppression tactic that is so blatant, that I can't believe its constitutional and widely accepted


Steve King.JPG

gonna read this. we have a vote on ballot this year for Amendment 1 which will end partisan gerrymandering in Virginia.

excited to see how it changes this state in the near future*

*assuming the states remain united after Nov
With the election coming up. I wrote an article on a voter suppression tactic that is so blatant, that I can't believe its constitutional and widely accepted


Steve King.JPG
Sorry but I am not rocking with this article's both sides framing.

Even though I am against gerrymandering generally, you present it was something both sides do equally. When that it is not true. Republicans gerrymander on a much bigger scale than Democrats, much larger. And on aggregate it helps the GOP way more than the Dems. Maryland being the only really major example of Dem gerrymandering (there are other smaller examples like for instance the NYC city races).

But while it is part of the national strategy for the Republicans, it is not for the Dems, in fact the national party is wants partisan gerrymandering banned, and would prefer independent boards redraw districts. The New Jersey Dems tried to make their state less favorable for Republicans, while still having the overall state be slightly favorable to them, and the whole damn National Democratic Party came down on the NJ Dems.

Furthermore, the Dems in the house passed a voting rights bill that bans partisan gerrymandering in federal elections. So your comment about it being something they want to hide from voters is misinformation.

Both siding stuff without proper context does readers a disservice. So with all things considered, and with all due disrespect for your work, this is a poorly written article.

Presenting unbiased options should not mean drawing false equivalencies
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