***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Rusty punching air right now...

fox news ppl.. guess ole boy going be all in on OANN

I'll give Trump this. Americans dont want to look at the consequences of war (wounded veterans) because it would make them question their "shoot first ask questions later" attitude, and we all know what happens to those who make Americans question themselves:

They get shot.

So thank you POTUS for thinking about the lives of wounded veterans.
Fair warning brahs

Tomorrow we get a jobs report. We will probably add over a million jobs, and unemployment will tick down a bit. The news will probably not be all good though.

Watch out for Delk posting about it, to celebrate the news.

Payrolls increase by nearly 1.4 million as the unemployment rate tumbles


Dwalk is absolutely distraught. I feel for the guy

Probably not a good idea to go on tape saying you're ready to murder your ex-tenant.

I do feel bad for him but I don't know the circumstances of how he approached his tenant about vacating. Are things like this typically insured? Either way, he can litigate. Since he's a lawyer and all.
Dr. President working overtime to deliver his signature brand of medical expertise:

used to laugh at Soviet Russia with their nonsense economics and bootleg government programs but
If they do roll out that vaccine, the negative consequences will be something else. I'm specifically thinking about how the anti-vaxx crowd will be inflated by those who will be significantly affected by the side effects and how that could trigger a widespread distrust of immunization in general. We all know which diseases are lurking in the shadows if that happens.

This man is destruction personified.
This is sarcasm, right? :lol:

Nothing is gonna make his base waiver. They could have a full, verified report of him sleeping with Ivanka and they’d still brush it off.
It's not the base that is the concern. It's been determined they're a lost cause. Gone.

It's the military wives, families, and the active duty folks who may be extra motivated to get him out because there's nothing like dying for a commander in chief who's going to call you a sucker for following his orders.
Probably not a good idea to go on tape saying you're ready to murder your ex-tenant.

I do feel bad for him but I don't know the circumstances of how he approached his tenant about vacating. Are things like this typically insured? Either way, he can litigate. Since he's a lawyer and all.

if he has a mortgage on the property, the lender is going to require insurance.
Was this posted? Man admits to reading from Hitler’s book and Barbara roasts him.

Who knew... Who knew that the guy severely in debt to multiple banks, in over his head financially, exaggerates his business acumen and net worth, who straight-face lies about his infidelity, who barely speaks to or sees his own children (even the one who bears his name), and who admires and reads Hitler and tries to dismiss the question by throwing in a canard about a Jewish guy...

Who knew this guy would sell out to Russia, KSA, Israel, and other countries, get in bed with white supremacy, bankrupt the country morally and financially, mishandle a pandemic that leads to 200k dead (and counting) and millions of jobs lost, cheat on his wife and use campaign finances to pay her off, and surround himself with the worst people this country has to offer (and many of them convicts), but never have a single friend around.

Who knew.
Who knew... Who knew that the guy severely in debt to multiple banks, in over his head financially, exaggerates his business acumen and net worth, who straight-face lies about his infidelity, who barely speaks to or sees his own children (even the one who bears his name), and who admires and reads Hitler and tries to dismiss the question by throwing in a canard about a Jewish guy...

Who knew this guy would sell out to Russia, KSA, Israel, and other countries, get in bed with white supremacy, bankrupt the country morally and financially, mishandle a pandemic that leads to 200k dead (and counting) and millions of jobs lost, cheat on his wife and use campaign finances to pay her off, and surround himself with the worst people this country has to offer (and many of them convicts), but never have a single friend around.

Who knew.
sure but at least he doesnt wanna kill full term babies with abortions.
A lion. :lol: that dude is proud that everyone in that store prob thought he was a moron and an *******. Weird flex but ok.
A lot of things that I hate about this racist POS but I cannot stand that when anyone hurts his feelings, he feels the need to attack. NY ran badly or by incompetence? The state handled COVID the best, from first to last or last to first, however that moron would say it.

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