***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Melania: "signifisance."

Now telling a story about a man looking for a heart. Pretty sure she's talking about the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz.
Mike Pompeo very explicitly conceded that his speech and even just his appearance at the RNC is illegal. In a memo that Pompeo himself issued, he warned that
Senate-confirmed Presidential appointees may not even attend a political party convention or convention-related event.”

The law does apply to the peasants of course. After all, what administration so dedicated to corruption would allow those plebeians to operate under the same legal impunity that Trump’s finest loyalists are blessed with?

In an email after Pompeo issued the memo, a top State Dept official said “in my case, as a Senate confirmed Department official, I will be sitting on the sidelines of the political process this year”

As Trump has said many times, “LAW AND ORDER!”

dwalk31 dwalk31 Thoughts?
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Like I said, if he signed the act for a PR win Like you suggest, then why wouldn’t he be against it being undermined as a PR win as well?

Instead of following that clear logic you choose to believe he signed it for PR and then supports it being undermined...for *checks notes* bad PR?
JFC you sound green as hell.

All this time spent in this thread, and you can't figure that Trump is talking to two different audiences that want two opposite things? There's the dummies - you - for whom he signed the First Step Act just so he can go on the campaign trail and say "look at what I did for the blacks! Vote for me or stay home." The good PR is for you.
Then, there's his real crowd - the real MAGA, the rich white folks - to whom he's telling the truth during his exclusive, 10k-a-plate fundraisers: "look, I got Barr on it, and you won't see more of the blacks out of jail and possibly in your suburbs."

That's all there is to it.
Bipartisan measure introduced in Congress to condemn QAnon conspiracy theory

Meanwhile, president Trump just invited a congressional candidate, who is openly a QAnon cultist, to the WH. The invitation comes after Trump and several top WH officials’ (Meadows, Kushner) refusal to condemn QAnon despite the FBI labeling them a domestic terror threat. QAnon calls for the public execution of Trump’s political enemies.
In Kushner’s case, Fox’s Chris Wallace pressed him multiple times to condemn QAnon but Kushner repeatedly refused until Wallace gave up.

Due to the mentally unstable and violent nature of QAnon, serious crimes have already been committed in service of it, including homicide, a kidnapping criminal conspiracy, shooting up a pizza place, ...

In other words, Trump, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Kushner are enabling a domestic terror threat
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I feel like I'm losing my mind seeing this poorly written SNL skit of an excuse for a National Convention. All of it is full of Hatch Act illegality, lies, and blatant hypocrisy. And yet, *this* is actually appealing to folks. I always knew that white supremacy was fundamentally as stupid as it is inhumane, but man. This is unreal. And scary. Smh.
Their obsession with cancel culture is telling.

For years, service workers and lower level white collar workers had to watch what they said on social media and they could get fired or not get hired because they didn’t delete an insurance Facebook post of themselves holding a bottle of beer. When it happened to people with no money and no power, it wasn’t a problem.

In the last few years, people with money and power have faced (usually mild) consequences for being loud and proud racists and transphobes online. Now we call that “cancel culture.”

It’s also telling how much Republicans defend both powerful people and bigotry because most “victims” or cancel culture have liberals who fell out of favor. Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK etc. are not conservatives.

So Hollywood is this nest of perverts but apparently we must have solidarity with them when people don’t buy the anniversary copies of their movies because they sexually harassed every women they could get their hands on and we found out about it years later.
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