***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What is this language and, Democrats have plans to help minorities.

It is nice that the GOP might throw a couple sentences out there, but the fall way short of the DNC's and Clinton's platform

You sitting here claiming they'll be the worst thing for black yet they are attempting to reach out. Everything won't be changed in the Snap of a finger,but black voters should be a bit more open minded.

Has Trump made any specific promises to minorities? Serious question.

Trump has stuck to his usual shtick when it comes to minorities. "Things will be better. Believe me." Obviously,we'll get specifics during the debates.
Rico, you keep insisting on language. The GOP in many states has taken significant steps towards reducing minority participation in the electoral process, and you want minoeities ro throw themselves at them. Are you serious?

The words weren't put in Trump's adviser's mouth. They declined multiple invitations to speak in front of black groups, republican, democrat, and non affiliated. What do you make of this?
What is this language and, Democrats have plans to help minorities.

It is nice that the GOP might throw a couple sentences out there, but the fall way short of the DNC's and Clinton's platform

You sitting here claiming they'll be the worst thing for black yet they are attempting to reach out. Everything won't be changed in the Snap of a finger,but black voters should be a bit more open minded.

Has Trump made any specific promises to minorities? Serious question.

Trump has stuck to his usual shtick when it comes to minorities. "Things will be better. Believe me." Obviously,we'll get specifics during the debates.

You just said there was language in the platforms. Post it please.

-And really, we only get some sort of "details" weeks before the election. :smh: :lol:
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Drumpf has no history of racial discrimination? Oh rly? I like that reporter that was the same one from the other interview with that guy "Says who". She has had it with the blatant lying.
Drumpf has no history of racial discrimination? Oh rly?

What is the historical evidence for it again b? :nerd:

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Stuff Hillary has in her platform that will most directly help minorities and the black community......

Racial Justice:


Criminal Justice Reform:


Labor Rights:


Gun Control:




Voting Rights:


K-12 Education:


For a quick run down why these issues are so important. The usually video I post:

Trump hardly covers any of these issues. Hell his major plan proposals for healthcare and taxes have just been a wealth transfer system for the rich, and giving himself tax breaks. Dude is incompetent at proposing policy

I mean look at Hillary Issues page compared to Trump's:


Tiny Trump

Pushing the "language begets action" is not a talking point you wanna be trying to push.


Add to that some of these are older and her platform has gotten more progressive, add to that many of the programs that have shown to make major differences in the outcomes for minorities are usually championed by progressives (universal pre-k, summer jobs programs, etc.)

Black people should be working on getting true progressives into every corner of government. Not handling the country over to bigots
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Drumpf has no history of racial discrimination? Oh rly?

What is the historical evidence for it again b? :nerd:


Him being sued twice for violating the 1968 Civil Rights Act, because his building wouldn't rent to blacks.

This has been discussed at length, I know what the evidence is, you just wanted to troll

But here, this opinion article talks about it more. LINK
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i read that link on trill crim just reform - it does not address federal drug legalization or rescheduling, not state

saying that as president, she will allow some states to do pretty much what they've already been doing is avoidance

she brings up some of the major problems without really addressing them

it a bunch of hot air

address trill kissing kkk **** b - politicians gonna politic?
i'm sure you have already, but still - it's a bad look for her at best
Stuff Hillary has in her platform that will most directly help minorities and the black community......

Racial Justice:


Criminal Justice Reform:


Labor Rights:


Gun Control:




Voting Rights:


K-12 Education:


For a quick run down why these issues are so important. The usually video I post:

Trump hardly covers any of these issues. Hell his major plan proposals for healthcare and taxes have just been a wealth transfer system for the rich, and giving himself tax breaks. Dude is incompetent at proposing policy

I mean look at Hillary Issues page compared to Trump's:


Tiny Trump

Pushing the "language begets action" is not a talking point you wanna be trying to push.


Add to that some of these are older and her platform has gotten more progressive, add to that many of the programs that have shown to make major differences in the outcomes for minorities are usually championed by progressives (universal pre-k, summer jobs programs, etc.)

Black people should be working on getting true progressives into every corner of government. Not handling the country over to bigots

Dems have been talking a minority centric agenda for decades. But there's a HUGE disconnect between what they say and what they actually do. You're being lied too. Straight up. And you know it. Yea you'll hear pepper her speeches with some minority talking points and stories about hot sauce. But you really think Hillary is going to let the super predators flourish?
i read that link on trill crim just reform - it does not address federal drug legalization or rescheduling, not state

saying that as president, she will allow some states to do pretty much what they've already been doing is avoidance

she brings up some of the major problems without really addressing them

it a bunch of hot air

Now post Trump's views on the topic
Stuff Hillary has in her platform that will most directly help minorities and the black community......

Racial Justice:


Criminal Justice Reform:


Labor Rights:


Gun Control:




Voting Rights:


K-12 Education:


For a quick run down why these issues are so important. The usually video I post:

Trump hardly covers any of these issues. Hell his major plan proposals for healthcare and taxes have just been a wealth transfer system for the rich, and giving himself tax breaks. Dude is incompetent at proposing policy

I mean look at Hillary Issues page compared to Trump's:


Tiny Trump

Pushing the "language begets action" is not a talking point you wanna be trying to push.


Add to that some of these are older and her platform has gotten more progressive, add to that many of the programs that have shown to make major differences in the outcomes for minorities are usually championed by progressives (universal pre-k, summer jobs programs, etc.)

Black people should be working on getting true progressives into every corner of government. Not handling the country over to bigots

Dems have been talking a minority centric agenda for decades. But there's a HUGE disconnect between what they say and what they actually do. You're being lied too. Straight up. And you know it. Yea you'll hear pepper her speeches with some minority talking points and stories about hot sauce. But you really think Hillary is going to let the super predators flourish?

Deflection, red herrings, and strawmen as far as the eye can see because your talking point ran out of gas

You're cosigning bigotry, can't put forward a cogent argument why black people should follow you down this road, and you're doing it out of pure selfishness. Tell the truth. Straight Up. You know it.

address trill kissing kkk **** b - politicians gonna politic?
i'm sure you have already, but still - it's a bad look for her at best

It is a bad look, I have addressed it before, and I have said **** ole boy too. But lets not act like oh boy was a practicing member of the KKK when she did it.

Won't you agree that getting sued multiple times for discriminating against African Americans is a horrible look, one that makes you look like a racist?
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And how it is a deflection when we are talking about the differences between Clinton and Trump on policy. Hmmmm?

i was specifically addressing the link you provided, not contrasting it to anything else

And the topic of my post was contrasting the differences between Trump and Clinton, so I don't see how it was a deflection for me to continue down that road when I asked to address Trump.

So please, miss me with that deflection nonsense
Get this guy and his posting-pictures-mid-paragraph *** all the way up outta here.  Wild corny.  

Mr Marcus always been corny.

psk and Rusty giving out that raw :smokin
Wait Parade is Mr. Marcus?

Wow so son was a fraud this entire time. All the **** he's said about white ppl and racism and he over here talking about giving the Republican party a chance. Party of white supremacy?

What a clown :smh:
please cut and paste those sections of the platform. thanks.

Bruh, I literally posted it pages back for Master Zik but I guess cats ignored it.
No you didn't. You are lying. You are a liar.

You ain't post **** from any platform anywhere.

The last time you addressed me I told you to shut The **** up cuz you think sarcasm is evolving on an issue.

So if you did post anything about the republics. Party or Donald's platform reaching out to minorities with any language it should be easy to post again
And the topic of my post was contrasting the differences between Trump and Clinton, so I don't see how it was a deflection for me to continue down that road when I asked to address Trump.

So please, miss me with that deflection nonsense

you successfully avoided my post regarding the content of that link
good job!
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