***Official Political Discussion Thread***

13 months later and this is the best ad he could come up with. I cracked up laughing when Trump talks at the end. A+ comedy. That clown delivers.

I'm at a loss for words after watching that ad.

'Donald Trump's America is secure. Terrorists and dangerous criminals kept out. The border secure. Our families safe.'

He's got my vote.
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The whole ads thing y'all got going in the US has always intrigued me. Do these things actually have a significant effect?

I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a political ad here. During a national election I see maybe 2 or 3 signs around my town. The parties do rallies and go on political talk shows to explain their policies and debate but that's about it.

The local elections get a lot more attention in terms of signs and billboards etc.
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it confuses me too. but i think if 10 million in ads can sway even 1% of voters in a swing state, it's worth it.

But the campaigns are happy to settle for "shockingly small." Goldstein figures that there are about 800,000 truly undecided voters in the battleground states; factor in a total of $1 billion in ads — and that means campaigns are spending about $1,000 per persuadable voter.

may as well just straight up bribe me at that point :lol:

edit: and yes, i know the article is from 2012. no need to point it out.
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Dude saying "says who?" like he's part of a gambino crime family or something lol
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he's currently getting 1% so good luck/

he is quite the charmer though:

“Look how much African-American communities are suffering under Democratic control. To those I say the following: What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?” he said. “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”

Lol what have the Republicans done to solve the problem of poverty and crime in black communities? Like they would be any better than the Democrats lmao
Reaching Rico sent those quotes to Drumpf, I thought he wanted him to win though. Not the smartest course of action at this juncture.
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