***Official Political Discussion Thread***

he's currently getting 1% so good luck/

he is quite the charmer though:

“Look how much African-American communities are suffering under Democratic control. To those I say the following: What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?” he said. “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”

It's a reason we stick with democrats , republicans just gon make all these stats worse...dems at least talk and half attempt to help ...the other side is just straight F us
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It's a reason we stick with democrats , republicans just gon make all these stats worse...dems at least talk and half attempt to help ...the other side is just straight F us

Glad to see someone admit that Dems do the bare minimum to appease us. "Throw some scraps to the minorities. Election time is coming."
Oh please cut that ********, every bit of social policy that Obama tried to pass that would have help the black community was blocked.

The GOP is actively trying to role back Civil Rights legislation, have zero policy to help the community and have straight up stop caring about black people other than using them as pawns to scare lower and middle class whites

You're willing cape for bigots and sell out your ******* people for a lower tax bill. It doesn't get anymore disgusting than than **** to me
Seems like I struck a chord. I was simply agreeing with your cohort about Dems barely doing anything for blacks. And honestly, there have been many Democrat administrations that have done great things for minorities in the face of tremendous opposition. It's just that your man Obama is a weak leader.

And looking at the stats, we're faring terribly. Hillary has pretty much said her Presidency will be like a third Obama term, so pretty much we're looking at another 4 years of getting the short end of stick. So knowing that, I'd rather vote for my own self interest than vote with the majority of my people when I'm all but certain based on history the returns on that vote will be minimal.
If only Ben Carson were the nominee. 
I.E I don't give a **** if **** gets worst for my people, I got mines.

And really, blaming Obama because a wave of white nationalism has taken over the right wing of this country making it damb near impossible for anything to get done. Miss me with that weak ****
I.E I don't give a **** if **** gets worst for my people, I got mines.

And really, blaming Obama because a wave of white nationalism has taken over the right wing of this country making it damb near impossible for anything to get done. Miss me with that weak ****

Son if cats is satisfied with the absolute bare minimum then that's on them. When people start actually demanding more of their elected leaders instead of pulling the D lever like some ****** automatons then I'll jump into the fray. Until then keep begging for scraps and calling it progress.
I.E I don't give a **** if **** gets worst for my people, I got mines.

And really, blaming Obama because a wave of white nationalism has taken over the right wing of this country making it damb near impossible for anything to get done. Miss me with that weak ****

Son if cats is satisfied with the absolute bare minimum then that's on them. When people start actually demanding more of their elected leaders instead of pulling the D lever like some ****** automatons then I'll jump into the fray. Until then keep begging for scraps and calling it progress.


And you keep cosigning white supremacy, caping for bigots, and calling it "just doing you"
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Spin my position however you like but the fact still remains, minority loyalty to the Democrats is not being rewarded in kind.
Spin my position however you like but the fact still remains, minority loyalty to the Democrats is not being rewarded in kind.

The fact still remains that you entire argument is based on the assumption that the democrats have been able to institute policies how ever they liked.

The GOP is actively trying th suppress the minority vote and this is the side you caping for.

You can delude yourself all you want, a vote for the GOP in 2016 a cosign for white supremacy. The democrats may not be great, but the are still way better than the GOP

Are Ninjahood, Krispac, and Rico OK? Haven't heard from them in a while in here.
They'd done this before.

Go ghost when the heat is on, come back when **** has died down to talk **** when the news has moved on to something else.

These dudes can't be more dedicated than Donald in their defense of him.

When they show back they'll just deflect anyway and try to take the focus of their mans.
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I.E I don't give a **** if **** gets worst for my people, I got mines.

And really, blaming Obama because a wave of white nationalism has taken over the right wing of this country making it damb near impossible for anything to get done. Miss me with that weak ****

Son if cats is satisfied with the absolute bare minimum then that's on them. When people start actually demanding more of their elected leaders instead of pulling the D lever like some ****** automatons then I'll jump into the fray. Until then keep begging for scraps and calling it progress.
You should direct that towards the Republicans blocking any bills for actual change and improvement.

Those are the elected officials you have a problem with. Don't tell me you gonna try to flip that or can't see it for what it is.

You keep talking about doing the bare minimum but what you want Dems to do ignore the law and constitution? Pretend like the Rep. aint lock up the entire legislative branch so change can't be implemented and just go around them like this ain't a democracy?
And let us remember it was the GOP that turned their back on the black community, not the other way around

-They welcomed in the Dixiecrats after they were pushed out of the Democratic Party

-They nominated Barry Goldwater months after the Civil Rights Act was passed

-They started the Southern Strategy, which has been the core of their campaign strategy for decades

-They hail a white supremacist like Regan as a hero

-They pushed for the most punitive tough on crime measures

-They pushed programs that lead to militarization of the police and civil fines that terrorize black communities

-They welcome the white nationalism Tea Party movement

-They nominated Donald Trump who has a record for racist behavior (especially towards blacks)

-They actively push voter ID laws as a way to disenfranchise minorities, more specially black people

Maybe after GOP stops being the party of white supremacy and finds some sense, then more black people can consider voting for them.

Not before, after
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Srs? Welcome aboard.[/quote]

Dead *** :lol: will sit this one out because I thinker conservatives goofed splitting into so many different factions. This election should've been a gimme for them. But I would rather have Trump than Hillary.

As an African American I'm embarrassed at the loyalty the black community gives the Clintons and Democratic Party. All they do is keep folks satisfied with being poor with lil benefits :smh:

They single handily cost tons of jobs that kept lower income blacks from starving. Now these folks are starving and crime is rising.

Then last week my people kept sharing this article on how it'll take blacks 258 years to catch whites. Now listen to this....Trump gives a speech acknowledging poor blacks and their struggle. Yes his percentage was NTextreme but his message was admirable and black folks are crying racism :lol: are you serious? He addressed issues directly that Hillary won't even mentioned are dress it with "minority"

Folks gotta get their head outta their *** and start bargaining their vote. If I do decide to vote on the president it's Trump or bust but as of now I'm at whatever
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