***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Because you were talking about the deaths. I think New York and New Jersey have the most coronavirus deaths. By far. The vast majority are in the North East. These are not states that go red.

You honestly think Trump wearing a mask would have reduced deaths in New York and New Jersey? Come on.

I think you are giving him way too much credit. Tons of folks don't wear a mask, and don't social distance, because they don't want to. Trump is not going to magically make people wear a mask and social distance--just like DeBlasio cant--just like Cuomo can't. He especially does not have that type of influence in the North east where the vast majority of coronavirus deaths have occurred.

The question was not whether mask and social distancing work. Obviously both have shown to be effective.

The question was whether trump wearing one would have had a significant influence on the death toll to this point. I just don't think your initial statement follows considering the locations of the majority of coronavirus deaths.

Like I said before, I think that there are many unknowns and the situation is evolving as we get more information.
So you don’t think that wearing a mask and leading by example in a time of need would have made a difference to people who don’t want to wear them?
Because you were talking about the deaths. I think New York and New Jersey have the most coronavirus deaths. By far. The vast majority are in the North East. These are not states that go red.

You honestly think Trump wearing a mask would have reduced deaths in New York and New Jersey? Come on.

I think you are giving him way too much credit. Tons of folks don't wear a mask, and don't social distance, because they don't want to. Trump is not going to magically make people wear a mask and social distance--just like DeBlasio cant--just like Cuomo can't. He especially does not have that type of influence in the North east where the vast majority of coronavirus deaths have occurred.

The question was not whether mask and social distancing work. Obviously both have shown to be effective.

The question was whether trump wearing one would have had a significant influence on the death toll to this point. I just don't think your initial statement follows considering the locations of the majority of coronavirus deaths.

Like I said before, I think that there are many unknowns and the situation is evolving as we get more information.
What are the reasons that New York was hit so hard early on in the pandemic? How have they been able to reduce the number of cases? Now compare that to why we are continuing to see a huge number of cases several months after the pandemic started and after we've figured out ways to mitigate the spread. The two are hardly comparable. You're comparing the start of a pandemic with an unknown virus to several months after where we know quite a bit more.

I didn't say anything about Trump wearing a mask, so I don't know where that comes. However, if everyone was wearing a mask then the number of cases and deaths would be lower. We can do something about the continued spread, but the people you defend and support do not. If everyone wore masks and social distanced, the number of cases would drop.

You mean the guy that got everyone calling news they dislike "fake news" couldn't also get people to wear masks? That's laughable. You have even posted here about Biden's son and Burisma. If Trump was stressing the seriousness of coronavirus and was wearing masks in public, there is no way his supporters wouldn't follow.
So you don’t think that wearing a mask and leading by example in a time of need would have made a difference to people who don’t want to wear them?

By Donald Trump? In New York and New Jersey and other places in the North East? No, not a significant difference.

I think that action by DeBlasio and Cuomo would have possibly had a greater impact based on how those places vote, but I think most would agree that Cuomo handled it well yet the deaths still spiked in those places. Deblasio urged people and police to wear masks and people didn't.

The narrative that if people that don't like Trump saw him wear a mask then they would suddenly decide to wear a mask and social distance just doesn't seem realistic, to me.

If the large concentration of deaths was in the southern states then I would think that was a better argument.

To be clear I don't think Cuomo or Deblasio are at fault either. There are many factors including population size, access to medical equipment, lack of information and people refusing to follow guidelines set by them.
I didn't say anything about Trump wearing a mask, so I don't know where that comes. However, if everyone was wearing a mask then the number of cases and deaths would be lower. We can do something about the continued spread, but the people you defend and support do not. If everyone wore masks and social distanced, the number of cases would drop.

All Trump really had to do was push people to wear masks and social distance, and we could be having some semblance of normal life right now.

All Trump really had to do was push people to wear masks and social distance, and we could be having some semblance of normal life right now.
I'm not sure how pushing people to wear masks translates to Trump wearing a mask. Maybe because it's easier for you to argue against? I mean it did sound silly when you made it seem like I was saying Trump wearing a mask would have reduced deaths in NY and NJ.
The narrative that if people that don't like Trump saw him wear a mask then they would suddenly decide to wear a mask and social distance just doesn't seem realistic, to me.
You accused me of shifting a question, and here you are trying to change my argument.
I'm not sure how pushing people to wear masks translates to Trump wearing a mask. Maybe because it's easier for you to argue against? I mean it did sound silly when you made it seem like I was saying Trump wearing a mask would have reduced deaths in NY and NJ.

You accused me of shifting a question, and here you are trying to change my argument.

So you're saying if Trump pushed people to wear masks and social distance then the death toll in New York, New Jersey and the other Northeastern states would have dramatically decreased? So that I am not changing your argument.

The exact same argument I made before is why that doesn't work. Those places are not full of Trump supporters. The Governor and mayor were pushing people to do this and many didn't.

There are certainly issues that make the northeastern states unique in the high death tolls but Trump pushing folks, up there, to wear masks and social distance is certainly not what I would think of as a significant factor for the reasons I said earlier.

A bit hard to believe that you seriously do.
While NY and NJ was late to react like the rest of the country in comparison to the response by places like Korea, NY has seen a significant decrease in deaths since April.

FL and TX have seen increases and it will get much much worse as resources are eaten up.
Don’t worry red states are catching fast

You might want to look at the death toll by state.

Again I don't think it is the fault of the leaders of those states/local mayors either. As I said there is still so much unknown.
Lol at libs choosing Biden and his Scranton roots

just wait til Trump plays his “trump card” and exposes the dossier that proves that Michael Scott is the character that was based on Biden.He got proofs. Down to the Sebring and his inappropriate relationship with Jan Levenson. Not to mention the tons of inappropriate “that’s what she said”jokes. Joe is toast

You might want to look at the death toll by state.

Again I don't think it is the fault of the leaders of those states/local mayors either. As I said there is still so much unknown.
Let’s use your link as reference

What’s going on with the curve of deaths in NY


it’s staring to plateau

By comparison AZ


So NY has a high initial impact but has done a great job of curtailing deaths while AZ has a definitive steady increase

So what’s with that?
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