***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is BLM a symbol of hate dwalk31 dwalk31 ?
Libs are confused man

they want to help the dreamers but go against a great Mexican man in Ron Desantís. Libs the real racists.
Libs are not confused. They are evil. They want to destroy education so that kids stay dumb. Dumb people vote Democrat. That's a fact. I am 1/100th time percent sure of that.
So you refuse to say whether or not he is a racist?

I do not believe Joe Biden is racist. See that’s not hard.

You can base in opinion of someone on their actions.

I believe you are a white supremacist.

See how that works?

The difference is that I don't know whether or not Trump is a racist. I have consistently said as much. I have said I completely understand how someone can come to that conclusion based on the things he says, is accused of saying, and accused of doing. But, to this point, no I do not have enough to definitively say that he is a racist in my opinion. He, undoubtedly, peddles in it especially with the newest rhetoric surrounding the confederate statues and the BLM movement.

I understand several people disagree with me on that.

I also feel the exact same way about Biden despite some things he's said and done in the past. Just last year I think he said "poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

You are right, opinions can be based on actions.

But that doesn't make them true.

See how that works?
The difference is that I don't know whether or not Trump is a racist. I have consistently said as much. I have said I completely understand how someone can come to that conclusion based on the things he says, is accused of saying, and accused of doing. But, to this point, no I do not have enough to definitively say that he is a racist in my opinion. He, undoubtedly, peddles in it especially with the newest rhetoric surrounding the confederate statues and the BLM movement.

I understand several people disagree with me on that.

I also feel the exact same way about Biden despite some things he's said and done in the past. Just last year I think he said "poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

You are right, opinions can be based on actions.

But that doesn't make them true.

See how that works?

All those words to literally say nothing
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