***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With all the voter IDs laws going around in red states (many that that been found discriminatory, and violates the constitution), it is the liberals that don't care about the process :rolleyes

What a load of ********
*Waits for Ninja to come in and start spewing his "how can voter ID laws be discriminatory? da identity politics at work again" bs

u got served when da judge concluded da laws weren't enacted with a intent on being discriminatory (Texas ruling)
Let's see if you can figure out why....

Because he can't be controlled. But you for all that's a bad thing. You'd rather have the political version of a NASCAR as your candidate.

Wrong again.

They don't think he can win.. Therefore, why donate money to him?

Why would you try to buy influence from a guy who not only they don't think he can win. But makes them look bad when they donate
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Let's see if you can figure out why....

Because he can't be controlled. But you for all that's a bad thing. You'd rather have the political version of a NASCAR as your candidate.

Wrong again.

They don't think he can win.. Therefore, why donate money to him.

actually Trump has raised money & Hillary's staff is worried because he hasn't spent it & might unleash a last minute nuclear ad storm.
:lol: at the "lion waiting in the tall grass" tactic...


This thread is awesome. I get free laughs for nothing.

Bless your heart. :smokin
Wrong again.

They don't think he can win.. Therefore, why donate money to him.

I don't know why this is such a difficult concept to grasp. Some of the GOP are going against their own self interests, to back a guy that's clearly not conservative. Drumpf's own self destruction this last two weeks are why they're trying to cut funds from him cause any chance he had of winning he's screwed of his own accord.
actually Trump has raised money & Hillary's staff is worried because he hasn't spent it & might unleash a last minute nuclear ad storm.

This is false as well, but per the course when living in a land where facts don't matter.
With all the voter IDs laws going around in red states (many that that been found discriminatory, and violates the constitution), it is the liberals that don't care about the process :rolleyes

What a load of ********
*Waits for Ninja to come in and start spewing his "how can voter ID laws be discriminatory? da identity politics at work again" bs

Nah he been spewing "But the court said the intention weren't for them to be disciplinary, la liberals using identity politics to make this political"

Completely ignoring that months ago, he was right there with Blco saying the laws weren't discriminatory at all

With all the voter IDs laws going around in red states (many that that been found discriminatory, and violates the constitution), it is the liberals that don't care about the process :rolleyes

What a load of ********
*Waits for Ninja to come in and start spewing his "how can voter ID laws be discriminatory? da identity politics at work again" bs

u got served when da judge concluded da laws weren't enacted with a intent on being discriminatory (Texas ruling)

Called it. Famb is too lazy to even think of new deflections
What are facts?
Leftist talking points
Wrong again.

They don't think he can win.. Therefore, why donate money to him?

Why would you try to buy influence from a guy who not only they don't think he can win. But makes them look bad when they donate

Who the hell cares what they think? These are the elite people that liberals hate, they don't like Trump. This should be some enemy of my enemy is my friend ****. Trump beat all their preferred candidates in the primaries and now he's going to do it in the general. He's beholden to no one. Only in the mind of a super liberal is that a bad thing. You all hate Citizens United, Trump is the epitome of what you claim to want. And Hillary is the exact type of politician that Citizens United is for.

It's a bunch of hypocrites in here. I better not see a single one of you criticize that ruling ever again.
Let's see if you can figure out why....

Because he can't be controlled. But you for all that's a bad thing. You'd rather have the political version of a NASCAR as your candidate.

Wrong again.

They don't think he can win.. Therefore, why donate money to him.

actually Trump has raised money & Hillary's staff is worried because he hasn't spent it & might unleash a last minute nuclear ad storm.


Clinton raised $90mil in July, $58mil on hand


Trump who brought in $80mil in July, $37mil on hand
I just hope you and ninja are here after that 2nd set of polls close and the race is over early.
Can all of us Hillary voters agree that whether we love, hate or are indifferent to her, that the washing of Trump in November will be a glorious day in this thread?

I literally cannot wait to read the comments from the Trump folks in here. :lol:

We should start a petition to bring blco byke just for 1 week only after the election. If not, it'll be like the NBA Finals thread was without Jumpman. Where's the fun in that?
We should embrace Trump because he's "beholden to no one"...an enemy of our enemy

Nevermind the fact that his proposals are totally antithetical to what the left typically believes...don't worry about that part. Just give him a try and if he sucks we can impeach
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I just hope you and ninja are here after that 2nd set of polls close and the race is over early.

Been here since '05 brotha. I ain going no where. And I don't know yet who I'm supporting, it may not be Trump. So don't expect anything from me.
actually Trump has raised money & Hillary's staff is worried because he hasn't spent it & might unleash a last minute nuclear ad storm.


First it was, "wait til da convention".
Then, "da debates".

Now, a "last minute nuclear Ad storm"? :lol:. Things are far from over, but you pro trump dudes don't understand the concept of trends. Trump has a lot of ground to make up. And he lost a lot of ground because everyday that goes by, he exposes how much more of an idiot he is....and the general public aren't all collectively as fueld by the bigotry, white nationalism and xenophobia that got trump the nomination.

***** wishing and hoping, and hoping and wishing.
We should embrace Trump because he's "beholden to no one"...an enemy of our enemy

Nevermind the fact that his proposals are totally antithetical to what the left typically believes...don't worry about that part. Just give him a try and if he sucks we can impeach

This was discussed pages back. Trump and Sanders (champion of the left) haVery more in common than Sanders and Hillary. Until she decides to change her stance.
Been here since '05 brotha. I ain going no where. And I don't know yet who I'm supporting, it may not be Trump. So don't expect anything from me.

Sure and ninja is an independent as well.
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We should embrace Trump because he's "beholden to no one"...an enemy of our enemy

Nevermind the fact that his proposals are totally antithetical to what the left typically believes...don't worry about that part. Just give him a try and if he sucks we can impeach

This was discussed pages back. Trump and Sanders (champion of the left) haVery more in common than Sanders and Hillary. Until she decides to change her stance.

Bull **** :rofl:
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I can't rock with a commie lapdog like Donald. Its ******* traitorous.

Impeached for treason day 1 if elected.

I gotta assume he's already under surveillance and investigation.
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