***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm convinced that Trump could call Delk a racial slur to his face and he would proudly accept it and be first on line to vote for him. He would also tell us that Trump's inexperience caused him to use the slur then he would pivot to the Crime Bill and finish it off with reference to the First Step Act.
STAHP :lol:
And sure you can go "Well chickenpox is a joke, who needs that vaccine?". I get it. Chickenpox vaccination wasn't a thing when I was kid. Hell didn't even exist in America when I was born. It wasn't fun having it, but I survived. Everyone I've ever known that's had it survived. It is deadly but that's rare. But I would never willingly put my children through the now unnecessary discomfort I went through because I'm worried about what, autism? Hell even if I decide to not vaccinate them my kids will likely never experience chickenpox through the sheer power of herd immunization.
To add to this... shingles is no joke.

Children who got vaccinated now won't get shingles when they're older. About 1/3rd of us who got chickenpox rather than the vaccine will though.
This is a fair take. For consistency's sake, do you apply this same logic to local administrations? For example, can you separate the Mayor of New York City from the acts of the police chief in New York City? Or is that not possible because the Mayor appointed him? Same for Atlanta, etc.

of course homey.

For a lack of a less obvious analogy, If me, as a owner of a business and my employees are racist, homophobes, xenophobes, sexist, etc. It reflects on me. I hired the person who hired them. And i clearly didn't state the importance not being those things are.
I was not behaving in the manner you ascribe to me, as a absolute thinker, an extremist, that blindly supports everything a doctor says. You didn't ask me what motivated my position, you didn't ask me to expand on it, you just spewed some conjecture because I appeared a certain way to you. And that is whatever, that would be fine, if you were just doing that. But again, you were taking issue with me seemingly falsely labeling you anti-vax.
This was starting to hit me, until I realized that you literally tagged me in response to someone asking which staff is an anti-vaxxer. I'm not, but your response right here replying that I jumped to conclusions would have hit a lot harder if you didn't... jump... to conclusions. You're trying to suggest that I should have asked more questions or asked what motivated your position or asked you to expand on it... despite the fact that you did none of those things. It's literally reprimanding me for things I didn't do in labeling you... while ignoring that you didn't do those same things but labeled me... while ALSO ignoring that the first label from either one of us came from you labeling me an antivaxxer as a response to someone else's inquiry.

That aside, it did still hit: I did jump to conclusions (extremist, absolute thinking), and I shouldn't have. No need for me to keep that up. Yeah, I was frustrated with the antivaxx tag, but I should have further explained my position or questioned yours, like you said. My bad.
I just don't see how one can be pro SOME vaccines. Like how can you go "Man that polio vaccine was a great thing but the yellow fever vaccine? I just don't trust it. It's shady."
Not all vaxx are for previous global pandemics like polio and yellow fever.

Also, longitudinal studies have not been completed for all vaccinations required for children.

Literally the testing hasn't been completed but they are required. In what context could a doctor tell you 'Well your kid needs this, but we haven't completed testing on it. Are we a go?', and you nod your head yes? I have only heard of people nodding their head yes in that situation when it comes to vaccinations. Bring your kid in for strep throat? 'OK, so we just got this stuff in last week. Testing hasn't been completed on it yet, but I'm pretty sure it will knock this strep throat out by tomorrow. We good?' The next logical response for nearly all parents would be 'Wait, what do you mean testing hasn't been completed for it yet?'

But not now, and I really fear that it's because people don't want to be labeled 'Anti-vaxxer!', and I fear that people fear THAT because people ARE being labeled anti-vaxxers for just being critical. Shut up and support or be shamed.

Watch how many people double down on labeling me anti-vaxx now moving forward, which is weird considering my fully vaccinated child that I'm the primary guardian of.

Not all vaxx are for previous global pandemics like polio and yellow fever.

Also, longitudinal studies have not been completed for all vaccinations required for children.

Literally the testing hasn't been completed but they are required. In what context could a doctor tell you 'Well your kid needs this, but we haven't completed testing on it. Are we a go?', and you nod your head yes? I have only heard of people nodding their head yes in that situation when it comes to vaccinations. Bring your kid in for strep throat? 'OK, so we just got this stuff in last week. Testing hasn't been completed on it yet, but I'm pretty sure it will knock this strep throat out by tomorrow. We good?' The next logical response for nearly all parents would be 'Wait, what do you mean testing hasn't been completed for it yet?'

But not now, and I really fear that it's because people don't want to be labeled 'Anti-vaxxer!', and I fear that people fear THAT because people ARE being labeled anti-vaxxers for just being critical. Shut up and support or be shamed.

Watch how many people double down on labeling me anti-vaxx now moving forward, which is weird considering my fully vaccinated child that I'm the primary guardian of.

Your post is highly misleading. Vaccines undergo a very specific approval process outlined by the FDA. There is no vaccine being sold and administered that hasn't followed these guidelines. Like, I have no idea what your strep throat example is even trying to compare.

I work in medical devices. The amount of effort that goes into proving a product is safe and effective so that the FDA will approve it is insane. We aren't just coming up with random **** and selling it.
Your post is highly misleading. Vaccines undergo a very specific approval process outlined by the FDA. There is no vaccine being sold and administered that hasn't followed these guidelines. Like, I have no idea what your strep throat example is even trying to compare.

I work in medical devices. The amount of effort that goes into proving a product is safe and effective so that the FDA will approve it is insane. We aren't just coming up with random **** and selling it.

This is ********. The medical industry backed by Bill Gates and the Globalists have been partnering with big pharma for years to implant trackers into these vaccines so they can track us with 5G. Do you guys even read?
Your post is highly misleading. Vaccines undergo a very specific approval process outlined by the FDA. There is no vaccine being sold and administered that hasn't followed these guidelines. Like, I have no idea what your strep throat example is even trying to compare.
The reason we have to wait so long for a covid-19 vaccine is that they have to do widespread testing and wait long enough to see if there are any side effects.

It also takes a long time to produce all those injectable microchips and program them to transmit 5g signals to a computer running Microsoft Windows ME. Repeated BSOD is easily adding 2-3 months to the development period.
Your post is highly misleading. Vaccines undergo a very specific approval process outlined by the FDA. There is no vaccine being sold and administered that hasn't followed these guidelines. Like, I have no idea what your strep throat example is even trying to compare.

I work in medical devices. The amount of effort that goes into proving a product is safe and effective so that the FDA will approve it is insane. We aren't just coming up with random **** and selling it.
I was just about to say what doctors are pushing wholly untested medicines on children?
As far as I know no medicine makes it to the market in america without extensive testing.
The reason we have to wait so long for a covid-19 vaccine is that they have to do widespread testing and wait long enough to see if there are any side effects.

It also takes a long time to produce all those injectable microchips and program them to transmit 5g signals to a computer running Microsoft Windows ME. Repeated BSOD is easily adding 2-3 months to the development period.

The reason we have to wait so long for the vaccine is so they can implant it with autism at the end

Ok I’m done now. Vaccinate your kids dummies
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Not all vaxx are for previous global pandemics like polio and yellow fever.

Also, longitudinal studies have not been completed for all vaccinations required for children.

Literally the testing hasn't been completed but they are required. In what context could a doctor tell you 'Well your kid needs this, but we haven't completed testing on it. Are we a go?', and you nod your head yes? I have only heard of people nodding their head yes in that situation when it comes to vaccinations. Bring your kid in for strep throat? 'OK, so we just got this stuff in last week. Testing hasn't been completed on it yet, but I'm pretty sure it will knock this strep throat out by tomorrow. We good?' The next logical response for nearly all parents would be 'Wait, what do you mean testing hasn't been completed for it yet?'

But not now, and I really fear that it's because people don't want to be labeled 'Anti-vaxxer!', and I fear that people fear THAT because people ARE being labeled anti-vaxxers for just being critical. Shut up and support or be shamed.

Watch how many people double down on labeling me anti-vaxx now moving forward, which is weird considering my fully vaccinated child that I'm the primary guardian of.


Your post is highly misleading. Vaccines undergo a very specific approval process outlined by the FDA. There is no vaccine being sold and administered that hasn't followed these guidelines. Like, I have no idea what your strep throat example is even trying to compare.

I work in medical devices. The amount of effort that goes into proving a product is safe and effective so that the FDA will approve it is insane. We aren't just coming up with random **** and selling it.

Where have you heard of doctors giving out untested/unapproved vaccines? No health professional in their right mind would do anything like that. The only example remotely close to that are experimental treatments, live active vaccines in immunocompromised, or drugs with bad adverse reactions and those are only in life or death/extreme situations.
The micro chips are made in China. China has the wuhan virus at this point and they are unable to be shipped.

Tesla is working on an AMERICAN version of the micro chip at the moment so soon we will all be able to be micro chipped for anti terrorism reasons to defeat ANTIFA and own the libs.
This was starting to hit me, until I realized that you literally tagged me in response to someone asking which staff is an anti-vaxxer. I'm not, but your response right here replying that I jumped to conclusions would have hit a lot harder if you didn't... jump... to conclusions. You're trying to suggest that I should have asked more questions or asked what motivated your position or asked you to expand on it... despite the fact that you did none of those things. It's literally reprimanding me for things I didn't do in labeling you... while ignoring that you didn't do those same things but labeled me... while ALSO ignoring that the first label from either one of us came from you labeling me an antivaxxer as a response to someone else's inquiry.

That aside, it did still hit: I did jump to conclusions (extremist, absolute thinking), and I shouldn't have. No need for me to keep that up. Yeah, I was frustrated with the antivaxx tag, but I should have further explained my position or questioned yours, like you said. My bad.
-Someone asked a question based on a previous post of mine, I tagged you because you were the person I alluded to in my post. That's it why you were tagged. The other person's question was motivated my something I said. They didn't just randomly post it and I used that as the opportunity to bait you.

-I conceded it was fine if you wanted to say your position it different than being a anti-vaxxer. If you wanted to say I should not have jumped to conclusion on your position that is one thing. But after you took issue with certain behavior you claimed you didn't like, you then started to engage in it. I didn't do this.

So the equivalency you are trying to argue here doesn't work

I didn't take issue with you mischaracterizing my stance, then go onto call you a anti-vaxxer. (this would make my actions more like yours). I took issue with your rhetoric around the vaccine issue, but even if you take me tagging you as directly calling you an anti-vaxxer, and consider I made an incorrect assessment, when you said you were not I said, cool. I didn't try to further label you anything, I just said I didn't see the nuance in what you posted. I took your world for it when you said you were not an anti-vaxxer.

My issue was with the hypocrisy you displayed by strawmanning my stance, after taking issue with something I did. Not really the strawman itself. Look, here...

Please consider what you wrote....

You claim I see the topic as binary, you put me on one side of the argument, then you go onto ascribe behavior to people on that side the argument, i.e. me. That is what I am calling out, you tied behavior to me I didn't display. While taking issue that I didn't consider you can a centrist position on vaccines. Hence why I said you were strawmanning me, and why I called you a hypocrite.

On NT I have always disagreed with anti-vaxxers, but in the past I have said I understand why people get to that place, even though I think there are flaws in their analysis. In my original post to Based Jesus Based Jesus I was voicing my displeasure with the flaws in their analysis. I didn't say anything that came close to someone saying talk it just because a doctor says take it. I am supportive of vaccines, but my views are motivated by more than just blind faith in a doctor's opinion.

I was not behaving in the manner you ascribe to me, as a absolute thinker, an extremist, that blindly supports everything a doctor says. You didn't ask me what motivated my position, you didn't ask me to expand on it, you just spewed some conjecture because I appeared a certain way to you. And that is whatever, that would be fine, if you were just doing that. But again, you were taking issue with me seemingly falsely labeling you anti-vax. So again, you are just a pot calling the kettle Dominicano.

I perfectly fine with staff members having different opinions than mine. But I also think it is perfectly fine for me to take issue with post and opinions I disagree with. I called it a word salad because it was just some conjecture about how I supposedly view things. So were not responding to me, you were responding to what you think my position on the issue is.

Someone asked me who I was referring to from a previous post. A post where I didn't mention your name. That is why I tagged you. I didn't do it to bait you into an argument in hopes of ridiculing you. Maybe you should go back and read the previous page.

I said if you just jumped to a conclusion based on me it would be fine (in other words if you were just returning the same energy it wouldn't be an issue), but you didn't just do that.

If you had taken issue with my post without continuing onto push conjecture about my stance, I would not have point out the hypocrisy of your post. If you had jump to conclusion about my stance without taking issue with me supposedly doing it to you, I would not have pointed out the hypocrisy of your post.

It was the combination of them I was mainly calling out.

My bad so jumping to conclusion on your position, but even then I still find you stance on vaccines problematic for many reasons. But like I said I mostly fine it futile to argue with people on that subject.
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Was there any question she would lose though?

She might have some difficulty next time around because her district might get redrawn if NY loses a house seat.
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