***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Voting is worthles..half or more of polling machines don't work or have an glitch that shows as no vote. Even votes the opposite of they chosen. Remember the presidents are selected not elected. Everything is already planned..Trump is an puppet he's not running things it's an group.
What is your previous screen name?
Lastly, if Biden already has 80-90% of the black vote then what is his incentive to do more?

Reparations was the other condition I mentioned in the post.

Only one issue with your proposal I have is that the capital to black businesses is in loan form. Grant form is better considering the, ya know, free labor of slavery.

Also, the quoted portion is exactly the problem. That is unacceptable.
False. I am not against vaccinations.

It seems you're an absolute thinker, so if someone is not completely supportive, then they are completely against. The extremists from both sides of this very polarizing topic are the problem. People who are completely anti-vax are the problem as much as people who are blindly supportive. "My doctor said! So pass the vaccinations!" is as problematic as "Nope, keep them all away from me, please and thank you. I use essential oils and moon phases!"
False. I am not against vaccinations.

It seems you're an absolute thinker, so if someone is not completely supportive, then they are completely against. The extremists from both sides of this very polarizing topic are the problem. People who are completely anti-vax are the problem as much as people who are blindly supportive. "My doctor said! So pass the vaccinations!" is as problematic as "Nope, keep them all away from me, please and thank you. I use essential oils and moon phases!"

You were clearly arguing on one side of the topic. There was hardly seemed to be nuance to your position. You want to claim it is, ok, fine, but I didn't see it.

Yet you take issue with me supposedly not being accepting of you having a nuanced position on the topic, then spew some conjecture about me and my position. I'm an absolute thinker and a extremist. :lol: Ok

So you are a hypocrite on top of being a both sides hot taker on vaccinations. Got it.

Also, Meth has said repeatedly that the moderation team has been struggling to keep up with the conspiracy theory nonsense that has sprung up since Covid popped off. I would think a staff member would be measure his words better on the issue as to not to appear to add to the dumpster fire. But you go ahead and strawman people and rant about folk accepting the advice of medical professionals.

But knock ya self out, b.
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Strawman? 😂 You just said that clearly I'm arguing on one side of the topic. My very first words were that it seems you're an absolute thinker. That's not a strawman argument, because you literally just showed that you fall into absolute thinking on this one, by stating that clearly I'm arguing on one side. That's absolute thinking; it's either this side or that side. Or are you not familiar with absolute thinking and strawman arguments? And possibly just don't want have staff to have opinions that differ from yours, and if they do, that's unacceptable and that must be what Meth is talking about?

You tagged me. This word salad is supposed to mean exactly would you intended; this is what you wanted. You expected to tag someone so you can mock their response, calling it a word salad?
No vaccine is perfectly safe. An adverse event can be said to be
caused by a vaccine (i.e., a true reaction) if it is associated with a
specific laboratory finding and a specific clinical syndrome or both.
Alternatively, a clinical or epidemiological study is needed to find out
whether the rate of a given syndrome in vaccinated individuals exceeds
that expected among unvaccinated controls.

Immune panels and other laboratory tests, medical histories, and the
supporting medical literature support a causal association, with increased
risks among those children who are sick or have recently been sick.

Vaccination may damage children in several ways. Live or attenuated
virus vaccination can actually produce the infection that the vaccine is
supposed to prevent.

A second mechanism of damage comes from neurotoxic materials found
sometimes in vaccines. Thimerosol is the most widely discussed, since it
contains mercury.

The third, and probably the most important theory of vaccine damage,
relates to allergic reactions and the development of an autoimmune
response, stimulated by the vaccine and its adjuvant. Vaccines always
contain adjuvants, which are substances known to amplify the body's
response to the vaccine. These adjuvants are known to sometimes cause
allergic and autoimmune responses on their own.

I won't hijack the thread going off topic.
I don't think anyone would say a vaccine is "perfectly safe". Scientists are pretty aware of the risks associated with vaccines.

You mention mercury. Why did you think that was significant?

Do you have any scientific literature that compares the risks associated with vaccination versus the risks associated with being infected with various diseases that vaccines are used to prevent?
Reparations was the other condition I mentioned in the post.

Only one issue with your proposal I have is that the capital to black businesses is in loan form. Grant form is better considering the, ya know, free labor of slavery.

Also, the quoted portion is exactly the problem. That is unacceptable.

American politics as it stands is terrible and choosing between Trump and Hilary or Trump and Biden sucks, frankly. The part of what I said that you quoted is the worst part of politics, and that was the point. Once a politician knows they have someone's vote the dialogue stops almost immediately, unless you're Trump then every word is directed at your base at all times. So do I feel that there is no incentive for Biden to push reparations of course not. It would be huge if he endorsed reparations and it would be the right thing.

If the GOP was so smart and actually wanted more black people included in their base they would make a push for reparations but that would also be A LOT of white folks admitting that bad things happened to black people for a long time and that we are justifiably pissed off and I don't see that happening either.

Grants would be even better, in general there needs to be billions and billions of dollars for Black Americans to start businesses and invest in their community. That we can agree on.
On 21 January 2016, dubious news and conspiracy theory site Your News Wire (now NewsPunch) published an article with the headline “Bill Gates Admits ‘Vaccines Are Best Way to Depopulate’”. The article opened with a damning assertion: “Bill Gates has openly admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can depopulate the world.”
Please post that in context.

His argument is that by decreasing childhood mortality there will be less pressure on families to have large numbers of children. This is coupled with improving reproductive care to women. Not really that controversial.

Bill Gates:
Well, the population growth issue, at the global level, is not that daunting. That is, the population, percentage-wise, is growing slower today than in the past. And so it will actually peak out. The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it. So it's in the very poorest places that you're going to have a tripling in population by 2050.

And so their ability to feed, educate, provide jobs, stability, protect the environment in those locations means, they're faced with an almost impossible problem, Northern Nigeria, Yemen, Chad. And so what we need to do is take this aid generosity and this innovation and go into those places-- offer the women better tools, where they want to space birthing or have a smaller family size, and improve health, because it's amazingly as children survive, parents feel like they'll have enough kids to support them in their old age. And so they choose to have less children.

Niger, right now, it's still seven children per family. Whereas in the richer countries you're often at a stable point of which is 2.1 or even less. And so it's really an acute problem in a certain number of places. And we've got to make sure that we help out with the tools now so that they don't have an impossible situation later.
American politics as it stands is terrible and choosing between Trump and Hilary or Trump and Biden sucks, frankly. The part of what I said that you quoted is the worst part of politics, and that was the point. Once a politician knows they have someone's vote the dialogue stops almost immediately, unless you're Trump then every word is directed at your base at all times. So do I feel that there is no incentive for Biden to push reparations of course not. It would be huge if he endorsed reparations and it would be the right thing.

If the GOP was so smart and actually wanted more black people included in their base they would make a push for reparations but that would also be A LOT of white folks admitting that bad things happened to black people for a long time and that we are justifiably pissed off and I don't see that happening either.

Grants would be even better, in general there needs to be billions and billions of dollars for Black Americans to start businesses and invest in their community. That we can agree on.

You have outlined why it is so troubling that Democrats can simply rely on the black vote.

Trump has an incentive to do more for the black vote because he wants to increase the black voter turnout for him. I think him pressuring certain legislation is because of that.
Strawman? 😂 You just said that clearly I'm arguing on one side of the topic. My very first words were that it seems you're an absolute thinker. That's not a strawman argument. You literally just showed that you fall into absolute thinking on this one, and that I'm arguing on one side. That's absolute thinking; it's either this side or that side. Or are you not familiar with absolute thinking and strawman arguments? And possibly just don't want have staff to have opinions that differ from yours, and if they do, that's unacceptable and that must be what Meth is talking about?

You tagged me. This word salad is supposed to mean exactly would you intended; this is what you wanted. You expected to tag someone so you can mock their response, calling it a word salad?
Please consider what you wrote....

False. I am not against vaccinations.

It seems you're an absolute thinker, so if someone is not completely supportive, then they are completely against. The extremists from both sides of this very polarizing topic are the problem. People who are completely anti-vax are the problem as much as people who are blindly supportive. "My doctor said! So pass the vaccinations!" is as problematic as "Nope, keep them all away from me, please and thank you. I use essential oils and moon phases!"

You claim I see the topic as binary, you put me on one side of the argument, then you go onto ascribe behavior to people on that side the argument, i.e. me. That is what I am calling out, you tied behavior to me I didn't display. While taking issue that I didn't consider you can a centrist position on vaccines. Hence why I said you were strawmanning me, and why I called you a hypocrite.

On NT I have always disagreed with anti-vaxxers, but in the past I have said I understand why people get to that place, even though I think there are flaws in their analysis. In my original post to Based Jesus Based Jesus I was voicing my displeasure with the flaws in their analysis. I didn't say anything that came close to someone saying talk it just because a doctor says take it. I am supportive of vaccines, but my views are motivated by more than just blind faith in a doctor's opinion.

I was not behaving in the manner you ascribe to me, as a absolute thinker, an extremist, that blindly supports everything a doctor says. You didn't ask me what motivated my position, you didn't ask me to expand on it, you just spewed some conjecture because I appeared a certain way to you. And that is whatever, that would be fine, if you were just doing that. But again, you were taking issue with me seemingly falsely labeling you anti-vax. So again, you are just a pot calling the kettle Dominicano.

I perfectly fine with staff members having different opinions than mine. But I also think it is perfectly fine for me to take issue with post and opinions I disagree with. I called it a word salad because it was just some conjecture about how I supposedly view things. So were not responding to me, you were responding to what you think my position on the issue is.

Someone asked me who I was referring to from a previous post. A post where I didn't mention your name. That is why I tagged you. I didn't do it to bait you into an argument in hopes of ridiculing you. Maybe you should go back and read the previous page.
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I just don't see how one can be pro SOME vaccines. Like how can you go "Man that polio vaccine was a great thing but the yellow fever vaccine? I just don't trust it. It's shady."

And sure you can go "Well chickenpox is a joke, who needs that vaccine?". I get it. Chickenpox vaccination wasn't a thing when I was kid. Hell didn't even exist in America when I was born. It wasn't fun having it, but I survived. Everyone I've ever known that's had it survived. It is deadly but that's rare. But I would never willingly put my children through the now unnecessary discomfort I went through because I'm worried about what, autism? Hell even if I decide to not vaccinate them my kids will likely never experience chickenpox through the sheer power of herd immunization.

My sister was born a decade after me. She's never had it. Never went to school with anyone who got it. Never had friends who got it. A vastly different experience from all of us here I'm sure. An entire generation that never collectively suffered from chickenpox. The first one. And who did it harm? None of them are crying over missing the experience of oatmeal baths and your mother slapping you for scratching. 10 years was all it took for chickenpox to become an outdated experience.
Sorry to hear that. Has to be tough to work in those environments.

40-50 is a bit older age range than Paris and that boy that was dancing. I have heard the same as it relates to that age range (got a homeboy that is an RN and one that is an NP) but it doesn't seem to be as much of a death sentence for folks in their 20s and 30s. Has that been what you've seen as well? Or is it consistent in that age group too?

Don't worry about the sympathy. Just doing the job I signed up for.

I can only speak for my own experiences, but we don't see 40-50 year olds in the ICU for conditions like the flu or pneumonia unless they already have pre-existing conditions/comorbidities. We've had a couple 30-somethings with COVID that weren't so lucky. Not as many as people in their 40s-50s, but the cases were there.

No matter the case, the hospital I work in was a complete dumpster fire for the past few months and the only variable that changed was the introduction of COVID into our community. I've worked through previous flu seasons, but we've never seen anything like this. Especially telling considering that we were getting patients bussed out to us from areas hit harder than we were.
In 200 years' time, humans are going to look back and debate whether the Internet was a good or bad thing.
Anti vaxers are a product of being able to connect with anyone from any corner of the world, believing in some nut who speaks well but has no background in science. It's a vehicle for dangerous cults to prop up around the world.
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