***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But can the U.S. w/o capitalism anytime soon. It may not be as profitable, but it does seem to be at a all time high if that makes sense. White supremacy & capitalism go hand and hand, and I don't see the ppl profiting from it giving it up anytime soon. However, between da rona & this protest going on atm, it has exposed just how vulnerable capitalism is. The ppl have the power, it's just up to us to utilize it efficiently. Capitalism is a morally corrupt system to abide by.

May u name 3 good looking clowns?

1. You want open primaries, fair enough. I mean I have a preference for a system but I don't care that much.

2. (1) I dunno what this is. And to be honest I don't feel i want to know.

(2) Dude there are general elections. You have a chance to vote for whomever you like in a general election. Joe Biden has no power to affect laws right now. If you don't want to vote for dude, then don't. If you want to vote for Bernie or Pete or someone else in the fall, write them in. A primary nominates people for an election, a general election hands them political power. You are not being frozen out of deciding who implements laws that you have to abide by. You are being frozen out of having a say in who a political party you don't want to be a member of, is gonna nominate for the election that matters.

(3) You are gonna have to flesh out this argument more. Because politically, the period of modern history we we saw the least about of partisanship and the parties were more ideological diverse minorities didn't Civil Rights. It was when one party committed to it giving them that, and the other committed to fighting against that, did the parties start to realign. Some things should be black and white. A negative peace for the sake of compromise always seems like a good idea to someone when their issue is not the one being ignored .

BTW, most recently the most successful third way political movements have need animated by white nationalism and white supremacy.

Some things should be black and white.

4. In regards to anarchy, I did not make the argument that we need a government just to maintain law and order. That is not even my made issue with it. Anarchist will **** on the current system (some of their arguments are extremely valid) but always act like the alternative (which as never worked) is so simple. Anarchy is not just the absence of government as we see it now, anarchy is the absence of all formal governing bodies. If your country has leaders that makes decisions for the people, by way of elections, war, witan, etc. it is not an anarchist state.

There is not model in another part of the world we can follow, no model from even recent history, not serious theory of how to get all the functions of government does from big and small. Like who builds the roads, so inspects the food, who maintains the bridges, who keeps the birds off of runways. Who protects workers? Who protects the consumers? Some will try to say communism is that answer but again a) Whereas that **** worked to good result? b)Where is the model for it c) A classless society still doesn't address the issue of who or what will be responsible for all the activities that formal government organizations do. And that is mainly speaking on the economic side, anarchy will do nothing to lessen white supremacy. In fact it will probably animate it even more.

And when this is brought up the anarchist reply is usually a criticism on the current system and not explanation of how the things they are advocating will work. I am not happy with the standard quo in many areas of society, damn nearly all. If I could snap the Infinity gauntlet to create my ideal socio economic system it would look much more like a socialist state. But for right now, I am not support a form of society who argument basically follows...

5. 1. Overthrow current government
2. Install anarchist society
4. Utopia
2. (1) @MinnesotasChef = mplsdunk mplsdunk

(2) I understand that, I just don't like it. If I had it my way & I'm positive it will happen sooner than later, I would like for independents to have a say on one side during the primaries. Definitely not two that would cause a whole lot of manipulative activity & people would rig it so Kanye runs against a roach.

3. Man all partisan stuff ain't doing nothing creating daunting bickering that may or may not result in a compromise that barely moves the needle. You & dwalk31 dwalk31 may the best example of this. You go back and forth, but what do either of you really achieve from it? The only conclusion I ever really see is due to one of u getting tired of responding to the other, and thats the compromise. It's congress in a nutshell. A senseless cycle of opposing egos clas resulting in a lackluster compromise if there even is one. Has dwalk been banned? dwalk31 dwalk31 have u convince rusty aren't a bigot or a "pathetic troll"? What is really getting accomplished?

4. In regards to Anarchy. I never said I was for it, that was just me throwing out a thought.
-But the FDA= Big Trash (look at these fatass kids)
-Industrialization=Bigger Trash (s/o to global warming)
-Bridge Maintenance= Somebody will do it.
-If a bird wants to stand or sit there to be run over by a plane then **** that bird.
-Workers can unionize. If they're here illegally then that's a deeper conversations.
-Consumer protection is up to them. People are paying a $1500 plus for those ugly ***, cheap *** Chunky Dunky's that would be around $160 at most on the secondary market 2yrs ago. If there's one thing being into sneakers has taught is that buyer's run the sneaker resale market, and resellers are asking for what they think the buyers will pay. Consumers are in charge of themselves

Now for communism. Communism is just as contradictory as capitalism, the contradictions are why they're both **** system's. Communism preaches equality, yet you have ppl in charge enforcing said "equality." Capitalism produces & promotes crippling debt that only the people up top w/ a false sense of security benefits from and the people under are nothing more than indentured servants. The common occurrence w/ both is that some are benefitting while many aren't. Black & White.

5. Doesn't work:
as long as gran turismo is ps exclusive I’m gonna have a ps...
AMEN. Merica's console, the Sony Playstation, is something libs and dems just cant handle in their baby sized leftist hands. That soyboi system Xsux cant compare with PATRIOTIC coal-fired PS5. And when we're ROLLING COAL in our Ford F350 Superduty's on Trial Mountain, libcuks in their moms basements will be jerking it to the same extremist liberal conjecture and innuendo they've been hearing on Xbox Live for the past 2 decades.
2. (1) @MinnesotasChef = mplsdunk mplsdunk

(2) I understand that, I just don't like it. If I had it my way & I'm positive it will happen sooner than later, I would like for independents to have a say on one side during the primaries. Definitely not two that would cause a whole lot of manipulative activity & people would rig it so Kanye runs against a roach.

3. Man all partisan stuff ain't doing nothing creating daunting bickering that may or may not result in a compromise that barely moves the needle. You & dwalk31 dwalk31 may the best example of this. You go back and forth, but what do either of you really achieve from it? The only conclusion I ever really see is due to one of u getting tired of responding to the other, and thats the compromise. It's congress in a nutshell. A senseless cycle of opposing egos clas resulting in a lackluster compromise if there even is one. Has dwalk been banned? dwalk31 dwalk31 have u convince rusty aren't a bigot or a "pathetic troll"? What is really getting accomplished?

4. In regards to Anarchy. I never said I was for it, that was just me throwing out a thought.
-But the FDA= Big Trash (look at these fatass kids)
-Industrialization=Bigger Trash (s/o to global warming)
-Bridge Maintenance= Somebody will do it.
-If a bird wants to stand or sit there to be run over by a plane then **** that bird.
-Workers can unionize. If they're here illegally then that's a deeper conversations.
-Consumer protection is up to them. People are paying a $1500 plus for those ugly ***, cheap *** Chunky Dunky's that would be around $160 at most on the secondary market 2yrs ago. If there's one thing being into sneakers has taught is that buyer's run the sneaker resale market, and resellers are asking for what they think the buyers will pay. Consumers are in charge of themselves

Now for communism. Communism is just as contradictory as capitalism, the contradictions are why they're both **** system's. Communism preaches equality, yet you have ppl in charge enforcing said "equality." Capitalism produces & promotes crippling debt that only the people up top w/ a false sense of security benefits from and the people under are nothing more than indentured servants. The common occurrence w/ both is that some are benefitting while many aren't. Black & White.

5. Doesn't work:

2. Yeah your solution makes little sense. So one party needs to let independents affect their primary and the other side shouldn't? Famb, you have a say, you want more of one, just join a damn party. In practice all you are saying is that one party should absorb all the independents into their primary process. Instead of them not choosing to opt in themselves.

BTW Being an independent doesn't make anyone special. Doesn't make them anymore important. And the both sides shtick is tired.

The gridlock in Congress is simply not because of a partisan feelings, structurally our electoral system is broken and it protest bad actors. Proper electoral reforms and dropping the fillibuster would break the gridlock.

I don't think or act like anything I do in here has massive effect on moving the country in the right direction. And most someone will read one of my post and gain some insight. I am not on NT to practice armchair activism to just spare with people that disagree with me.

NT is a hangout spot. Dwalk is a troll and racist within a hangout those rhetoric I challenge, it is simple as that.

I give thousands of dollars to causes I feel are important each year. I donate to political campaigns of progressive candidates I support. I go to local city council meeting and met with local officials. I knock on doors for candidates. I hit the street to get people registered. I drive people to the polls when it comes election time. Before work took up so much of my time I volunteered, and tutored students. That is how I try to have an impact on the world. I don't think I am helping bring about positive change by bickering with Dwalk. I am just challenge nonsense in a space I enjoy to spend time in.

So please, If you don't like the exchanges then block us. Simple.

I am going to ignore that whole anarchy part because that is handwaving a word salad I don't want to pick though. Your are kinda proving my point about people that don't give alternative systems serious enough thought.

We pretty much done here. Because I get the feeling I am being baited.
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But can the U.S. w/o capitalism anytime soon. It may not be as profitable, but it does seem to be at a all time high if that makes sense. White supremacy & capitalism go hand and hand, and I don't see the ppl profiting from it giving it up anytime soon. However, between da rona & this protest going on atm, it has exposed just how vulnerable capitalism is. The ppl have the power, it's just up to us to utilize it efficiently. Capitalism is a morally corrupt system to abide by.

If capitalism is ended, it will end because of a multi racial worker's coalition. The capital owning class will never voluntarily give it up.

You're absolutely right that capitalism and white supremacy are intertwined. White supremacy dulls the class consciousness of white workers and it allows capital to hyper exploit people of color here and abroad. Capital feeds white supremacy in a few ways. It supports racist politicians but it does other powerful but insidious things. It lobbies for forced prison labor to be maintained and it overthrows movements in the global south that seek to become industrialized and that seek to provide their people with positive rights like access to education and healthcare. Capital also manufactures consent as it owns both newspapers and creates most entertainment which shape the world view that non white people are criminal, servile or both, in nature.

1. Yeah your solution makes little sense. So one party needs to let independents affect their primary and the other side shouldn't? Famb, you have a say, you want more of one, just join a damn party. In practice all you are saying is that one party should absorb all the independents into their primary process. Instead of them not choosing to opt in themselves.

2. BTW Being an independent doesn't make anyone special. Doesn't make them anymore important. And the both sides shtick is tired.

3. NT is a hangout spot. Dwalk is a troll with a hangout that I challenge, it is simple as that.

4. The gridlock in Congress is simply not because of a partisan feelings, structurally our electoral system is broken and it protest bad actors. Proper electoral reforms and dropping the fillibuster would break the gridlock.

5. I don't think or act like anything I do in here has massive effect on moving the country in the right direction. And most someone will read one of my post and gain some insight. I not

I give thousands of dollars to causes I feel are important each year. I donate to political campaigns of progressive candidates I support. I go to local city council meeting and met with local officials. I knock on doors for candidates. I hit the street to get people registered. I drive people to the polls when it comes election time. Before work took up so much of my time I volunteered, and tutored students. That is how I try to have an impact on the world. I don't think I am helping bring about positive change by bickering with Dwalk. I am just challenge nonsense in a space I enjoy to spend time in.

6. So please, If you don't like the exchanges then block us. Simple.

7. I am going to ignore that whole anarchy part because that is handwaving a word salad I don't want to pick though. Your are kinda proving my point about people that don't give alternative systems serious enough thought.

We pretty much done here. Because I get the feeling I am being baited.
I was started this discussion(me) / arguement (you) w/ a clear lack of knowledge. Your problem is that you immediately turned this into a one-sided argument I wasn't arguing w/ u. I wasn't until this very paragraph. My feet are still on the ground while yours dangling from a horse. Don't look down on me.

1. You and both know there are left leaning indies & right leaning indies. Independent voters being able vote for everything democratic or republican (congress, senate, state) in some Open states except for the Presidential choices are just nonsensical. So I can vote for the ppl who regulates the bills, but I can't have a say in who signs off on them? Come on b. Like saying "pick a switch," but your siblings get to pick which parents wacks you w/ it.

2. Oh I know It definitely doesn't make you special. It makes you less important. That's clear as day.

3. He denies this, u deny his denial. Cool. Idc.

4. I don't think the electoral college should be reformed, I think it should be abolished It compromises da democracy.

5. Charitable stuff. Thank you for going out of your way to be active in your community & setting gorgeous example. Yes, I learn from reading these textbooks y'all post in here. Don't always agree, but it's helpful.

6. Papi you need to relax. Go to get you hot chocolate, the darker the better b/c it has higher doses melatonin. Relax man.

7. For the love of god I am not a anarchy pusher. I mean I have a one shirt w/ a anarchy symbol, but it's a Dean Ambrose shirt. It wouldn't sit well w/ me owning a Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins shirt, and not Dean Ambrose. Nothing more, nothing less. Once again, it was just a thought. Anarchy would be a terrible long term solution.

If capitalism is ended, it will end because of a multi racial worker's coalition. The capital owning class will never voluntarily give it up.

You're absolutely right that capitalism and white supremacy are intertwined. White supremacy dulls the class consciousness of white workers and it allows capital to hyper exploit people of color here and abroad. Capital feeds white supremacy in a few ways. It supports racist politicians but it does other powerful but insidious things. It lobbies for forced prison labor to be maintained and it overthrows movements in the global south that seek to become industrialized and that seek to provide their people with positive rights like access to education and healthcare. Capital also manufactures consent as it owns both newspapers and creates most entertainment which shape the world view that non white people are criminal, servile or both, in nature.
Capitalism prevents you from legally collecting rain water. It's too extreme of system & is doused in fascism. It never last & our best & most parallel example is the Roman Empire.
I was started this discussion(me) / arguement (you) w/ a clear lack of knowledge. Your problem is that you immediately turned this into a one-sided argument I wasn't arguing w/ u. I wasn't until this very paragraph. My feet are still on the ground while yours dangling from a horse. Don't look down on me.

1. You and both know there are left leaning indies & right leaning indies. Independent voters being able vote for everything democratic or republican (congress, senate, state) in some Open states except for the Presidential choices are just nonsensical. So I can vote for the ppl who regulates the bills, but I can't have a say in who signs off on them? Come on b. Like saying "pick a switch," but your siblings get to pick which parents wacks you w/ it.

2. Oh I know It definitely doesn't make you special. It makes you less important. That's clear as day.

3. He denies this, u deny his denial. Cool. Idc.

4. I don't think the electoral college should be reformed, I think it should be abolished It compromises da democracy.

5. Charitable stuff. Thank you for going out of your way to be active in your community & setting gorgeous example. Yes, I learn from reading these textbooks y'all post in here. Don't always agree, but it's helpful.

6. Papi you need to relax. Go to get you hot chocolate, the darker the better b/c it has higher doses melatonin. Relax man.

7. For the love of god I am not a anarchy pusher. I mean I have a one shirt w/ a anarchy symbol, but it's a Dean Ambrose shirt. It wouldn't sit well w/ me owning a Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins shirt, and not Dean Ambrose. Nothing more, nothing less. Once again, it was just a thought. Anarchy would be a terrible long term solution.

Capitalism prevents you from legally collecting rain water. It's too extreme of system & is doused in fascism. It never last & our best & most parallel example is the Roman Empire.
Ok, cool
Someone school me on why media is treating the ATL shooting almost the same as they did with other REAL innocent people dying for wayyy less reason

obviouslY I think there should be 0 deaths at hands of cops but the guy was sleeping at a drive thru, drunk and stole a cops taser and pointed it at the cop. I mean someone cue the Chris rock video about how to act when cops stop you. They aren’t your friends. They stop you, keep it business and for the love of god don’t fight them and steal their tasers

Disclaimer: I’m a long time BLM advocate. In fact I think it’s even silly to stop at “matters” but society ain’t there yet unfortunately. I don’t mean to say cops are right and people should bow down to them but I don’t wanna give fuel to the anti BLM folks by equating this senseless shooting (where the cops won’t get fired since they technically did the right thing according to protocol) to one where cops are blatantly asses (pick any of the many cases where cops kill a guy for doing literally nothing and not even resisting)
Someone school me on why media is treating the ATL shooting almost the same as they did with other REAL innocent people dying for wayyy less reason

obviouslY I think there should be 0 deaths at hands of cops but the guy was sleeping at a drive thru, drunk and stole a cops taser and pointed it at the cop. I mean someone cue the Chris rock video about how to act when cops stop you. They aren’t your friends. They stop you, keep it business and for the love of god don’t fight them and steal their tasers

Disclaimer: I’m a long time BLM advocate. In fact I think it’s even silly to stop at “matters” but society ain’t there yet unfortunately. I don’t mean to say cops are right and people should bow down to them but I don’t wanna give fuel to the anti BLM folks by equating this senseless shooting (where the cops won’t get fired since they technically did the right thing according to protocol) to one where cops are blatantly asses (pick any of the many cases where cops kill a guy for doing literally nothing and not even resisting)

I agree that this guy shouldn’t have stolen the taser that’s a death sentence no matter what, but the fact that he was running away and got shot in the back AND it’s the worst possible time in history for excessive force is prob why.
Can we make this guy a mod already...

2. Yeah your solution makes little sense. So one party needs to let independents affect their primary and the other side shouldn't? Famb, you have a say, you want more of one, just join a damn party. In practice all you are saying is that one party should absorb all the independents into their primary process. Instead of them not choosing to opt in themselves.

BTW Being an independent doesn't make anyone special. Doesn't make them anymore important. And the both sides shtick is tired.

The gridlock in Congress is simply not because of a partisan feelings, structurally our electoral system is broken and it protest bad actors. Proper electoral reforms and dropping the fillibuster would break the gridlock.

I don't think or act like anything I do in here has massive effect on moving the country in the right direction. And most someone will read one of my post and gain some insight. I am not on NT to practice armchair activism to just spare with people that disagree with me.

NT is a hangout spot. Dwalk is a troll and racist within a hangout those rhetoric I challenge, it is simple as that.

I give thousands of dollars to causes I feel are important each year. I donate to political campaigns of progressive candidates I support. I go to local city council meeting and met with local officials. I knock on doors for candidates. I hit the street to get people registered. I drive people to the polls when it comes election time. Before work took up so much of my time I volunteered, and tutored students. That is how I try to have an impact on the world. I don't think I am helping bring about positive change by bickering with Dwalk. I am just challenge nonsense in a space I enjoy to spend time in.

So please, If you don't like the exchanges then block us. Simple.

I am going to ignore that whole anarchy part because that is handwaving a word salad I don't want to pick though. Your are kinda proving my point about people that don't give alternative systems serious enough thought.

We pretty much done here. Because I get the feeling I am being baited.
He was running and half assed drunkenly pointed a taser at the cop. He was never in danger of losing his life. Not that that even matters because he signed up to be a cop and **** like this is gonna happen. Doesn’t mean you get to kill the guy.

f that cop, how about we give him a taser and the victims family gets a gun and he gets to run while they fire off 10 shots in his back.
I agree that this guy shouldn’t have stolen the taser that’s a death sentence no matter what, but the fact that he was running away and got shot in the back AND it’s the worst possible time in history for excessive force is prob why.
Ahh I see. I read somewhere he pointed the taser at the cop and that’s when they shot him. Maybe misread? Who knows. Still horrible
He was running and half assed drunkenly pointed a taser at the cop. He was never in danger of losing his life. Not that that even matters because he signed up to be a cop and **** like this is gonna happen. Doesn’t mean you get to kill the guy.

f that cop, how about we give him a taser and the victims family gets a gun and he gets to run while they fire off 10 shots in his back.
True. Zero doubt that If he was white he wouldn’t have been shot dead.
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